Huh – “one of my subroutines”. Rock, you may be on the right track, although that mention of a favorite “relative” working with 84 makes me wonder if the Prefect has a connection to Doctor Positron.
Hm. Positron seems like the obvious wording, but the Prefect’s wording is making me lean towards the idea the relative working with 84 is something rare…
Just strikes me as “oh, and my relative happens to be working with her right now!” I might use the same wording if I happened to catch my mom in her office at work, which is pretty darn common but also pretty unpredictable.
That looks more like some shool practice in racing then an actuall superheroic mission.
And we are not certain if that red blur is friend, foe or competitor.
Absolute certainy, no. However, it does seem likely it’s some sort of exercise and that it’s Franklin racing with 84. This does match the preview image Aaron gave us some time before.
Positron would be off-panel observing the test, which is apparently one of speed to see how 84’s speed compares to someone whose meta-power is exclusively focused on speed. That or to simply train her up to help her increase her speed by competing against someone of comparable ability.
Looking back through the comic I get the impression that the Headmaster made his second-in-command himself, as the plans for Dr. Positron were part of the database in the prototype of PS238 that merged with Cranston.
Or maybe the Prefect is a genuine convert to the Headmaster’s plan. Just because they’re family or started out with the same base experiences doesn’t mean all the Positron units necessarily agree with one another…
12 thoughts on “07/09/2014”
Huh – “one of my subroutines”. Rock, you may be on the right track, although that mention of a favorite “relative” working with 84 makes me wonder if the Prefect has a connection to Doctor Positron.
Prairie Son
Yup. These are a few of the pages that Aaron teased us with months ago.
Hm. Positron seems like the obvious wording, but the Prefect’s wording is making me lean towards the idea the relative working with 84 is something rare…
Just strikes me as “oh, and my relative happens to be working with her right now!” I might use the same wording if I happened to catch my mom in her office at work, which is pretty darn common but also pretty unpredictable.
That looks more like some shool practice in racing then an actuall superheroic mission.
And we are not certain if that red blur is friend, foe or competitor.
Absolute certainy, no. However, it does seem likely it’s some sort of exercise and that it’s Franklin racing with 84. This does match the preview image Aaron gave us some time before.
Maybe the relative is Franklin? That could be the blur behind her. (Could also be Forak, but he works with Julie a lot.)
Positron would be off-panel observing the test, which is apparently one of speed to see how 84’s speed compares to someone whose meta-power is exclusively focused on speed. That or to simply train her up to help her increase her speed by competing against someone of comparable ability.
Maybe the “relative” is the button she’s racing to push.
Prairie Son
Hey, anyone remember where it was that Aaron raised the point about no one knowing how many Positron duplicates there are?
Looking back through the comic I get the impression that the Headmaster made his second-in-command himself, as the plans for Dr. Positron were part of the database in the prototype of PS238 that merged with Cranston.
Or maybe the Prefect is a genuine convert to the Headmaster’s plan. Just because they’re family or started out with the same base experiences doesn’t mean all the Positron units necessarily agree with one another…
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