is their war with the emerald ones from a couple of issues ago? The massive signal being when they yanked Emerald Gauntlet, Kevin and little lady Von Fogg away from Earth? There was a reference at the end of that issue which sounded like it could have been to Atlas.
Not just at the end. Senior Emerald Gauntlet got his gauntlet when he was doing a test flight of a ship with an engine based off of the one from Atlas’ ship. There’s a retelling of this on 12032012 in which he gets the gauntlet more or less in exchange for said ship. It’s not nearly as pointed as the one you mention that’s split between 01022013 and 01042013, but it also hints that Argos may somehow be involved in the whole Emerald Gauntlet mess.
My thought as well. ‘Our people are at war. We have extensive sensor networks to detect their movements and incursions.’ Using normal grammar, ‘their movements’ would be ‘our people’s movements’.
Probably the easiest guess is that it’s a civil war, and that what’s actually going on is that one side /did/ find him and is currently trying to use him in their plans.
From a different direction, it’s conceivable that the oppressed(?) non-F.I.S.S. members are the enemy. In any case, suspicious how unnaturally Dax leaves out who they’re at war with, especially since he could just have used our enemy/enemy’s/enemies as he does in the next bubble.
…though, ah, that might have triggered suspicion by the repetition of that ambiguous phrase…
Another possibility is that they’re just at war with the Their species, previously unintroduced. ‘sensor networks to detect Their movements and incursions’, ‘signal of Their activity near Earth’… (State hidden by all-capitals.) I am amused by how well that holds together in comparison with the alternatives.
Let’s all calm down here! No need to pull out molecule disruptors or death rays!
The grammer is correct, for once. It is referring to the movements of the enemies of Argos. The signal Dax is referring to occurred in issue #40 of PS238. You people will need to buy “PS238 vol. 8: When Worlds Go Splat!” if you want to know more. (Or wait a month or two for the reveal.)
Well we are waiting for either the aliens with the guantlet teck, the aliens that tried to take over the world, or that moment with the forces of chaos and order, but my bet is on the gunatlet aliens with the “von doom” type girl.
We’ve already seen the resolution to the Septos and the war between Order and Chaos. The Septos were defeated and their virus was cured. They’re essentially extinct for all intents and purposes.
And as for Order and Chaos… meh, the humans just didn’t feel like fighting anymore.
The Septos were defeated in issue #26. The virus was cured in #35. They are referred to as Septos in the PS238 RPG. The war between Order and Chaos was resolved anti-climactically in issue #36. The Emerald Ones’ name is revealed in issue #41. The archives are your friend!
Leor613 you are Lady Alexandra Von Fogg!? My apologies, how may I serve your great robotic avatar form….
I’m shocked no one commented on how the highest ranking royal needs to give permission to “Go”. I assume it includes most important actions and could get people use to giving orders to all kind of pissy that some one higher is now around.
Who said anything about “needs?” It’s a courtesy.
Um, I’m not Lady Alexandra Von Fogg. She just happens to have sent a sapient cat wearing a Napoleonic era military uniform, who is threatening to shoot me with a molecule disruptor unless I make sure everyone is using her proper title and full name.
The ship is fully automated, with an advanced AI and sophisticated robot drones. It had only two organic inhabitants, Lord Dax and Forak. Forak was not allowed to do anything without Dax’s say so. Right now the ship is programmed to obey Dax, but it is also programmed to obey any royals that outrank Dax. Atlas is the king, so he outranks Dax by default.
Actually, Cecil’s Mom dumped several shrunk down Septos down the toilet, so they’re still around. Just, you know, tiny.
I’m sure that The Revenant and some of his super-friends tracked them down after he learned about that. Besides, they can’t reproduce themselves in sufficient numbers to replace the warriors they lost fighting Prospero’s people and Earth’s cape & tights crew. That was the whole point of infecting Tyler with the mutagenic pathogen. While there may be individual Septos, they have passed the point where their extinction is almost guaranteed.
Especially if a shrunken Septos mating with a shrunken Septos produces a shrunken Septos offspring who is further shrinkable, rather than one that would return to full size if “shrunk again”. Or if a shrunken Septos mating with a shrunken Septos results in a regular size Septos that’s contained at least temporarily within one of the shrunken Septos. So there’s two possible ways for their current state to cause them much worse issues.
I haven’t actually commented here before, but I’ll just pop in to say that the enemy they’re referring to here is almost definitely the Emerald Ones. I don’t recall ever reading this particular issue before, but at the end of PS238 #40 (I believe… it’s the one featuring Alexandria Von Fogg and both Emerald Gauntlets), they refer to the Argosians as their “ancient enemy,” and say that they lost the “exodermis” that formed Emerald Gauntlet senior’s gauntlet in an effort to seek out one of these enemies. This is most likely why the portal which gave Gauntlet senior his powers appeared near Atlas and the soon-to-be Emerald Gauntlet, and also why it’s so ironic that Gauntlet senior was saved by Atlas immediately afterward. It’s also likely to be why the Argosians detected a “strong enemy presence” nearby, as both of the Gauntlets were on Earth and drawing their powers from Emerald One tech – such a thing would attract even more attention even than Atlas being on the planet.
It’ll be interesting to see how this brings Moon Shadow, Argonaut, and 84 (who are currently allied with the Argosians, it appears) into conflict with the Gauntlets (who are currently allied with the Emerald Ones, as seen at the end of #40), that’s for sure.
You’re almost 100% correct Meta-Mind! The Emerald One presence the Argosians detected was the incursion of the Emerald One into the Nuclear Family’s HQ to kidnap the Gauntlets and Lady Alexandria. Both the Emerald Ones and the Argosians detected the signal pulse Kevin’s Gauntlet gave off after the exodermis was removed by Zodon’s space station. Because the Emerald Ones travel instantaneously between dimensions, and Lord Dax-Ra probably needed to yell at Forak a bit, the Emerald One got to Earth first.
26 thoughts on “03/15/2013”
Spoiler request:
is their war with the emerald ones from a couple of issues ago? The massive signal being when they yanked Emerald Gauntlet, Kevin and little lady Von Fogg away from Earth? There was a reference at the end of that issue which sounded like it could have been to Atlas.
Not just at the end. Senior Emerald Gauntlet got his gauntlet when he was doing a test flight of a ship with an engine based off of the one from Atlas’ ship. There’s a retelling of this on 12032012 in which he gets the gauntlet more or less in exchange for said ship. It’s not nearly as pointed as the one you mention that’s split between 01022013 and 01042013, but it also hints that Argos may somehow be involved in the whole Emerald Gauntlet mess.
Yeah, y’know what? I don’t trust that look on Dax’s face in the last panel. That’s an evil grand vizier-type of look, or so it seems to me…
Oh dear, oh dear, the war… With the Emerald Gauntlets and little lady Von Fogg in the other camp. This is going to be a very prickly situation.
Bottom right panel. I mistook Argon’s two nose-ridges for a smile at first. It was funny. XD
“Our people are at war”. with who? the tentacle aliens seen before? betwen themselfs?
My thought as well. ‘Our people are at war. We have extensive sensor networks to detect their movements and incursions.’ Using normal grammar, ‘their movements’ would be ‘our people’s movements’.
Probably the easiest guess is that it’s a civil war, and that what’s actually going on is that one side /did/ find him and is currently trying to use him in their plans.
From a different direction, it’s conceivable that the oppressed(?) non-F.I.S.S. members are the enemy. In any case, suspicious how unnaturally Dax leaves out who they’re at war with, especially since he could just have used our enemy/enemy’s/enemies as he does in the next bubble.
…though, ah, that might have triggered suspicion by the repetition of that ambiguous phrase…
Another possibility is that they’re just at war with the Their species, previously unintroduced. ‘sensor networks to detect Their movements and incursions’, ‘signal of Their activity near Earth’… (State hidden by all-capitals.) I am amused by how well that holds together in comparison with the alternatives.
jt lannister
sorry… anonymous poster… you’re… completely off?
The sensor networks are detecting the movements and incursions of the enemies.
That means “their”.
There’s no error except yours.
Wow, aggressive much?
Let’s all calm down here! No need to pull out molecule disruptors or death rays!
The grammer is correct, for once. It is referring to the movements of the enemies of Argos. The signal Dax is referring to occurred in issue #40 of PS238. You people will need to buy “PS238 vol. 8: When Worlds Go Splat!” if you want to know more. (Or wait a month or two for the reveal.)
Well we are waiting for either the aliens with the guantlet teck, the aliens that tried to take over the world, or that moment with the forces of chaos and order, but my bet is on the gunatlet aliens with the “von doom” type girl.
We’ve already seen the resolution to the Septos and the war between Order and Chaos. The Septos were defeated and their virus was cured. They’re essentially extinct for all intents and purposes.
And as for Order and Chaos… meh, the humans just didn’t feel like fighting anymore.
The Septos were defeated in issue #26. The virus was cured in #35. They are referred to as Septos in the PS238 RPG. The war between Order and Chaos was resolved anti-climactically in issue #36. The Emerald Ones’ name is revealed in issue #41. The archives are your friend!
Leor613 you are Lady Alexandra Von Fogg!? My apologies, how may I serve your great robotic avatar form….
I’m shocked no one commented on how the highest ranking royal needs to give permission to “Go”. I assume it includes most important actions and could get people use to giving orders to all kind of pissy that some one higher is now around.
Who said anything about “needs?” It’s a courtesy.
Um, I’m not Lady Alexandra Von Fogg. She just happens to have sent a sapient cat wearing a Napoleonic era military uniform, who is threatening to shoot me with a molecule disruptor unless I make sure everyone is using her proper title and full name.
(A gold star to anyone who got that reference!)
Girl genius?
The ship is fully automated, with an advanced AI and sophisticated robot drones. It had only two organic inhabitants, Lord Dax and Forak. Forak was not allowed to do anything without Dax’s say so. Right now the ship is programmed to obey Dax, but it is also programmed to obey any royals that outrank Dax. Atlas is the king, so he outranks Dax by default.
Prairie Son
Actually, Cecil’s Mom dumped several shrunk down Septos down the toilet, so they’re still around. Just, you know, tiny.
I’m sure that The Revenant and some of his super-friends tracked them down after he learned about that. Besides, they can’t reproduce themselves in sufficient numbers to replace the warriors they lost fighting Prospero’s people and Earth’s cape & tights crew. That was the whole point of infecting Tyler with the mutagenic pathogen. While there may be individual Septos, they have passed the point where their extinction is almost guaranteed.
Especially if a shrunken Septos mating with a shrunken Septos produces a shrunken Septos offspring who is further shrinkable, rather than one that would return to full size if “shrunk again”. Or if a shrunken Septos mating with a shrunken Septos results in a regular size Septos that’s contained at least temporarily within one of the shrunken Septos. So there’s two possible ways for their current state to cause them much worse issues.
I haven’t actually commented here before, but I’ll just pop in to say that the enemy they’re referring to here is almost definitely the Emerald Ones. I don’t recall ever reading this particular issue before, but at the end of PS238 #40 (I believe… it’s the one featuring Alexandria Von Fogg and both Emerald Gauntlets), they refer to the Argosians as their “ancient enemy,” and say that they lost the “exodermis” that formed Emerald Gauntlet senior’s gauntlet in an effort to seek out one of these enemies. This is most likely why the portal which gave Gauntlet senior his powers appeared near Atlas and the soon-to-be Emerald Gauntlet, and also why it’s so ironic that Gauntlet senior was saved by Atlas immediately afterward. It’s also likely to be why the Argosians detected a “strong enemy presence” nearby, as both of the Gauntlets were on Earth and drawing their powers from Emerald One tech – such a thing would attract even more attention even than Atlas being on the planet.
It’ll be interesting to see how this brings Moon Shadow, Argonaut, and 84 (who are currently allied with the Argosians, it appears) into conflict with the Gauntlets (who are currently allied with the Emerald Ones, as seen at the end of #40), that’s for sure.
You’re almost 100% correct Meta-Mind! The Emerald One presence the Argosians detected was the incursion of the Emerald One into the Nuclear Family’s HQ to kidnap the Gauntlets and Lady Alexandria. Both the Emerald Ones and the Argosians detected the signal pulse Kevin’s Gauntlet gave off after the exodermis was removed by Zodon’s space station. Because the Emerald Ones travel instantaneously between dimensions, and Lord Dax-Ra probably needed to yell at Forak a bit, the Emerald One got to Earth first.
SOMEONE’S been paying attention! And I like your user name.
Meta-mind, that is.