
38 thoughts on “04/01/2013

  1. I’d say something about gratitude, but it’s important to remember that Ron is under a huge amount of stress with his parents’ divorce and his recently having been trained by a school founded by what appear to be supervillains.

    I am… very glad that Tyler doesn’t realize what the word consort actually means. ^^; Bloody feudalists in space…

    1. Ron also reacts . . . poorly . . . to hurting people too. At very least Tyler’s helmet may get knocked off, letting at least one cat out of the bag.

      1. He has a mask on under it. It would take a pretty heavy blow to let that cat out of the bag. It would also probably skin him.

    2. Eh. I’m of the opinion that Argonauth/Captain Clarinet’s super powers don’t include normal intelligence.

    3. In theory, he’s gotten used to the divorce. His coping mechanism is the supervillain school, which has been voluntary (and/or impassioned) every step of the way, rather than Stockholm syndrome. It doesn’t get to be used as an excuse for stress.

      He’s a ball of hatred with no particular foundation and seems to be falling into the chronic anger mangement failure pattern of becoming angry at whatever convenient target there happens to be because of how good it feels.

      I’m reminded a little of the alternate universe superpowered Tyler, and how someone unable to interact with others within certain bounds of decency (eventually) has to be forcibly restrained for the protection of those others from their cruelty.

      Comparisons of pregnancy come to mind. Someone can blame throwing a plate at their husband on their pregnancy, but countless people go through the same process without using violence, and if they truly cannot prevent themselves from using violence against others then they need to be prevented by others, instead, with a straitjacket if necessary.

      Incidentally, the horrible hormonal levels of puberty could also contribute (depending on whether that’s applicable to Ron or not), but that likewise does not give one a free pass. One does not gain an excuse to do unacceptable things, even if there is unfortunate suffering.

      1. I have enough friends who have been through that situation to know that your parents divorcing is something you don’t really “get used to”. You can learn to accept it, but that experience Forms an emotional burden that you carry with you for the rest of your life. Once your world has been turned upside down, you just don’t turn out the same way you would have if your parents had stayed Together. That doesn’t make you a bad person, Lots of people walk out of broken homes and live long, happy lives. But you’re talking about a level of self-control and personal responsibility that Ron simply doesn’t have. He is acting way out of line yes, but no more out of line then you would expect any 8 to 9-year-old child who has been suppressing their emotions until now. ( I say suppressing because this is the first violent outburst I have seen from Ron in this comic. Correct me if I am wrong.) No, Ron is not getting the help that he needs, mainly because he is attending praetorian academy. They seem to believe that wadding your emotions into a ball and burring them deep inside you would work better in the long-run than talking about it. They’re teaching style seems to be a mix of Volcan philosophy with Lex-Luother like methods. Yes, he needs to calm down and stop throwing things, but first he needs some one to help him. This kind of reaction would not seem so unreasonable if We didn’t know he could take Moonshadows head off with one fell swoop. Two quote my favorite web-slinger, “With great power comes great responsibility.” And we can’t exactly blame Ron for not knowing this if no one has sat him down and taught it to him. All the more reason he should be back in PS238.

        Though seriously, he should stop throwing things. He’s going to take Moonshadow’s head off.

        1. That quote was originally “With great power there must come great responsibility.” The “must” usually gets dropped off for some reason. Which is unfortunate, since the whole point of Spider-Man’s origin in Amazing Fantasy #15 was to show what happens to those who don’t use their power responsibly. Its also led to the more cynical comic book writers mocking a very moving morality play.

          Back to Ron: it has not been more than a few months since he enrolled in Praetorian Academy. It can not be more than half a year, at most, since the divorce. Prior to the divorce his parents’ marriage wasn’t that great to begin with. While Ul-Ron genuinely loved Lisa Larsen, she may have married him for the wrong reasons. Given his character traits, Ul-Ron probably didn’t contest the divorce or seek custody of Ron. Unfortunately that left her with little protection against the Headmaster’s manipulations. Ron never actually got his mother’s permission to attend Praetorian Academy; he was as much a kidnapping victim as his room-mate, except that his kidnapping involved bright brochures and a telepath, rather than armored Centurions. None of the kids enrolled in Praetorian Academy should be there. Because the Headmaster is planning to [Spoilers redacted].

    4. You know, I’m sorry Ron’s under a lot of stress, but how long has it been, character time, since his parents split? It happens to non-supers, and I’m sure it has to have happened to other supers. I would hope (as it seems not to have happened) that a child with super powers should have MORE counseling. He changes schools and blames Moonshadow and blames himself, instead of blaming the ones he’s really unhappy with.

      All the structure or ‘promotions’ in the world aren’t going to be more than bandaids on the wrong area. But at some point he has to take responsibility for his own bad behavior… and not take responsibility for things not his fault.

      1. Demotions at Praetorian Academy can be quite severe. Ron could lose the right to go about without his mask and cowl, he could be confined to quarters, or they could use the shock collars shown in issue #24. Ron has reasons to be nervous; men like the Headmaster don’t tolerate failure.

    5. “Consort” is intentionally vague, even in feudal times, to mean anything from “they are mating-paired” to “she is simply his servant.” Complete with society judging the relationship, people making assumptions about the relationship, the relationship’s nature being an open secret with people lying about it, etc.

      It’s a lot like the neofeudalist aristocrat “job creators” with their secretaries. Maybe he’s her trusted confidante and organizer, maybe he’s her *comment censored*, and people will assume and lie and all that.

  2. Moon Shadow, please make a reflex-check or loose head due to incoming sharp round object as super speed!

  3. Well Tyler lost and they had to clean up his mess. In fact they only came after he lost so he really can’t blame them. Infact the only difference that would have been made would be that Tyler might have died or nothing would have happened.

    1. You mean Ron lost and Ron might of died?

  4. “I can kill you with a tray if I so wished…”

  5. – Well, I hope the Moonshadow’s bag of tricks includes something that auto deploys around whiney F.I.S.S-types throwing temper tantrums. Either that or 84 shows up in time to save her ‘consort’ and hopefully kick some sense into Argonaut.

    – I do hope we aren’t getting a severely injured Moonshadow and a round of ‘What Have I Done?’ from whiney kid.

    1. I’d like to see that. I think moon shadow deserves some sympathy points at this point.

      1. well you have to remember what Tyler’s powers are. (yes he has them) They prevent anyone from recognizing him while in costume.

        so Ron does not know that it is Tyler…..

        1. A. He has no powers. Cecile recognized him.
          B. so?

        2. Cecile has powers of his own, they may not let him detect Tyler’s powers (which he has, his imperfect clone clearly has activated versions of his potential in full throttle) but they let him see through the concealment that Tyler’s powers provide.

          Remember there’s no way Tyler could have survived all the stuff he has without some kind of powers, which seem to tweak events so what he should die from fails at it.

        3. Tyler has no powers. The reason no one but the PS238 faculty and Cecil can recognize him when he’s Moonshadow is explained by the Revenant in issue #16: People see what they want to see. That’s why Clark Kent or Ul-Ron Peterson can fool people by wearing a suit, tie and a pair of cheap glasses. The faculty figured it out by default during the Septo invasion, while Cecil Holmes tends to look for clues that other people might miss (just like his namesake). Whether this is due to Cecil’s powers is irrelevant; Principal Cranston was able to deduce that Tyler was Moonshadow by adding 2+2 and getting The Revenant.

    2. Moonshadow and Ron are going to have a shouting match in a few issues about the way Ron blames Moonshadow for all his problems. I can’t reveal more, but suffice to say that Tyler’s sympathy for Ron is quickly running out.

  6. Ditto.
    Argonaut relationship with Moonshadow has not been the best. Moonshadows ability to outdo Argonaut’s stuff is what caused Argonaut’s current predictament, and he resents like luthors dislike of superman.

  7. Hello… softling over here! Let’s keep the trays under the weird fruits blobbies…

  8. Is this going to become the Luthor, Superman trope were It’s reversed. But. the Normal guy is not a egotistical, spoiled brat genius?

  9. And that last panel is why there’s a PS 238.


      1. Ps238, AND Harry Potter? You rock.

  10. Can I just take a minute to talk about how much I like the visual cues here? How moon shadows cape is placed to show he is backing away? The way they both hold their hands to show surprise and confusion? The tip of Ron’s eyebrow to show the transition from annoyed to borderline insane? Unlike a lot of other Artists, Aaron has always had quite a skill at communicating his points. And also unlike some others, he does it sublely. It’s refreshing to be able to read a comic where the characters aren’t constantly shouting things like ” this makes me so angry!” or, “I am very sad right now.” because the artists just lack an Ability to make subtle visual cues. I still haven’t quite moved past stick figures myself, so I shouldn’t be judging, but I just Thought someone should say, kudos Arron. Kudos.

  11. Can I just take a minute to talk about how much I like the visual cues here? How moon shadows cape is placed to show he is backing away? The way they both hold their hands to show surprise and confusion? The tip of Ron’s eyebrow to show the transition from annoyed to borderline insane? Unlike a lot of other Artists, Aaron has always had quite a skill at communicating his points. And also unlike some others, he does it sublely. It’s refreshing to be able to read a comic where the characters aren’t constantly shouting things like “this makes me so angry!” or, “I am very sad right now.” because the artists just lack an Ability to make subtle visual cues. I still haven’t quite moved past stick figures myself, so I shouldn’t be judging, but I just Thought someone should say, kudos Arron. Kudos.

    1. Oops. Clicked twice. Sorry.

      1. A comment so insightful deserve to be publish twice.

      2. don’t you just hate when that happens.

  12. And now Tyler’s dead. Strips over folks!

    1. Is it weird that reading that made my heart break in two?

  13. Moonshadow starts to duck and his helmet takes the impact of the serving bowl, which ricochets upward, as Moonshadow keeps dropping. 84 catches the serving bowl and flies down to see how Moonshadow is doing, then yells at Argonaut for his actions. Moonshadow is fine; the momentum transfer, along with the fact that he was already trying to get lower, combined to keep him safe, even if he claims a splitting headache, but thankfully, not a split head.

  14. Frisbee. Far out!

  15. There’s that royal temperament. I guess it skipped a generation :/

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