If it’s molecular compression then only the reduced aerial length would be the issue. The other interesting points would be signal frequency and processing speed increase in the bracelet from smaller components.
I’m gonna guess “no”, given that I’ve been asking him about a missing year-and-a-half out of the Nodwick archives for months without getting so much as a reply. But thanks for warning me – I was just thinking that it would be fun to go back and reread this comic from the beginning.
Are you talking to me or Targ? If you’re talking to me, actually missing. I don’t remember where the gap STARTS, but I remember it ENDS halfway through the story about the Statue of Limitations, because it was always so frustrating only being able to read the end of that story. You click “Next” at the end of one storyline and end up halfway through a completely different one, and I think I remember one in between that was completely missing. I know they were there once because I remember reading strips that are no longer available. I think the gap’s been there a few years. I started asking about it maybe a year and a half ago, tried email and posting comments both here and on Nodwick with no reply (in fact, the Nodwick comments were later taken down for some reason; not just mine but all comments), then gave up. I haven’t checked back since then, so maybe he’s fixed it, but I doubt it.
My question also; but it doesn’t take much of a fanwanking effort to decide that naturally the Revenant, or the Diminuator he took the shrink-gun from, would have thought of that and included a thirty-second-delay self-shrinking function. You activate that, then quickly sit down (so the gun doesn’t fall very far), shrink yourself, and then run what feels like several yards to retrieve the now self-shrunken gun.
18 thoughts on “2017-06-06”
Prairie Son
No plan survives contact with the enemy. Reality is our enemy.
I thing you now understand why there’s Murphy’s Law.
Stephen Bierce
Kid Bullet must be getting his ammo from the Stan-Lee Works. (Sound Effect)
Aaron Gullison
So that would make it a ‘magic’ missile, then?
well it was a missile And a magic spell not a missile with a spell on it good pun though (if such a thing can be said to exist)
Can he shrink an explosion mid boom? How effective would that be?
You know, I think that would work, if he were quick enough on the trigger.
Busy falling, unfortunately.
Andrew Hopkins
That should have popped all the balloons so I quess that means kid bullet wins all the prizes.
Lemme guess … Rescued by Flea’s flying bugs.
Well, they would be outside, wouldn’t they?
That’s a REALLY good tracking bracelet on Tyler since shrunken like that the signal strength had to have gone down significantly.
If it’s molecular compression then only the reduced aerial length would be the issue. The other interesting points would be signal frequency and processing speed increase in the bracelet from smaller components.
Targ Collective
Archives don’t show nearly a year of comics. You going to do anything about that Aaron…?
Stephen Bierce
The link http://ps238.nodwick.com/archive/ gives you nearly the entire run of the series. The link http://ps238.nodwick.com/issue/ps238-volume-11/ is just for this current chapter. There is a missing page but you can get there by going to the pages before or after it and navigating to it page by page.
I’m gonna guess “no”, given that I’ve been asking him about a missing year-and-a-half out of the Nodwick archives for months without getting so much as a reply. But thanks for warning me – I was just thinking that it would be fun to go back and reread this comic from the beginning.
Actually missing? Or just not listed?
Where is the gap?
Are you talking to me or Targ? If you’re talking to me, actually missing. I don’t remember where the gap STARTS, but I remember it ENDS halfway through the story about the Statue of Limitations, because it was always so frustrating only being able to read the end of that story. You click “Next” at the end of one storyline and end up halfway through a completely different one, and I think I remember one in between that was completely missing. I know they were there once because I remember reading strips that are no longer available. I think the gap’s been there a few years. I started asking about it maybe a year and a half ago, tried email and posting comments both here and on Nodwick with no reply (in fact, the Nodwick comments were later taken down for some reason; not just mine but all comments), then gave up. I haven’t checked back since then, so maybe he’s fixed it, but I doubt it.
Ben T.
How did Cecil shrink the shrink gun?
My question also; but it doesn’t take much of a fanwanking effort to decide that naturally the Revenant, or the Diminuator he took the shrink-gun from, would have thought of that and included a thirty-second-delay self-shrinking function. You activate that, then quickly sit down (so the gun doesn’t fall very far), shrink yourself, and then run what feels like several yards to retrieve the now self-shrunken gun.