
15 thoughts on “04/16/2014

  1. ha, help cleaning up the robit, no they’re keeping that thing. you’ve just dramatically upset the balance of power in this world.

    1. It was powered by Zodon’s Deus Ex Machine. So right now it is a tops a odd statue.

      They propably keep it as part of thier “plausible deniability”.

      1. *VonFogg, not Zodon

  2. “We regret to inform you that the student film production that was taking place in the downtown area has caused some minor structural damage. As yet the Mayor is unavailable for comment …”

  3. So Zodon can fix the physical effects, but will he ever be able to fix the mental effects? Will the mayor be doomed to aspire to be a hat rack for the rest of his days? Is this how Mayor Adam West of Quahog started out? Is that large dent in Victor’s helmet going to impede his brain functioning? Find out in the next plot arc of PS238!

    1. Same Bat Time, Same Bat Channel!

      Sorry, could not resist. 🙂

      1. … I was about to do an epic facepalm here, but I would rather bat you for saying it! 😀

      2. You HAD to say that while I’m suffering from a strained back, didn’t you? Laughing hurts…

    2. Well, everyone needs a dream.

  4. I’d keep an eye on him anyway, if only to see what zany tomfoolery he and his pals are up to for that week.

  5. I think Victor needs another Explodey-Bat to the head.

  6. Speaking of eyes, did the headmaster’s monocle just switch sides?

    1. Yup, it sure did. On the last page, it’s over his right eye. Here, it’s over the left.

  7. CALLED IT ON “TIMESHIELD” As I now call her “she is JR time-cop and has a supershield? come on?!. BUT DAMN the dent in Foggs head. I mean I knew ‘dabat’ made stuff explode with kinetic energy on contact but CRAP that looks like a blunt lobotomy (and yes i just made that up! )

  8. Well if you can’t get the Batman expy to help you. Get the real bat 🙂

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