I’m pretty sure MatthewTheLucky means “singularity”/has it in mind. An event horizon is something a singularity does have.
Since you can see[0] an event horizon, but not the singularity it encloses, everyone is correct!
[0] well, it emits very little light, unless it is microscopic, but ‘see’ will do.
An event horizon is something *most* singularities (in theory – in practice we really hope it’s all…) have.
Wait… what’s wrong with a naked singularity? I mean, it means that it would be possible to observe the collapse of an object to infinite density, but other than that…?
Because it’s naked. A decent singularity would be clothed!
An event horizon wouldn’t look like that. It’s black because light can’t escape, but light passing nearby would also be greatly deflected. The background — the balcony where Ron and Flea stand — would appear distorted into unrecognizability.
I won’t complain that a horizon a few inches across would be exerting millions of gees pull on everyone in the room (and on the readers); some sort of comic-book science counteraction field around it.
For some reason there’s no “reply” after Greg’s comment so I can’t address him directly. We _hope_ all singularities are “masked”. It’s not just an infinitely dense point. It’s a place where all physical laws (or, at least, all our theories of what those laws are) break down. All the Conservation laws and Symmetries fail. Physicists would much prefer to sweep that sort of thing under the rug.
The reason that Greg’s comment has no reply button is that if you allow endless replies you end up with a really narrow reply on the right hand side that’s practically unreadable. So instead, they just decide that 4 layers of replies is enough and stop it there.
For the curious: A naked singularity is a Bad Thing, and generally not allowed in a functional universe. The event horizon acts as a sort of protective field, protecting the surrounding continuum from severe alteration of its physical laws. Think of it as the universe’s immune system screaming, “That doesn’t belong here! Get it away!”
(ponders) Well, yes. Of course, the pearl is built up of layers of twisted natural laws, and if you touch it you’ll be stretched between its surface and the central “grain” of the singularity in ways that would make M.C Escher’s head hurt, but it’s an otherwise useful analogy.
Well, that explains why I’m having such a bitch of a time making a singularity necklace.
If you would direct your attention to volume 6 issue 29, Casino Royal, we see the Flea out of costume for what i believe is the first, and maybe the only time.
Here we can clearly see that he has ears, although I can’t remember him taking off the antenna, so maybe those are also a physical aspect of his body rather than part of his costume.
My post is awaiting moderation, but I gave links to the Flea in Las Vegas, and the time he took off his costume before going to normal school at the beginning of 84 and the ones before.
Found it. He takes the hat off and the antenna and ears can be seen. (When he is heading to the revolving doors.)
They aren’t costume. Might be used for his bug control rather than the normal functions though.
You can tell how complacent this hero group’s gotten when a teen genius easily figures out they’ve got something so dangerous in their headquarters simply because the shielding is sub-par. In a populated city no less. But just like CPS I imagine they don’t have OSHA oversight either.
If it’s /actually/ a black hole and what we’re seeing s the event horizon, it would be dozens to hundreds of times more massive than Earth. So I’m guessing it’s something more interesting and potentially profitable.
It would also be something exceptionally stupid for a hero team to have on Earth or even in the solar system considering containment failure would destroy the earth.
Could this possibly be the “device” Prospero brought to Earth in case it was successfully infected by the alien virus? Discovered by one of the EDL members/Nuclear Family
Unless the EDL fished it out because they didn’t want ANY aliens blowing up their planet, even mostly benevolent ones.
And – off cause – they _would_ put it on display in their “trophy” room, where it’s easier to access by bad guys not knowing * about it than in earth’s core. (No sarcasm involved.).
Also: Reloading CAPTCHA is a 404.
To be fair to whatever kind of OOPS that is, it does look like a separate room from the trophy room with a shielding unit set up. Zordon thinks his gear is always better than everyone elses’, so his disapproval doesn’t mean they didn’t really have it on some kind of pretty strict lockdown.
Yep! And another reason I doubt it is a black hole is because a black hole that size would produce enough hawking rays to turn the earth into one massive BBQ. ?
Sorry, that was supposed to be in reply to a specific comment but the captcha did something weird… That thing times out too fast and doesn’t want to reload properly (It may be due to Crome…).
57 thoughts on “2017-08-04”
Is that an event horizon?
No, I believe it’s a singularity of some sort, though. Most OOPS are, after all.
I’m pretty sure MatthewTheLucky means “singularity”/has it in mind. An event horizon is something a singularity does have.
Since you can see[0] an event horizon, but not the singularity it encloses, everyone is correct!
[0] well, it emits very little light, unless it is microscopic, but ‘see’ will do.
An event horizon is something *most* singularities (in theory – in practice we really hope it’s all…) have.
Wait… what’s wrong with a naked singularity? I mean, it means that it would be possible to observe the collapse of an object to infinite density, but other than that…?
Because it’s naked. A decent singularity would be clothed!
Yeah! There are kids in this secret base!
An event horizon wouldn’t look like that. It’s black because light can’t escape, but light passing nearby would also be greatly deflected. The background — the balcony where Ron and Flea stand — would appear distorted into unrecognizability.
I won’t complain that a horizon a few inches across would be exerting millions of gees pull on everyone in the room (and on the readers); some sort of comic-book science counteraction field around it.
For some reason there’s no “reply” after Greg’s comment so I can’t address him directly. We _hope_ all singularities are “masked”. It’s not just an infinitely dense point. It’s a place where all physical laws (or, at least, all our theories of what those laws are) break down. All the Conservation laws and Symmetries fail. Physicists would much prefer to sweep that sort of thing under the rug.
The reason that Greg’s comment has no reply button is that if you allow endless replies you end up with a really narrow reply on the right hand side that’s practically unreadable. So instead, they just decide that 4 layers of replies is enough and stop it there.
Prairie Son
Aaaaaannd we’re about to find out how good the EDL’s insurance is.
It must be pretty good if they the Powers on their team with their attitude.
Ed Rhodes
It’s entirely possible the Academy might sue the EDL for “losing” Charles!
I love that acronym so much!
It’s clever, perfectly fitting the tone of this comic. 🙂
It may or may not be an O.O.P.S, but I think there’s a good chance of a serious “oops”… 🙂
Also known as OOPS because that’s the noise you don’t want to hear used around it, but you so very often do hear.
For the curious: A naked singularity is a Bad Thing, and generally not allowed in a functional universe. The event horizon acts as a sort of protective field, protecting the surrounding continuum from severe alteration of its physical laws. Think of it as the universe’s immune system screaming, “That doesn’t belong here! Get it away!”
Kind of like oysters and pearls.
I’ve never thought of black holes as cosmic pearls before, but I rather like the idea!
(ponders) Well, yes. Of course, the pearl is built up of layers of twisted natural laws, and if you touch it you’ll be stretched between its surface and the central “grain” of the singularity in ways that would make M.C Escher’s head hurt, but it’s an otherwise useful analogy.
Well, that explains why I’m having such a bitch of a time making a singularity necklace.
‘Naked Singularity’ could be a good name for a reality-warping character.
(“She makes the laws of Physics sit up and beg…” ^_^ )
Ed Rhodes
I think “Naked Singularity” should be the name of a band in this world!
I’m pretty sure that you could find a bulletproof adult if you tried, guys.
…I assume Flea can hear through his ears and deelie-boppers? We do know that he has ears, right?
Yes, Yes he does
If you would direct your attention to volume 6 issue 29, Casino Royal, we see the Flea out of costume for what i believe is the first, and maybe the only time.
Here we can clearly see that he has ears, although I can’t remember him taking off the antenna, so maybe those are also a physical aspect of his body rather than part of his costume.
My post is awaiting moderation, but I gave links to the Flea in Las Vegas, and the time he took off his costume before going to normal school at the beginning of 84 and the ones before.
Found it. He takes the hat off and the antenna and ears can be seen. (When he is heading to the revolving doors.)
They aren’t costume. Might be used for his bug control rather than the normal functions though.
Aaron Gullison
Some kind of exotic matter?
David Nuttall
Super compressed neutronium? Yeah, I think that counts as exotic matter.
You can tell how complacent this hero group’s gotten when a teen genius easily figures out they’ve got something so dangerous in their headquarters simply because the shielding is sub-par. In a populated city no less. But just like CPS I imagine they don’t have OSHA oversight either.
5-year old genius. He’s not a teen yet.
Ed Rhodes
Surely, at least eight. Five would be in kindergarten.
I believe I mentioned “Super genius”. :p
Prairie Son
He was five at the start. Might be six now–we don’t really know how much time has elapsed in universe.
At least a year through the time-travel arc.
Now that I think about it, that Arc means he’s like 60million and 6 years old now. :p
If it’s /actually/ a black hole and what we’re seeing s the event horizon, it would be dozens to hundreds of times more massive than Earth. So I’m guessing it’s something more interesting and potentially profitable.
It would also be something exceptionally stupid for a hero team to have on Earth or even in the solar system considering containment failure would destroy the earth.
Earth would be 9 mm across when compressed to a black hole, so this may be 5 to 10 times the mass of earth.
When the _mad_scientist_ thinks your OOPS has inadequate shielding, pray hard that the phrase “minimum safe distance” applies to you.
Zodon isn’t mad, just really irritable.
Now if only he’d get anger management therapy like the Mad Thinker did.
Could this possibly be the “device” Prospero brought to Earth in case it was successfully infected by the alien virus? Discovered by one of the EDL members/Nuclear Family
According to Issue 31, the device was a strange quark, and its container burrowed into the Earth’s core. So, probably not.
Unless the EDL fished it out because they didn’t want ANY aliens blowing up their planet, even mostly benevolent ones.
And – off cause – they _would_ put it on display in their “trophy” room, where it’s easier to access by bad guys not knowing * about it than in earth’s core. (No sarcasm involved.).
Also: Reloading CAPTCHA is a 404.
To be fair to whatever kind of OOPS that is, it does look like a separate room from the trophy room with a shielding unit set up. Zordon thinks his gear is always better than everyone elses’, so his disapproval doesn’t mean they didn’t really have it on some kind of pretty strict lockdown.
Yep! And another reason I doubt it is a black hole is because a black hole that size would produce enough hawking rays to turn the earth into one massive BBQ. ?
OOPS! Wrong place!
The Gorram Batguy
I was amused by the phrase “deelie-boppers”, and I’m that much more amused to find it is in fact a real name for something antenae-like.
Stephen Bierce
They were very common when I was in High School, it being the Style Of The Time(TM).
I think this may be one of the best comment conversations I’ve seen…
Sorry, that was supposed to be in reply to a specific comment but the captcha did something weird… That thing times out too fast and doesn’t want to reload properly (It may be due to Crome…).
Prairie Son
Yeah, Chrome does stuff like that constantly. Google apparently has problems coding for security systems.
Nope, the security system is just b0rken.
PS: Security systems should not rely on browser specific behavior, that causes security problems.
Oops and Plague really need a mention.