I know Positron is one of the smartest beings on the PS238’s Earth thanks to his being a supercomputer-powered robot, but his mastery of human psychology- including child psychology- astounds me.
This is the part that horrifies me as well. The last thing PS238 needs is Positron being compromised or offlined.
I do not think that is the case.
The prefect only mentioned to having a “feed” to this whole thing. He never said it was through Positrons eyes. More likely he just has hacked the cammeras observing this lesson. Or some drone/gold armor guy stationed nearby observing it.
I’m not convinced it’s a problem. We don’t know what the hive Positron’s goals are. His/their goal could be to keep an eye on both schools and if there is a problem at either school to prepare. One or both could be moles.
You think that’s impressive? Notice he’s looking away from Whizz in panel 2 as he spins that deception?
It’s a classic non-verbal cue that he’s lying, something humans do subconsciously when we don’t want to see the expression of the person we’ve just lied to.
So not only is he emulating human non-verbal language, but he’s using it *in the correct context*. Yet there’s no need for him to do this other then “he wants to express guilt at such a barefaced lie”.
If I had no other evidence that he was sentient and had feelings, this would have convinced me. As it is, it’s probably also a sign he can read people like a book with a single glance.
It could also be an eye-roll (still non-verbal, but voluntary rather than involuntary), or looking at 84 as he mentions her (a classic technique for redirecting someone’s attention)
Now that is regular child raising and school teaching. Still kind of surprising to see child like children considering how many are either very smart/advanced or forced to grow up quickly for survival. (No super powers in a school full of supers… You need to learn fast to survive)
As an English friend of mine once put it: “Clever old stick”.
^^ The big difference between the inter-student competition used at PS238 and Praetorian is that at PS238, it’s used to help better the student, not to make the student a better tool for Praetorian.
23 thoughts on “07/14/2014”
That’s kinda adorable 🙂
No YOU are. >:[
He really knows how to deal with kids… and most adults 😀
I’m loving the color! so glad you are continuing the series.
I know Positron is one of the smartest beings on the PS238’s Earth thanks to his being a supercomputer-powered robot, but his mastery of human psychology- including child psychology- astounds me.
Yes, indeed. ^^
… And it is therefore doubly unfortunate that the Prefect seems to be patched into his system. 0_0; *horrified*
This is the part that horrifies me as well. The last thing PS238 needs is Positron being compromised or offlined.
I do not think that is the case.
The prefect only mentioned to having a “feed” to this whole thing. He never said it was through Positrons eyes. More likely he just has hacked the cammeras observing this lesson. Or some drone/gold armor guy stationed nearby observing it.
I’m not convinced it’s a problem. We don’t know what the hive Positron’s goals are. His/their goal could be to keep an eye on both schools and if there is a problem at either school to prepare. One or both could be moles.
You think that’s impressive? Notice he’s looking away from Whizz in panel 2 as he spins that deception?
It’s a classic non-verbal cue that he’s lying, something humans do subconsciously when we don’t want to see the expression of the person we’ve just lied to.
So not only is he emulating human non-verbal language, but he’s using it *in the correct context*. Yet there’s no need for him to do this other then “he wants to express guilt at such a barefaced lie”.
If I had no other evidence that he was sentient and had feelings, this would have convinced me. As it is, it’s probably also a sign he can read people like a book with a single glance.
It could also be an eye-roll (still non-verbal, but voluntary rather than involuntary), or looking at 84 as he mentions her (a classic technique for redirecting someone’s attention)
… so he passes the Turing test with body language alone.
Well. Played.
Now that is regular child raising and school teaching. Still kind of surprising to see child like children considering how many are either very smart/advanced or forced to grow up quickly for survival. (No super powers in a school full of supers… You need to learn fast to survive)
As an English friend of mine once put it: “Clever old stick”.
^^ The big difference between the inter-student competition used at PS238 and Praetorian is that at PS238, it’s used to help better the student, not to make the student a better tool for Praetorian.
I’m a little surprised that Positron didn’t use the “Well, you don’t really /WIN/ if everyone isn’t allowed to give it their all” angle.
And the point zips right by Wizz… leaving him in the dust.
The second most popular mantra of the speedster is that “The only thing we can’t catch consistently is a clue.”
The most popular is “Meep meep!”
Prairie Son
Notice Julie caught on about the trophies?
It should come as no surprise that she’s both smarter and more insightful than Whizz. 😉
every time i See Whizz’s costume i have a craving for a big mac
ps i dare you to try and say Whizz’s without snickering
Whizz’s without snickering
He should take up parkour.