Isn’t everyone a little whiney when they first start something and they’re really bad at it? I’d be in a bad mood if I’d vomited on someone’s car and got stuck to a kite!
He just needs practise, then he’ll have less to whine about. Hopefully that’ll stop his moaning.
Forak just needs to be properly motivated, that’s all. Unfortunately, Forak tends to associate proper motivation with “threats of bodily injury from someone tougher than me” rather than “cheery pep talk from cute nine year old girl”. Hmm, maybe they should get someone used to thinking outside. (Preferably someone who’s on planet Earth…)
“Thinking outside the box”. Stupid typos. >:(
You mean the Revenant? Yeah, that’s definitely who you meant. And one can logically deduce that, since you’ve been right with all of your other predictions, that’s exactly what will happen.
Speaking of which, have you ever been to the castle? The one with all the mirrors?
No, not the Revenant. He’s already got a sidekick, and the Feds wouldn’t be too happy if they learned about him influencing Forak. I was thinking of someone else.
No, I’ve never been to a Castle Beyond Space and Time. I have been to The Comic Book Store Beyond Space and Time. It was opened by this really nice couple, Tom and Naomi, who have lots of rare comics from the Golden Age through the early Bronze Age (they refuse to carry anything published by Image before 2000, unless it was written by Neil Gaiman or Alan Moore). They had a series of graphic novels collecting a self-published comic book about events in PS238! I’m not sure whether it was published in the future, or in an alternate universe, but I bought all nine volumes!
Ok, so if Supermans deep breath can freeze things or blow them over… What would super projectile vomiting do? There is the potential for force, not to mention whether all of the biology (acid) is as enhanced or not?
Well, super-acidic saliva is, at least… the scary part is, that’s canon, based on one issue post-Zero hour reboot where the Legion hired him as their cook, got attacked in their base, and he spat on what they were tied up with.
Its gyroscopic stabilizers might be unstable, leading to unscheduled dumping of cargo.
Broadside’s fear of heights and water are psychological, not physiological problems. Broadside is gargantuan, even by Transformer standards. He transforms into an aircraft carrier, and is always worried that a stray Decepticon bomb will sink him. Likewise he’s always worried in jet-mode that he’ll crash. Broadside tried to get out of needing to transform into his alt-modes by joining the Wreckers. When that didn’t work he applied to a transfer to a position as a desk jockey at Autobot HQ. But Springer keeps pulling him into the field for Wrecker assignments. The surprising thing is that Rung keeps giving Broadside clearance on psych evaluations to go on missions. Maybe its because Broadside is one of the only Wreckers who can intimidate Whirl…
(Broadside isn’t the only Autobot with a fear of heights; Silverbolt, the leader of the Aerialbots, is terrified of going higher than a few dozen meters in the air. Silverbolt has managed to lessen this fear by drawing on the bravado of the other Aerialbots when they merge into Superion. When not merged, Silverbolt tries to focus on keeping Slingshot from getting the Aerialbots killed with his reckless stunts; you’d be surprised how much that keeps Silverbolt from noticing he’s flying tens of thousands of feet in the air!)
What Aaron said last week: “Long story short, the comics are coming, they’ll just be a little delayed. We should be back on what passed for a schedule after the weekend (just in time to be derailed by July 4th. Grin). The site’s difficulties have been diagnosed as being due to… popularity! Drew and his technical wizardry might be brought to bear to transfer everything to some more robust hosting method over the weekend. I’ll keep everyone posted.”
22 thoughts on “07/01/2013”
Clell Harmon
– Ok, this guy is turning out to be the most whiney hero since like ever.
Isn’t everyone a little whiney when they first start something and they’re really bad at it? I’d be in a bad mood if I’d vomited on someone’s car and got stuck to a kite!
He just needs practise, then he’ll have less to whine about. Hopefully that’ll stop his moaning.
Forak just needs to be properly motivated, that’s all. Unfortunately, Forak tends to associate proper motivation with “threats of bodily injury from someone tougher than me” rather than “cheery pep talk from cute nine year old girl”. Hmm, maybe they should get someone used to thinking outside. (Preferably someone who’s on planet Earth…)
“Thinking outside the box”. Stupid typos. >:(
You mean the Revenant? Yeah, that’s definitely who you meant. And one can logically deduce that, since you’ve been right with all of your other predictions, that’s exactly what will happen.
Speaking of which, have you ever been to the castle? The one with all the mirrors?
No, not the Revenant. He’s already got a sidekick, and the Feds wouldn’t be too happy if they learned about him influencing Forak. I was thinking of someone else.
No, I’ve never been to a Castle Beyond Space and Time. I have been to The Comic Book Store Beyond Space and Time. It was opened by this really nice couple, Tom and Naomi, who have lots of rare comics from the Golden Age through the early Bronze Age (they refuse to carry anything published by Image before 2000, unless it was written by Neil Gaiman or Alan Moore). They had a series of graphic novels collecting a self-published comic book about events in PS238! I’m not sure whether it was published in the future, or in an alternate universe, but I bought all nine volumes!
Sticky? Like a trap? Or possibly because for some reason his powers are negatively or positively charged? Or is it just static cling? 😀
Prairie Son
Wait and see. Friday’s update, I think.
Beware the KITES OF DOOM!
Where’s a kite-eating tree when you need one, right?
Ok, so if Supermans deep breath can freeze things or blow them over… What would super projectile vomiting do? There is the potential for force, not to mention whether all of the biology (acid) is as enhanced or not?
I think that acidic projectile vomit is one of Matter Eater Lad’s abilities. 🙂
Jenora Feuer
Well, super-acidic saliva is, at least… the scary part is, that’s canon, based on one issue post-Zero hour reboot where the Legion hired him as their cook, got attacked in their base, and he spat on what they were tied up with.
I’m also minded of Broadside. The pile changing transformer who as an aircraft carrier and a jet was cursed with a fear of height and sea sickness.
Ok, I can see fear of heights, since fear would be a good thing for any sentient being, but sea sickness? How the hell could a robot be sea sick?
Its gyroscopic stabilizers might be unstable, leading to unscheduled dumping of cargo.
Broadside’s fear of heights and water are psychological, not physiological problems. Broadside is gargantuan, even by Transformer standards. He transforms into an aircraft carrier, and is always worried that a stray Decepticon bomb will sink him. Likewise he’s always worried in jet-mode that he’ll crash. Broadside tried to get out of needing to transform into his alt-modes by joining the Wreckers. When that didn’t work he applied to a transfer to a position as a desk jockey at Autobot HQ. But Springer keeps pulling him into the field for Wrecker assignments. The surprising thing is that Rung keeps giving Broadside clearance on psych evaluations to go on missions. Maybe its because Broadside is one of the only Wreckers who can intimidate Whirl…
(Broadside isn’t the only Autobot with a fear of heights; Silverbolt, the leader of the Aerialbots, is terrified of going higher than a few dozen meters in the air. Silverbolt has managed to lessen this fear by drawing on the bravado of the other Aerialbots when they merge into Superion. When not merged, Silverbolt tries to focus on keeping Slingshot from getting the Aerialbots killed with his reckless stunts; you’d be surprised how much that keeps Silverbolt from noticing he’s flying tens of thousands of feet in the air!)
One cool auto bot.
Hans Rancke
Didn’t we miss an update last week? Are we going to miss wedensday this week? Has the schedule gone bi-weekly?
Stephen Bierce
What Aaron said last week: “Long story short, the comics are coming, they’ll just be a little delayed. We should be back on what passed for a schedule after the weekend (just in time to be derailed by July 4th. Grin). The site’s difficulties have been diagnosed as being due to… popularity! Drew and his technical wizardry might be brought to bear to transfer everything to some more robust hosting method over the weekend. I’ll keep everyone posted.”
There was another update before this. Go back a page.
So far 84 seems quite patient. Also the new Atlas, while whiney does seem willing to keep trying.