
50 thoughts on “04/28/2014

  1. How long until the whole world is populated by Tyler clones

    1. How long until the whole world accidentally becomes a crater?

      1. Just be thankful that the clone had a little neighbor-preservation to compensate for its lack of self-preservation.

  2. Aaand Tyler’s dad has fully made the transition from “kinda inconsiderate” to “full-fledged dick“.

    1. wait when was he not a full fledged dick?

      1. Tyler shall be important some day when his power arrive… Oh an alternate son with powers. See ya what’s your name!

        1. It both is and is not that bad. If you pay close attention, he called pseudo-Tyler Toby. He can’t even remember which one of his kids has powers. To be fair, of course, this may relate to Toby’s “give and take” power exchange.

        2. Are you sure that wasn’t Toby he was talking to? Pseudo-Tyler seems to be wearing different clothes and appears to have came out of a locker (which he states as where he kept himself).

  3. Worst. Dad. Ever! Shouldn’t they…, I don’t know, report him to Meta-Child Protective Services, or something?

  4. You only have two children! Stop forgetting their names.

    1. It’s worse than that… he’s forgetting the name of the one he’s supposed to have lived with longer….

    2. It is worse. Tyler is the one he and his wife had. Toby is the clone. He can’t be bothered to remember anything that is not a meta-human.

    3. My Parents have three children… My mother once called me by the cat’s name. =P
      Sometimes My mother can go through several names before she calls me by the right one.

      1. My grandmother used to occasionally have to run through all of her grandchildren’s names, then back up to me (the second youngest of the whole batch) But this is a bit different. She at least got all the right names in the right order (even the girls, believe it or not) this guy can’t even be persuaded to remember 1 individual name.

        I do wonder what his particular reward is going to be.

        1. It’s not unusual to get multiple kids names confused. But he and his wife have only named ONE child – Toby chose his own name – and not remembering that name is far more damning.

          The only other character in literature I hate this much is Mrs. Norris. Well done, Mr. Williams.

        2. Lycanthromancer

          Not even Dolores Umbridge?

      2. artificer- we must be related. My dad used to run through all 3 boys names + the cat’s…..

      3. At least in my case, parents have the excuse that there’s about twelve of us born within a 3-4 year window. And we all kind of look alike.

        Norse families are good for pseudo-cloning. 😛

      4. I never understood the whole “parents confusing children’s names” thing until I became a parent of more than one child. I have two, and for a while there I would often mix up their names. I have a daughter and a son. Still don’t know how I managed to confuse them, but I did.

    4. And to think I used to wonder why he reminds me of Magneto…

    5. Mixing up kids’ names, especially when annoyed is normal. He couldn’t even remember his “eldest’s” name OR the younger’s. I may be called my brother’s name, but not some stranger’s. He can’t be bothered. Yeah, before I might have excused him for being busy, but that was inexcusable.

      1. its not their fault they jsut get stuck in a rut. spend enough time yelling at matt when joe gets in trouble it just slips out. its this neuro plasticity muslememory thing. like organic autocomplete.

        1. Stuttering the wrong names is normal, unable to say any child’s (or even cat’s) name is not. Unless they added a third child named Tyrone since we saw them last. If they were stuck in ruts, Toby would have been called Tyler, and he was lavished with their affection and pride. I think it’s clear they are insensitive boobs and aren’t truly paying attention to any of their kids. Being busy isn’t enough of an excuse. (If they don’t have an Alfred, I’m not sure that should have custody of any kid… Tyler is relatively thriving now that he’s away from their supervision.

  5. …this dad is the worst… Just the worst… He is such a major racist against non-meta peoples. That’s the only way to even explain this horrible neglectful behavior. Even Homer Simpson would be going “dam that’s bad parenting” at this point.

  6. Sovereign Powers is basically what allowed Argos to happen.

    1. … Ultima powers. My bad.

  7. SO would he be a duplicate of Toby, Tyler or just something that looks and acts just well enough to pass muster?

    1. The last, kind of. Read on for elucidation.

  8. Depending on his mother than we’ll see if his parents are just incapable.

  9. I kinda feel sorry for the clone. He’s got a life & he’s looking forward to returning to primal chaos …

    Come to think of it, saying it like that sounds like a lot of kids.

  10. Right, Ultima Powers, wth is wrong with you?

  11. it looks like they took tylers room and gave it to toby then forced tyler to live in the storage closet

  12. Has no one else picked up on a the fact that there are now three Tyler-??? Ok, at least two Tylers and a Toby, but still. Also, I’m not sure if tyler should be afraid that his brother can replicate clones en masse to cover for his absence or not. Surely, the one knows normal parents would worry if even a superfluous organ donor were to disappear for a few days.

  13. I think both of them should run away and go join a circus!
    (See what I did there?)

  14. I just had a horrible thought. Toby’s reality altering powers go amok when he uses anything bigger than flight. What if his side effect of making a Tyler double was to make the parent(s) unconcerned/uncaring?

    1. you may have a very good point here.

    2. Unless those powers work retroactively, no. They’ve been like this since we met them. Even as an infant, Tyler was happy to watch them go away.

  15. so… what´s the other tyler doing?? i can´t remember…

  16. In his defence, we don’t know how many clones there are or have been.
    Tylin and Tyrone might exist.

  17. anybody else have the idea that tony is messing with tylor that seems even in this world like the crazy lie people make to a is that you question

  18. I’m not buying it. I think there’s more to it than this. Parents, even not-so-ideal ones like Ultima Powers, do not just forget they have a kid. Mix-up names, yes, run background checks on their own offspring, no. I sense the headmaster’s sticky paws at work. I think the headmaster has altered parental memories before in some of the students he recruits/abducts. I think the headmaster is now angling for Tyler, perhaps thinking he’s more powerful than he really is.

  19. While it had already been established that Tyler’s parents were insane and should have had their kid taken away some time ago (and PS238 REALLY shouldn’t have been abrogating their responsibilities with regards to that), this just takes the cake when his father can’t be bothered to remember his actual son’s name and has clearly due to his issues (and likely his wife as well) reworked his own memories to the point of seeing the clone as his real son and forgetting the actual one.

    Good thing that Tyler’s got some decent people in his life so he will end up an actual hero unlike his parents (pretty bad when the non-powered vigilante is a better parental figure by light years), otherwise with parents like that if he survived to grow up he’d have surely ended up a villain probably creating a hero-killer organization to protect the people from people like his parents who think only people with super-powers matter.

  20. Wait…how did I not think of this earlier. Did Tyler’s dad really just say he needed to do a background check on his own son. HOW CAN YOU NOT ALREADY KNOW HIS BACKGROUND?!

    1. More to the point, you are his background…

    2. Tyler’s parents are nuts, Toby is the son they’ve always wanted so he’s replaced their real son in their mind since all they’ve cared about is that ‘cosmic destiny’ thing rather than their actual child’s welfare. At least Atlas was doing his best to look after his own son’s welfare and had actual feelings and concerns for him. So far it seems like Tyler’s parents are in the minority (thankfully) and the other parents we’ve seen of super-powered children have had more concern for them. Which is pretty bad when you consider the kids of the super-villains we’ve seen so far have been better parents.

  21. Looks like Revenant is going to be a better father figure for Tyler now.

  22. You live in a giant SLEDDING tower and you couldn’t be bothered to give your firstborn a real bedroom with a real bed. This is some Dursley-level abuse and neglect right here.

  23. This page does go a little overboard on establishing the Powers Parent’s bad parenting.

    But you know, it’s a comic book.

  24. You know about those types of Omega-1 Mutants for this setting, I believe Toby counts as one that’s already here and existing.

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