
10 thoughts on “01/11/2013

  1. Letting your companies run themselves unsupervised is NEVER a good idea, Herschel.

    This here is why I don’t think Praetorian Academy has any right to claims of ethics and/or morality. At least PS238 tries to keep pre-pubescent kids AWAY from dangerous situations like these. It fails, but it does try. And if it must, then it at least tries to do so responsibly…

  2. Atlas’s people decide they need to invade…
    They’re warned that this world has a Moonshadow.
    When asked what a Moonshadow is they get reports of their invasion force being either shrunk or incapacitated by a pair of humans leading the entire superpowered schoolkids of ps238… and the scariest part is that they have no idea how badly they’re about to get beaten!

  3. Actually this group of aliens is more like branic (the alien robot from superman) expect this guys won and conqured the planet instead of having it blown up. The only question is if Atlas’s race was a race of super heroes (good guys) or cruel evil dictators who didn’t (or did) have super powers. Either was it is not a good idea to send his son who works for an evil group (because one of the two will cause war).

    1. Do you mean Brainiac?

  4. Dayum. Kid’s genre savvy. I hope he grows into it more with more interdimensional shenanigans. It would be awesome to have some sort of Deadpool/Agent Mulder hybrid.

  5. Herschel…you make this tech and don’t take the precaution of putting in a back-door allowing you and you alone to shut it down? For shame…

    1. If someone reverse engineers it thoroughly, that kind of safety feature could be removed or made useless.

  6. Anyone else ever want a short arc just of the Revenant’s adventures?

    1. Yes, yes, yes, yes, yesyesyesyesYES!

      (Ahem.) yes.

  7. Regarding Revenant, well yes…
    I’d have assumed Herschel just activated them but because they’re still moving has figured someone in his company sold out the safeties… well the ones he let them know about if he’s ever shared notes with Revenant… by the way does he have a contact no for that masked man?
    Oh and regarding the other question, yes!

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