
43 thoughts on “2016-05-16

  1. Nice to see Tyler behaving with some human and childish imperfections. Well done making them pretty innocent and not mood-whiplash jerk-behavior (even if kids CAN do that), too.

    1. And nice to see Ron being so together and mature, too. Therapy is clearly doing him good.

      1. I think losing his powers didn’t help. Half the problem Ron had was his parents split expectations for him versus his own desires. Losing his powers actually has helped him in a lot of ways. Yes he also is having issues from losing them naturally but … it is interesting. Also interesting is to compare Ron and Tyler since each of them have had parental expectations. Which is probably the other reason Ron recognizes what is going on with Tyler and wanting to avoid his brother.

  2. Last we saw, Cecil couldn’t stand to be around Toby.

  3. I find it humerous that the chapter was posted at 10:42 and that I am seeing it at 10:34. I’ve always known that I was a time traveler, but now I have proof! ๐Ÿ˜€

    1. Really? I’m seeing it at 9:58. ๐Ÿ˜›

      1. Clearly, one of you is an earlier/later iteration of the other.

        1. See, this is the problem with faster than light propagation of information. You aren’t time travelers, you’re just aliens with hypernet comms.

      2. It’s almost as if some clandestine organization has convinced everyone that there is a different time for area surrounding themselves for some nefarious reason. Obviously, being the few that enjoy fast global communication that we are, we’ve stumbled upon this plot where others have been fooled. We must investigate!

  4. Ahhh. =^.^= So glad to see Tyler and Ron getting along so well. I had a feeling they would be best friends when I started reading and it broke my heart to see Ron turn into El Jerkwad and take out his feelings on Tyler during his parents seperation/divorce.

  5. So, is time here kind of a timey wimey thing, or did a time traveler/dimension traveler happen to grab a copy of Rocket League after the last trip they made?

    1. Timey-wimey, I’m guessing. I mean, Forak does have a 3DS in the last issue, and I vaguely recall the authors have made casual references to modern entertainments before that. What amuses ME is the mention of leaderboards.

      1. Wasn’t the revenant trying to sell investors on the concept of a motion sensor for 3DSs in the episode where he’s testing if Cecil can detect metahuman powers?

        1. It might have been just a regular DS?

  6. I am starting to get a feeling that this is not only going to be about Power & Glory, but also about Powers aka Tylerโ€™s family. Now only are his parents getting more mention then they usually have for chapters at a time, but heโ€™s finally starting to address his problems with his family…

    1. Hm. “Powers family.” “Power & Glory.” I wonder if one half of that duo is related to Tyler.

      1. I wonder if Tyler’s and Toby’s parents will ever be redeemed.

        1. I would so pay good money to see them undergo a Break The Haughty storyarc culminating in them realizing just how awful they’ve been as human beings towards their son and non-powered people in general and turning their lives around and becoming good parents and people.

        2. You know, I actually have a theory about why they act the way they do, tho sadly I AM probably overthinking things and giving them far more credit than they deserve… Which makes me sad ๐Ÿ™

  7. Great, he’s inviting over the two people his folks would least like to have around – the metahuman detector and the metahuman that lost his powers. At least with Cecil the feeling’s mutual.

    1. No of the people they’d most not want around the guy who can nullify their powers and make them feel like the normals they feel themselves superior to would definitely be one of those two, they’d only feel sympathy for the depowered Ron and probably voice some platitudes about how he’ll surely gain his powers back someday and have no reasons to mind a metahuman detector even if they knew he was one which they don’t.

  8. I actually tried rocket league the other day and it’s pretty fun.

    1. Oh. I figured Rocket League was a fictional video game. Perhaps this worlds’ version of League of Legends. I had no idea it was real.

      1. Nope, it’s a real game – and it even had an April Fool’s joke I saw this year. The ragequit bot: when you’re behind by two goals, it auto-quits the server.

  9. Well, now. This… has potential.
    It’d be great if Ron could help Tyler with something.

    1. Well, Ron is walking proof that not all metahumans are supremacists, being the offspring of a powerful metahuman and a normal human. But the likelihood that Ron can talk any sense into the Powers is quite remote.

      At least it should be therapeutic for Ron once he puts his own situation into perspective and realizes that having one good parent is better than two bad ones.

      1. I don’t see Atlas as being a particularly bad parent, or at the very least not any worse than Ron’s mom. They both kinda tried to make Ron into something he didn’t want to be, his mom wanting him to act normal and his dad training him to be a superhero, and neither seemed to really ask for Ron’s opinion in the matter. Ron was very conflicted and angsty on this whole topic because his parents (including his mother) made it seem like he couldn’t have both a “normal” hobby/interest (like his clarinet) and use his powers to save people (some parts of which he enjoyed). The only reason why it could be argued that his mom is a better parent was that she didn’t have any huge home planet line of succession drama which keeps her from being there for Ron, and that’s not totally Atlas ‘ fault.

        1. To be fair it’s normal for a parent to try and guide their child into what they feel is the best thing for them, it generally doesn’t make either parent a bad parent for doing that. Plus since Ron WAS massively super-powered training to best handle those powers while deciding what he wanted to do in life was essential to limit mistakes. Atlas outside of when he was briefly depowered as a kid has never known what it was like not to have powers so simply wanted to raise him up to be the best hero he could and be responsible like his adoptive father did. Ron’s mother meanwhile probably over-focused on him because she made the mistake of abandoning her career and couldn’t truly adapt to giving that up to be a mother to a child with powers she couldn’t truly understand what it was like to have them. Then the circumstances conspired against him and left him without the powers he’s grown up with and he’s left having to deal with that on top of his parents divorcing.

        2. Really, my problem with what Ron’s parents were doing was less that they were trying to change Ron and more that they didn’t agree on what they wanted from him. They pulled him in opposite directions and accidentally gave Ron the impression he couldn’t both use his powers and play his clarinet, and even that choosing between his interests meant choosing between his parents. I don’t think that Ron’s parents meant to do this, but that’s just what happened.

          I guess what I’m saying is that Ron’s parents did their best, and had all the right intentions, but they were not 100% good parents and are equally at fault for Ron’s issues.

        3. There is no such thing as a 100% good parent since perfection is not possible in an imperfect world. It’s also not uncommon for parents to have different ideas for how their children should advance in life. Depending on the parents and the child/children it provides valuable experience in dealing with the world which has different ideas of how we should function within it as they try to balance what they want with what their parents want for them. Ron though came up with the idea he had to choose all by himself, an also common issue with children when their parents end up divorcing. Each parent encouraged different things but from what we’ve seen neither made it an either/or issue only he did since as a kid albeit a super-powered one he’s still pretty binary in thinking, that it can either be A or B but not both when nothing actually says it can’t be both.

        4. Richard Grayson

          You’re right. I agree with what you’re saying. I was just trying to say that Ron has two imperfect, but okay parents who accidentally caused Ron’s huge angst arc which he is only just now recovering from, as opposed to only “one good parent” as was said by Adahn.

          Looking back, my original post was probably based on my incorrect assumption that Adahn’s comment about one good parent meaning that he thought Atlas was a bad parent as opposed to a person who would be a good parent if he were on Earth to be a parent to Ron. And that was my bad. Sorry.

        5. No problem, we all make mistakes and read things in a way that maybe they weren’t intended on occasion. I simply took it to mean that Ron only has one parent around now (his mother) but she’d at least a good parent, unlike Tyler who has two parents around both of whom are bad parents. Ron is growing as he is thanks to his parents, developing into a better person. Tyler is growing as he is in SPITE of his parents, developing into a better person by working to overcome their bad influence.

  10. …Ok Since when did Tyler and Captain Clarinet be all Bruce Wayne/Clark kent best buds? I know Cap hates Moon Shadow, but when did the inverse come up for their secret Id’s?

    1. When Ron lost his power and Tyler was the only one who didn’t either avoid him like it might be catching, or was just self-centered about it (Emerald Gauntlet Junior).

      1. Actually, they weren’t bad before. They hung around after school together and Ron helped campaign for Tyler for Class President (mainly by spreading the gospel of the Write In Candidate). It has picked up lately, though.

    2. /smacks self in the face

  11. Let me get this straight… Ron’s mom wants him to be normal, but won’t let him have friends over because they got “too loud” playing Mario Kart? Contradict herself much? Also, that’s a really lame mom there.

    1. And what part of that ISN’T normal? That’s not a lame mom that’s a normal mom and nothing contradictory about expecting them to not be too noisy.

      1. It’s not abnormal, but it is counterproductive. And loudness is one of those weird parent things to get upset about–unless she’s trying to sleep or something.

        1. Or write, maybe. She is a Lois Lane expy, after all.

  12. I don’t think Ron can fathom how little Tyler’s folks support him or show him any attention. Even when Ron’s parents were fighting and getting divorced, I don’t think he thought they didn’t care. (where is Ron living anyway? I thought expy-Lois had gone back to the big city)

    1. Sounds like he’s back with his mom. Maybe the mind control wore off? Or she figured out what happened? If the latter’s the case, I wouldn’t want to be the Headmaster right now…

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