
4 thoughts on “05/27/2011

  1. I like the gag that the one-armed bandits here are in fact intractable.

  2. Just in case anyone missed the memo, Julie is VERY strong.

    Yeah, I know we’ve seen her do superhero-level strength stuff before, but seeing her one-handedly stop a fist that’s bigger than she is really puts it in some perspective.

    1. By someone who probably has superstrength himself, especially judging by jacked he is. Gotta wonder if Julie is one of the stronger FISS on record or something.

      1. She’s canonically on par with Captain Clarinet before he got de-powered, and no one’s sure she’s even close to her final development. There are many adults that don’t even come close. World-class powerhouse even by FISS standards, and this story is where it starts to show.

        Shame the comic’s no longer updating. I was looking forward to see a lot more of her career as 84 and de facto leader of the Respect FISS Heroes movement.

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