
8 thoughts on “06/28/2013

  1. It sounds like the local nobility is going to learn the wisdom in the saying: “Be careful what you ask for…”

  2. Everyone, repeat after me:

    “This looks like a job for… Atlas!”

  3. Thank Goodness, a comic that hasn’t forgotten what a real hero is.

  4. I really like Atlas’s last two expressions.

    1. You said it.

  5. And suddenly, that jaw became infinitely square.

  6. Rereading this after things like the Injustice comics. . Well that was the most Superman thing I have read in a while.
    Sorry I don’t know how to emoji. Or I would put a bunch of thumbs up.

  7. Of course, by staying he is having to leave his son behind. I’m reminded of the phrase “the lonely road of kings.”

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