
13 thoughts on “04/21/2014

  1. That’s a good question.

  2. Learn the art of moon shadow/batman in order to become a super bat/shadow when powers return?

    More to the point what will our little captain in the chair do now?

  3. Argonaut said thanks? I wonder if this is the start of a new trend?

    1. I was wondering that myself. It’s probably too soon to expect a reversal, but maybe Ron might come to realise that not everything wrong with his life is Moon Shadow’s fault.

      That would be nice.

      1. well, he’s likely to be heading home to his brainwashed mother, which will be Quite the thing.

        1. He needs affection for being Ron, not discipline/indoctination. Since he’s lodly blamed MS (and indirectly his powers) for his not being happy, I want to see how that is working out. He’s only an ex-super now. I hope we see him in the aftermath of the 84 public competition.

  4. What! Victor gets away with it! Surely he’s guilty of at least some truancy?
    Ah well, maybe a good foiling will make him a little more humble.
    Maybe pigs will fly.

    1. He’s a minor too, and I really doubt calling his parents would have any effect.

      Also, it’s dead easy to make pigs fly. First, get yourself a catapult…

      1. or, in PS238, a genetic recombinator…

        1. Then put your porcine in the catapult/genetic recombinator…

      2. I can image that conversation.
        “So, your son tried to conquer a parallel universe. Fortunately his classmates managed to stop him, but all the evidence was either lost or destroyed. Perhaps you could talk to him about it?”
        “Victor! It’s a good start. You tell me what happened, I’ll tell you what you could improve on!”

  5. Personally, I’d consult the Revenant! It was swiped from him in the first place… and he really wouldn’t want to have to take Atlas out permanently… …so maybe he’s got a counter-agent?

  6. honestly, it seems like the question of what to do should be quite simple. He use to be Captan clarinet becuse he loved his clarinet so much he couldn’t decide if he would like to be a super hero or play music. Then he became scared of his power and hated it. Now he has no power and full music. It would seem the obvious choice would be be happy that the decision was made for you and stick with music. Not that he will do that, because he is too emotionally conflicted and because it would be a boring comic 🙂

    Of course the *first* thing to do is to call up his dad and let the dad know he is okay. Surely they have left some means of communication that can be used for that, the ship itself, the ship’s engineer, all the super geniuses something.

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