
15 thoughts on “07/06/2012

  1. Tyler’s a psion who befuddles people’s minds so they don’t know who he is when he disguises himself? 😉 Not a bad power to have…

    1. Growing up, I invented a superhero called “The Orange Emumu” whose sole power was that no one was capable of connecting his super identity with his normal identity.

      He tried to “come out” on live TV once. The cameras zoom in… the mask comes off… and suddenly everyone’s looking to see where the Orange Emumu went, and going “Get that guy off the stage” as though he’d just played some trick on them.

      He could do it in either direction, and it happened instantly.

      Of course, the “mask” I wore while I played him was an orange mesh bag meant to hold produce, so… it’d have to be a superpower that made it work like any sort of disguise.

  2. But if that is Tyler’s power, then he’d be a metahuman; and Cecil’s metahuman detection doesn’t trigger for Tyler.

    I wonder if an inability to see through the simplest disguise is a general metahuman trait… it would explain a lot if so. (Like how superheroes always seem to think that such a simple disguise will fool everyone else, too. How many times has a superintelligent villain failed to recognise how this one guy looks just like the hero, except without the mask?)

    1. What if Tyler’s metahuman ability trumps Cecil’s?

  3. Super joke at the end there.

  4. @CCC

    I always kind of thought superman mesmerized women like a vampire, and that’s why no one quite “saw” through his disguise. After all, men don’t usually pay that much attention to beta males. And, while it could be argued Clark would have some level of automatic primacy, presence, or authority because of his unique physique and his ability to write copy like whirlwind. I figure most people write him off because they assume he’s an introvert.

  5. The inability to tell Tylor is moon Shadow is not the direct result of being meta-human. Given no normal person has been given a fair chance but so far three people figured out who Moon Shadow is. The principal who is a psychic meta-human, the teleporting meta-human school bully, and his best friend who’s meta-human ability allows him to tell is someone else is meta-human. There could be something about the meta-human culture which these three are exempt from but its not simply being meta-human.

    1. Miss Kyle also knows who Moonshadow is. Go back to the Creative Writing issue and reread the speech she gives to Tyler after class. She knows. And Principal Cranston SHOULD know who Moonshadow is, since he’s the one who set Tyler up with Revenant at the beginnng. On top of that, CHARLES DOESN’T KNOW TYLER IS MOONSHADOW. Charles only know Tyler is “Ultima Powers’s kid”, because Tyler’s helm played the recording on the asteroid — at the career fair, Tyler was dressed in the outfit his parents gave him, not in any of his Moonshadow garb.

      Go back and reread Charles’s dialogue. He’s never said anything that implies he knows, at all. During the first confrontation with Moonshadow, not once does Charles call him “Ty D Dowl”, which is what he ALWAYS calls Tyler. Charles only calls him “kid”, and I doubt Charles would care about any secret identity stuff. He only guesses that Moonshadow has no real powers, but that could apply to any number of people. During the whole asteroid sequence, Charles doesn’t make a single reference to Moonshadow or the incident where the kids took him down…because Charles doesn’t think Tyler was there. A bully like Charles would never pass up a chance to taunt and insult someone where it really hurts; a bully would have made it clear he was getting revenge for that stuff. But Charles says NOTHING about it. He just continues to bully and abuse Tyler as he always has …as a big strong kid picking on someone whom he thinks is a weak, powerless nobody.

  6. LOL! “Nobody else has figured out yet! Maybe that’s your super power!” xD

  7. That’s all sorts of people’s super power. I mean, nobody’s figured out Superman is really Bruce Wayne!

  8. ive heard the theory here and there that only people who are not supers or knee deep in the whole super business are able to see through such things :3

  9. Cecil knows, The Revenant knows, Principal Crandall figured it out with some inside info and basic logic, Dr Newby knows due to events during the Septos invasion, and presumably the rest of the staff knows (or at least the former U of J crew).

    Lyle potentially does as well, but then he knows everything.

  10. What has happened to the store – links no longer work.
    Payments are accepted, but goods not sent, emails ignored ????

    1. We are working on getting the new store up. Till it is up the links will not work.

      As far as e-mails go, I will check with Aaron and find out what is going on with your order. Please e-mail me at drew@nodwick.com with the details and we will look into it.

  11. Oh Ron, you are SO being used!

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