
16 thoughts on “01/10/2014

  1. So the chair was damaged the whole time? No wonder Cecil has so far failed to blow up the neighborhood. Or be the beacon for his friends in a galaxy not so far away.

  2. Why doesn’t it surprise me that the Revenant has a sonic screwdriver?

  3. Heh, a sonic screwdriver. Can’t mention the name, though, the BBC’s lawyers are exclusively recruited from dragons, harpies, ogres, and other creatures renowned for their awful temper.

    1. It also appears to be a Tennant one!

    2. But not Beholders or Mindflayers, because WOTC has a solid lock on those.

  4. “Techno-organic compounds” wouldn’t happen to be an homage to the TO Virus from the mutant branch of the Marvel universe, would it?

  5. Hmmm?! Time Lords in the same universe as Tom/Paradox and the Castle? I’d LOVE to hear the conversation between the Doctor and Tom, though I suspect it would be a long one — ending in “Please leave my Castle now.”
    Sadly, given Tom’s concerns over the stability of the timeline, one suspects that one the Event occurs and he has full access to all the timeline and thus the powers of the Castle, the first thing he has to do is remove Gallifrey from ever existing (given their track record of constantly messing with it).

    1. Actually, Tom’s a Whovian Expy, as his name shows.

      1. Expies are not in short supply in PS238, that is for darned sure. DARNED sure.

  6. I hope the cold draft Ron is complaining about is just a new-found sensitivity to temperature, not a sign life support is failing.

    Neither of them are quite up to the tender mercies of the cold vacuum of space.

  7. Does this mean Cecil will have a sonic screwdriver from now on?

  8. I just randomly stumbled onto this page, and it is still magnificently full of win. Cecil’s got a sonic … ooohhhhhh nooooooooo …

    Also, as an old-school Revenant fangirl, I want to see that vanished timeline, dammit!

  9. Ok, Cecil is going to remove a bit of debris from the control chair and the Ship Bot is rebooting the ship’s network…

    Why do I suspect the chair has the navigation data needed to return the ship to Earth Space? And it will happen automatically?

    Cecil saves the day, the legend of NightShadow’s Luck continues to grow, and Ron gets to come to home as a non powered whiner.

    Everyone wins.

    1. Not quite, although you are getting warmer. Well, warmer than Ron, at least.

      Aaron being Aaron, things are going to be getting a lot worse soon.

      1. Yeah, why bring the ship to the chair, when it is a lot easier bringing the chair to the ship? (and then blowing it?)

    2. Not quite Clell. First, there’s no character in this comic named “NightShadow”. Moonshadow and Ron, on the other hand, are going to have their hands full and go on another adventure together before they reach Earth.

      Cecil will be instrumental to saving the day, but he won’t actually save the day himself. It’ll be up to his valiant crew to follow his orders, and damn the photon torpedoes!

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