I also remember what happened the last time 84 and Moon Shadow sat next to each other in the jet. We may get to see if the Revenant has integrated “hug-armour” into Tyler’s costume yet.
To be fair, Tyler is perhaps the worst person to ask for advice regard parental divorces:
While Ron’s parents are divorced, they both still love him unconditionally. Tyler’s parents may be happily married, but they completely neglected Tyler because he has no powers. When Toby showed up, the Powers pretty much disowned Tyler and relegated him to a storage closet.
Given the circumstances, I don’t think Tyler would be capable of giving any other advice than “be happy with what you have.”
I suspect a lot of that is due to Toby’s “tradeoff”. Remember, one Order for every Chaos, one Chaos for every Order, and Order is more useful in a fight (most of the time). At some point, it would be just his luck for their neurons containing their memories of him to have been randomized.
Although I don’t entirely disagree with your statement, I do disagree with one subpoint – Order is a great thing to have in combat when you have the advantage. If you’re in a position of disadvantage, Chaos is far more to your benefit – you don’t want the situation to come out in its most likely result if you’re at the disadvantage. The statistically likely result cuts against you then.
That is certainly something you can do, if you’re thinking about it. But it seems like Toby’s powers are “order” when he knows what he wants to do, and then “chaos” is something he didn’t want (but not always something he wanted to not happen – just what he wasn’t thinking about). So it seems like “order” happens when you have a plan, and “chaos” otherwise. In other words, if you can think of a way out of your mess, order can get you there too.
To answer the OP, last time someone asked Moon Shadow for advice, it was Ron, asking about what decision to make (super/normal), and the result was his parents got divorced, he thought it was his fault, he felt powerless and he went a little crazy, including almost taking Moon Shadow’s head off with a frisbee/plate.
Actually, I’m remembering what happened last time Julie and Moon Shadow had a private conversation on the jet. He almost had his spine broken. I’m wondering if he’s remembering that too.
Spine, ribs, arms, pretty much everything between his waist and shoulders. But, hey, maybe this time he’ll get a smooch.
Also, Moon Shadow is a pretty good person to ask about dealing with unsolicited fame and adoration (albeit on a smaller scale than she’s dealing with), and I’m betting that’s what she’s going to ask about.
When we see “grownup” Tyler, he’s gotten rid of the chin guard. Hard to get smooches with one of those…
Then again, Revenant in Issue 19 specifically mentioned keeping face guard if he’s intended to compliment impulsive superheroines.
He’s right – collapsed lungs are a worse problem than cracked ribs.
I believe the word The Revenant used is ‘complement’. Subtle difference, but definitely meaningful.
Of course, it could just be a typo.
Definitely a typo. Revenant’s full statement was “I think you’d better keep that face guard on your uniform if you’re going to complement super-heroines like that.” Moon Shadow had just complimented a super-heroine, and showed no current signs of intending to complement one, so the “like that” wouldn’t fit the latter.
It is kind of humorous that the Revenant’s statement makes sense either way, though. And “compliment” is an archaic and obsolete meaning of “complement”, so you get two fun phrases for the price of one.
Hmm. Teleporting bully arc, formation of first ad hoc superteam, pre alien invasion, actually pre Zodon time thing, I’d say issues 18 and 19 for the arc, so towards the end of 19 for Tyler counseling Julie.
Yep, she’s taken some big steps away from her original naivete (OK, been all but forcibly dragged away from it), but apparently without descending into cynicism or getting an inflated ego. She’s obviously trying to take what time she can to come to grips with what’s happening, which is wise.
Even Forak appears to be taking his first faltering steps away from cluelessness and learning to think about where others are coming from. Lots of growth happening all around.
“…and is learning to think…”. Not stepping away from it…
Sigh – my keyboard insists on skipping letters, must have skipped the ‘/’ in ‘/I’. Corrected version of the original comment:
Even Forak appears to be taking his first faltering steps away from cluelessness, and is learning to think about where others are coming from. Lots of growth happening all around.
Dave III
Forak’s not an /idiot/, he was a starship engineer after all. He’s just grown up in a society that treated him as someone to be tolerated, and only then because he was born with a privilege that most don’t share. Thinking about how others feel is novel territory for him, the plus side is he seems to like it. He might never be the Atlas that Ron’s dad was, but given enough time he’ll become an Atlas worthy of the mantle.
Never said he was an idiot, just clueless. I actually feel like I relate to him a little bit; his misadventures in dealing with others remind of me of my struggles dealing with Asperger’s (way back before it had a name). Looking at what I was like back then, “clueless” is a pretty good description.
Dave III
Didn’t intend to say you did, but I think we can agree it’s close to the concensus. He does have some pretty dippy moments, though.
True and true. The boy definitely could use some counseling. Of course, if the counseling went as well as when Toby asked Tyler for advice, Aaron would have the start of a plot for a whole new issue…
Dave III
Well, this issue feels like it’s wrapping up soon…
Oh, she’ll be a kid again, soon. Character growth is vital but there’s no need for it to happen all at once. Cracking Moon Shadow’s ribs again with an ardent and sincere hug would be a good way to wrap this story up at this point. ^_^
I considered a kiss, too, when I typed that, but they’re a bit young. I’m not thinking in a “weird/perverted” sense, I mean I think they’re too young to consider a kiss to be a thing in this situation. Hugs, sure; shoulder punches, yeah; nose honks, no problem. But they got another two or three years before feelings involving kisses start to crop up.
In Five years, I could see them being awkward toward each other.
In Ten years, dating.
In Twenty years, sincere hugs again. ^_^
If she gave a kiss on the cheek with no romantic intentions then he could easily get the wrong idea. It’s better than crushing him again with a hug.
This can’t happen if she has felt anything like that for him ?
That’s why he’s wearing the helmet. 😀
In six to eight years, all their friends will be intensely annoyed at how sickeningly sweet a couple they make.
Dave III
They’re probably become a one-name couple– JulieAndTyler. It will be notably weird to refer to one and not the other.
Nonono. 84Shadow
The way his secret identity works, Tyler will pine after Julie who will pine after Moonshadow.
Dave III
Something tells me if/when Julie reaches that point, Moonshadow will come clean about being Tyler. She would keep his secret. Unless there’s a specific reason to keep it from her, he’d trust her with it. He’d probably do it NOW, if she asked the question.
Tyler isn’t that worried about his secret identity. It’s just, I can see him trying to tell her, and failing. The universe conspiring to interrupt him, or even when he succeeds, Julie misunderstanding it as some kind of prank. Because aside from Cecil, who among Tyler’s age mates would believe it?
Dave III
The fact that you specified “age-mates” kills the argument I was about to offer, being that certain members of the PS238 staff know Tyler’s identity, including Principal Cranston and Miss Kyle. The doctor CERTAINLY knows, she was holding his clothes when he went into the biohazard isolation tank and assuring him about doctor/patient confidentiality.
Plus, you’re right, the universe WILL conspire against him telling Julie, for the primary reason that the universe will think it’s funny.
There will be no rib-cracking. The Revenant made sure that Tyler’s new uniform has rather specific bracing in the chest that would prevent future damage to his protege in that regard.
Dave III
True– but if The Revenant does all Tyler’s thinking for him, how’s he going to learn?
I think this will be a point when Rule of Cool is at odds with Rule of Funny.
“Life is like trying to water-ski. The only way to stand is to keep your balance and keep moving forward, because if you let go, or stop moving, you’re going to end up submerged.”
Thankfully it’s not non-stop it just seems that way to us because we’re mostly being shown the highlight moments (unless you’re talking Marvel or DC, THEN it really is non-stop and you wonder why anyone remains a hero after all the horror heaped upon them, it makes surviving the beaches of Normandy or the Death Camps look like a nice picnic day in comparison) along with some down moments to help with characterization and show that they do indeed live normal lives in general.
Well, I imagine that a lot of them keep going because, for them, it is literally do or die. True, mutants embody this more than others, but a lot of supers end up in situations where sitting back will literally results in the deaths of them, and everyone they love. Throw in the guilt of *letting* people die (because failing to act would be doing exactly that, unfair though it may sound), and many supers probably couldn’t consider doing anything different. It’s the price of getting super powers *and* a conscience.
Yeah, an unfortunate fact. Maybe her second question: “How many friends can I get who are immune to getting killed?”
Well, I mean… Apparently, 83.
84, by Brainstorm’s logic. I don’t think Forak has a number (if he does, it would be after 84), but he is a F.I.S.S.
But there may be a few others; among their classmates…
he’s not immune to being killed though. He’s not even all that tough (by FISS standards).
52 thoughts on “2015-09-25”
Izumi Ryu
We do remember what happened the last time Moon Shadow was asked for advice, right?
Hmm. I must say that it’s too late at night for me to go trawling through the archives. Remind me which time that was, again?
I also remember what happened the last time 84 and Moon Shadow sat next to each other in the jet. We may get to see if the Revenant has integrated “hug-armour” into Tyler’s costume yet.
To be fair, Tyler is perhaps the worst person to ask for advice regard parental divorces:
While Ron’s parents are divorced, they both still love him unconditionally. Tyler’s parents may be happily married, but they completely neglected Tyler because he has no powers. When Toby showed up, the Powers pretty much disowned Tyler and relegated him to a storage closet.
Given the circumstances, I don’t think Tyler would be capable of giving any other advice than “be happy with what you have.”
I suspect a lot of that is due to Toby’s “tradeoff”. Remember, one Order for every Chaos, one Chaos for every Order, and Order is more useful in a fight (most of the time). At some point, it would be just his luck for their neurons containing their memories of him to have been randomized.
Although I don’t entirely disagree with your statement, I do disagree with one subpoint – Order is a great thing to have in combat when you have the advantage. If you’re in a position of disadvantage, Chaos is far more to your benefit – you don’t want the situation to come out in its most likely result if you’re at the disadvantage. The statistically likely result cuts against you then.
That is certainly something you can do, if you’re thinking about it. But it seems like Toby’s powers are “order” when he knows what he wants to do, and then “chaos” is something he didn’t want (but not always something he wanted to not happen – just what he wasn’t thinking about). So it seems like “order” happens when you have a plan, and “chaos” otherwise. In other words, if you can think of a way out of your mess, order can get you there too.
To answer the OP, last time someone asked Moon Shadow for advice, it was Ron, asking about what decision to make (super/normal), and the result was his parents got divorced, he thought it was his fault, he felt powerless and he went a little crazy, including almost taking Moon Shadow’s head off with a frisbee/plate.
Mutant for Hire
Actually, I’m remembering what happened last time Julie and Moon Shadow had a private conversation on the jet. He almost had his spine broken. I’m wondering if he’s remembering that too.
Spine, ribs, arms, pretty much everything between his waist and shoulders. But, hey, maybe this time he’ll get a smooch.
Also, Moon Shadow is a pretty good person to ask about dealing with unsolicited fame and adoration (albeit on a smaller scale than she’s dealing with), and I’m betting that’s what she’s going to ask about.
When we see “grownup” Tyler, he’s gotten rid of the chin guard. Hard to get smooches with one of those…
Then again, Revenant in Issue 19 specifically mentioned keeping face guard if he’s intended to compliment impulsive superheroines.
He’s right – collapsed lungs are a worse problem than cracked ribs.
I believe the word The Revenant used is ‘complement’. Subtle difference, but definitely meaningful.
Of course, it could just be a typo.
Definitely a typo. Revenant’s full statement was “I think you’d better keep that face guard on your uniform if you’re going to complement super-heroines like that.” Moon Shadow had just complimented a super-heroine, and showed no current signs of intending to complement one, so the “like that” wouldn’t fit the latter.
It is kind of humorous that the Revenant’s statement makes sense either way, though. And “compliment” is an archaic and obsolete meaning of “complement”, so you get two fun phrases for the price of one.
Of course. That’s WHY he answers so cautiously. =)
Tom Gwynn
Which issue was that?
Prairie Son
Hmm. Teleporting bully arc, formation of first ad hoc superteam, pre alien invasion, actually pre Zodon time thing, I’d say issues 18 and 19 for the arc, so towards the end of 19 for Tyler counseling Julie.
Man, I need to reread all this at sometime.
Wow she’s really taking Baba Yaga’s to heart.
Also she’s really freaking mature, it’s such a stark change to how she started. Grew up so fast.
Yep, she’s taken some big steps away from her original naivete (OK, been all but forcibly dragged away from it), but apparently without descending into cynicism or getting an inflated ego. She’s obviously trying to take what time she can to come to grips with what’s happening, which is wise.
Even Forak appears to be taking his first faltering steps away from cluelessness and learning to think about where others are coming from. Lots of growth happening all around.
“…and is learning to think…”. Not stepping away from it…
Sigh – my keyboard insists on skipping letters, must have skipped the ‘/’ in ‘/I’. Corrected version of the original comment:
Even Forak appears to be taking his first faltering steps away from cluelessness, and is learning to think about where others are coming from. Lots of growth happening all around.
Dave III
Forak’s not an /idiot/, he was a starship engineer after all. He’s just grown up in a society that treated him as someone to be tolerated, and only then because he was born with a privilege that most don’t share. Thinking about how others feel is novel territory for him, the plus side is he seems to like it. He might never be the Atlas that Ron’s dad was, but given enough time he’ll become an Atlas worthy of the mantle.
Never said he was an idiot, just clueless. I actually feel like I relate to him a little bit; his misadventures in dealing with others remind of me of my struggles dealing with Asperger’s (way back before it had a name). Looking at what I was like back then, “clueless” is a pretty good description.
Dave III
Didn’t intend to say you did, but I think we can agree it’s close to the concensus. He does have some pretty dippy moments, though.
True and true. The boy definitely could use some counseling. Of course, if the counseling went as well as when Toby asked Tyler for advice, Aaron would have the start of a plot for a whole new issue…
Dave III
Well, this issue feels like it’s wrapping up soon…
Dave III
Oh, she’ll be a kid again, soon. Character growth is vital but there’s no need for it to happen all at once. Cracking Moon Shadow’s ribs again with an ardent and sincere hug would be a good way to wrap this story up at this point. ^_^
Or a kiss resulting in a jet crash… Maybe not.
Dave III
I considered a kiss, too, when I typed that, but they’re a bit young. I’m not thinking in a “weird/perverted” sense, I mean I think they’re too young to consider a kiss to be a thing in this situation. Hugs, sure; shoulder punches, yeah; nose honks, no problem. But they got another two or three years before feelings involving kisses start to crop up.
In Five years, I could see them being awkward toward each other.
In Ten years, dating.
In Twenty years, sincere hugs again. ^_^
If she gave a kiss on the cheek with no romantic intentions then he could easily get the wrong idea. It’s better than crushing him again with a hug.
This can’t happen if she has felt anything like that for him ?
That’s why he’s wearing the helmet. 😀
In six to eight years, all their friends will be intensely annoyed at how sickeningly sweet a couple they make.
Dave III
They’re probably become a one-name couple– JulieAndTyler. It will be notably weird to refer to one and not the other.
Nonono. 84Shadow
The way his secret identity works, Tyler will pine after Julie who will pine after Moonshadow.
Dave III
Something tells me if/when Julie reaches that point, Moonshadow will come clean about being Tyler. She would keep his secret. Unless there’s a specific reason to keep it from her, he’d trust her with it. He’d probably do it NOW, if she asked the question.
Tyler isn’t that worried about his secret identity. It’s just, I can see him trying to tell her, and failing. The universe conspiring to interrupt him, or even when he succeeds, Julie misunderstanding it as some kind of prank. Because aside from Cecil, who among Tyler’s age mates would believe it?
Dave III
The fact that you specified “age-mates” kills the argument I was about to offer, being that certain members of the PS238 staff know Tyler’s identity, including Principal Cranston and Miss Kyle. The doctor CERTAINLY knows, she was holding his clothes when he went into the biohazard isolation tank and assuring him about doctor/patient confidentiality.
Plus, you’re right, the universe WILL conspire against him telling Julie, for the primary reason that the universe will think it’s funny.
Moe Lane
There will be no rib-cracking. The Revenant made sure that Tyler’s new uniform has rather specific bracing in the chest that would prevent future damage to his protege in that regard.
Dave III
True– but if The Revenant does all Tyler’s thinking for him, how’s he going to learn?
I think this will be a point when Rule of Cool is at odds with Rule of Funny.
Opus the Poet
Or reconcile them both, the suit allows enough of a squeeze to hurt but not enough to BE hurt, or in more technical terms, pain but no injury.
Tyler may not need the Revenant to do his thinking for him on that one. He may have figured out the need for better body armor on his own.
Prairie Son
He did figure out he wanted the fireproof stuff, even if it was itchy.
“How do you ‘un-crazy’ your life? I mean, people don’t just live with this kind of stuff non-stop, do they?”
“Life is like trying to water-ski. The only way to stand is to keep your balance and keep moving forward, because if you let go, or stop moving, you’re going to end up submerged.”
Thankfully it’s not non-stop it just seems that way to us because we’re mostly being shown the highlight moments (unless you’re talking Marvel or DC, THEN it really is non-stop and you wonder why anyone remains a hero after all the horror heaped upon them, it makes surviving the beaches of Normandy or the Death Camps look like a nice picnic day in comparison) along with some down moments to help with characterization and show that they do indeed live normal lives in general.
Well, I imagine that a lot of them keep going because, for them, it is literally do or die. True, mutants embody this more than others, but a lot of supers end up in situations where sitting back will literally results in the deaths of them, and everyone they love. Throw in the guilt of *letting* people die (because failing to act would be doing exactly that, unfair though it may sound), and many supers probably couldn’t consider doing anything different. It’s the price of getting super powers *and* a conscience.
Yeah, an unfortunate fact. Maybe her second question: “How many friends can I get who are immune to getting killed?”
Well, I mean… Apparently, 83.
84, by Brainstorm’s logic. I don’t think Forak has a number (if he does, it would be after 84), but he is a F.I.S.S.
But there may be a few others; among their classmates…
he’s not immune to being killed though. He’s not even all that tough (by FISS standards).
Robbie Bourget
There are bound to be other F.I.S.S characters but, to me, the best part is the way all of this flows and hangs together. So, so excellet.
Hey Moonshadow, how do you deal with getting moonshadowed into a Role?