I’m not an electronics guy so I’m not too sure- I follow a comic* which has a metal-skinned character similar to the Human Alloy. Said characters says touch screen stuff doesn’t work with him due to his metal skin. I wonder if such is the case with the Human Alloy as well, or if Alloy is just referring to how so little pressure from him can mean dents, cracks, and other damage on most handheld electronics.
* Astro City by Kurt Busiek, Brent Anderson, and Alex Ross. Said character is the the Steel-Jacketed Man, AKA Steeljack.
Most likely an issue with the size and density of his digits. If you ever used one of those old “chiclet” keyboards, something like that. If you haven’t, imagine using a keyboard on which every individual key is smaller than your fingernail, and they’re packed into a space smaller than the palm of your hand.
That sounds luxurious compared to phone keyboards. I think the actual problem was probably that his fingertips weren’t hot enough – Atomic Robo made a similar statement about iPads.
Heh. I have large palms and thick fingers, so I don’t have to imagine it. Have enough trouble with smaller notebook computers, let alone tablets or phones.
I had a small mobile phone – I don’t know if it’s called “chiclet”. It was surprisingly easy to use, because the upper keys were “raised”, so you could just press where a larger key would be and not hit the lower row of keys.
Likely it’s the electrical properties. Conductivity? Capacitance? Dielectric constant? But it’s what makes a nail, paperclip, or regular pen different from an ordinary human finger, a stylus a digital artist might use, or the clawguards a bookwyrm might have.
I suspect physical keys with strong springs will be involved; generating enough force to register will be easy for someone with superhuman strength, but not for the average kid.
I think capacitive touch screens (the most common kind) would work fine with metal skin. They just need something conductive to touch the screen – human skin is conductive, Alloy’s skin should be even more so. They actually make special gloves with metal patches so that you can use your phone while wearing gloves when it’s cold out.
It’s probably more an issue of him having giant clunky fingers than having metal fingers specifically.
My question is “what carved that nice long curvy groove in the duct floor? I don’t think the shrink gun does that and besides it fired a nice straight ray…
Cecil held the trigger and moved the gun around until he got the vent because he had trouble aiming.
The fact that it worked out like that implies both that the walls of the vent are surprisingly thick, and that the shrink gun shoots like a laser or a supersoaker not bullet or nail gun.
Aaaannnnd – he’s also fighting his coat. Not a lot of great aiming going on.
Prairie Son
Note also Tyler cowering against the duct wall to try and stay out of the way. Cecil should’ve handed over the gun. That way, Tyler could just shrink the bag.
I agree in retrospect this would have worked out a lot better if Tyler grabbed the gun.
What’s going on with the release schedule? This is NOT a criticism “Oh you go too slow man”. If you need more time to make a good comic, take it. If I demanded constant releases I would have stopped reading Order of the Stick long ago. But please, if you aren’t going to be releasing 3 times a week, don’t say you are. Please update the site with the truth about your release schedule.
TLDR: You can release however you want, but please have whatever schedule you do release on be the same as what your website says it is.
If you click the Home, Store, or About button it will be on a banner on the top of the page.
Prairie Son
Yeah. Some of us used to poke Drew to fix those (or at least swap out the Nodwick one for a USOM one, but never happened. THe archives are still borked in several places as well.
Between PS238, Use Sword on Monster and Full Frontal Nerdity I think it comes to about 3 times a week. FFN seems to be updated at least twice a week, that’s my impression but I’m not going to count them or anything.
Is it me, or has the whole plan become a full-bore “Charlie Foxtrot?” Tyler’s in the room, but he can’t make himself grow and he can’t shrink the bag! What’s he going to do?
Also, Toby. The coat didn’t react to him at the end of the “Meh” arc. Now, suddenly, the “powers” are “under control,” the coat is reacting badly, and he “has something” for Tyler! In the words of the great philosopher, Goofy; “Somthin’ wrong here!”
27 thoughts on “2017-11-20”
I’m not an electronics guy so I’m not too sure- I follow a comic* which has a metal-skinned character similar to the Human Alloy. Said characters says touch screen stuff doesn’t work with him due to his metal skin. I wonder if such is the case with the Human Alloy as well, or if Alloy is just referring to how so little pressure from him can mean dents, cracks, and other damage on most handheld electronics.
* Astro City by Kurt Busiek, Brent Anderson, and Alex Ross. Said character is the the Steel-Jacketed Man, AKA Steeljack.
Most likely an issue with the size and density of his digits. If you ever used one of those old “chiclet” keyboards, something like that. If you haven’t, imagine using a keyboard on which every individual key is smaller than your fingernail, and they’re packed into a space smaller than the palm of your hand.
So a smartphone? ?
Horatio Von Becker
That sounds luxurious compared to phone keyboards. I think the actual problem was probably that his fingertips weren’t hot enough – Atomic Robo made a similar statement about iPads.
Heh. I have large palms and thick fingers, so I don’t have to imagine it. Have enough trouble with smaller notebook computers, let alone tablets or phones.
I had a small mobile phone – I don’t know if it’s called “chiclet”. It was surprisingly easy to use, because the upper keys were “raised”, so you could just press where a larger key would be and not hit the lower row of keys.
Nope, not chiclet, according to google images.
Sean Duggan
I figure there’s also a possibility of changes in layout. Dvorak vs Qwerty. Phone keypad versus Numpad.
Likely it’s the electrical properties. Conductivity? Capacitance? Dielectric constant? But it’s what makes a nail, paperclip, or regular pen different from an ordinary human finger, a stylus a digital artist might use, or the clawguards a bookwyrm might have.
I suspect physical keys with strong springs will be involved; generating enough force to register will be easy for someone with superhuman strength, but not for the average kid.
I think capacitive touch screens (the most common kind) would work fine with metal skin. They just need something conductive to touch the screen – human skin is conductive, Alloy’s skin should be even more so. They actually make special gloves with metal patches so that you can use your phone while wearing gloves when it’s cold out.
It’s probably more an issue of him having giant clunky fingers than having metal fingers specifically.
My question is “what carved that nice long curvy groove in the duct floor? I don’t think the shrink gun does that and besides it fired a nice straight ray…
Cecil held the trigger and moved the gun around until he got the vent because he had trouble aiming.
The fact that it worked out like that implies both that the walls of the vent are surprisingly thick, and that the shrink gun shoots like a laser or a supersoaker not bullet or nail gun.
Aaaannnnd – he’s also fighting his coat. Not a lot of great aiming going on.
Prairie Son
Note also Tyler cowering against the duct wall to try and stay out of the way. Cecil should’ve handed over the gun. That way, Tyler could just shrink the bag.
I agree in retrospect this would have worked out a lot better if Tyler grabbed the gun.
Stephen Bierce
And now Marlocke demonstrates the Shanghai Sling discipline. Once again, we go to the Judges for their appraisals…
What’s going on with the release schedule? This is NOT a criticism “Oh you go too slow man”. If you need more time to make a good comic, take it. If I demanded constant releases I would have stopped reading Order of the Stick long ago. But please, if you aren’t going to be releasing 3 times a week, don’t say you are. Please update the site with the truth about your release schedule.
TLDR: You can release however you want, but please have whatever schedule you do release on be the same as what your website says it is.
Where does it SAY he’ll update this 3 times a week? I don’t see it…
Nodwick home still has the graphic that says this updates MWF.
If you click the Home, Store, or About button it will be on a banner on the top of the page.
Prairie Son
Yeah. Some of us used to poke Drew to fix those (or at least swap out the Nodwick one for a USOM one, but never happened. THe archives are still borked in several places as well.
Between PS238, Use Sword on Monster and Full Frontal Nerdity I think it comes to about 3 times a week. FFN seems to be updated at least twice a week, that’s my impression but I’m not going to count them or anything.
Ed Rhodes
Is it me, or has the whole plan become a full-bore “Charlie Foxtrot?” Tyler’s in the room, but he can’t make himself grow and he can’t shrink the bag! What’s he going to do?
Also, Toby. The coat didn’t react to him at the end of the “Meh” arc. Now, suddenly, the “powers” are “under control,” the coat is reacting badly, and he “has something” for Tyler! In the words of the great philosopher, Goofy; “Somthin’ wrong here!”
We were discussing that in the last update. My money too is on his “under control powers” being the cause of Coat’s reaction.
Did he land in the bags handle strap?
Yes I believe he did