
10 thoughts on “07/04/2012

  1. This won’t go over well, I bet it’s Captain Clarinet and the kids are all in shock to see him again.

  2. I sense a “DUNH DUNH DUUUUUNNNNNHHHHH!!!!!!” moment coming up.

  3. Agreed Chris I think we all know who might be under that mask.

  4. It’s totally Captain Clarinet! </3

    1. Shoooooosh!!!!!!!!!! No spoilers!!!!!!!!!!!! (But yeah, it’s totally him. I mean, who else would it be???)
      (BTW: Am I the only one who pictured him with brown hair, and Julie & the Flea’s costumes to be much more greenish?????)

  5. It could be someone we haven’t even noticed is missing yet.
    I don’t like their rewards system at all. It feels so wrong.

  6. Oh, no! His cover like his clarinet is blown!

  7. That ‘prefect’ reminds me of the android Lore, from ST:TNG.

  8. these Praetorians are so Third Reich.

  9. This is psychological warfare.

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