
29 thoughts on “2020-09-14

  1. They are so gonna lose this fight.

    1. Absolu- Wait, your antecedents are unclear. You’re talking about Power and Glory, right?

    2. Yeah. They’re arrogant, believing that they have any tool to solve any problem. As they say “pride comes before a fall”. And Power & Glory are reliant on devices they don’t fully understand. While the kids … for the most part, DO understand how their powers work. That certainly does NOT help the two idiots.

      1. Pride goeth before destruction, and an haughty spirit before a fall.

        From the Book of Proverbs in the Old Testament.

        Apropos for this, because destruction is pretty much what’s been happening for the last twenty minutes.

  2. The “mess” will be epic. The legal mess will be beyond epic. They will wish all they had to take care of was the physical mess.

    1. Legal mess? This is supposed to be an empty building. Excepting Zodon (and likely one other), no one who isn’t inside knows any different. And they are not only planning on leaving no witnesses, but no evidence (at least not in this dimension).
      On the other hand, even if P&G win, they lose…they’ve forgotten they were supposed to get the McGuffin and help Tyler; and this ISN’T that.

      1. That might work… if they were dealing with regular superchildren.

        Tyler and Cecil have connections that I don’t think will be deterred much by the extra dimensionalness of this space. I’m not talking about Tyler’s parents here.

        It’s important to know who you’re dealing with, and P&G have apparently spent no effort to figure that out. It’s especially important, in this instance, to know who is interested in those you’re dealing with.

        Malphast’s parents would probably not seek vengeance, exactly. But having the level of interest that P&G would get for not leaving Tyler and Cecil’s coat as witnesses would probably make their lives interesting in many ways they would likely regret long before that interest abated. Toby may be deterred by the extra dimensionality, but I suspect even enough of his investigation *near* them would be likely to wreck havoc, now that his chaos sink is lost.

        I think Tyler has enough other contacts that would be interested in his disappearance to make certain to have the legal mess actually happen, so long as P&G survived long enough for it, but I have not kept track of all of the players to be able to name them.

        1. It’s not just Tyler and Cecil:
          – Ron’s super-hero father would take longer to get involved, but probably has even more connections. His mother probably knows a lot of other super-heroes too, for that matter. Ron’s new power was just proven capable of moving through “a 12 dimensional maze” and might also allow exit from the all-gone box.
          – Zodon might be able to escape the all-gone box with equipment already in his chair, which would complicate the “no witnesses” plan even if he doesn’t bring anyone else out with him. He might also be able to break the all-gone box, depending on how it works and what he’s got on hand.
          – The Flea might seem like the least connected person here, but he’s been hanging around the store for days, potentially attracting attention to the area, and might be able to send bugs with an SOS (if anyone can interpret it).
          – Lester probably has a super-parole officer who would be required to come looking for him, and wasn’t he wearing a tracking bracelet? (Admittedly it might be broken.)

          Not to mention that Tyler’s tracking bracelet was in Cecil’s pocket, so it probably didn’t get eaten by the goo; that means Tyler’s parents actually might do something effective once they escape their tower. Even more likely, the Revenant might track them using either that EDL bracelet’s tracking signal or one from Tyler’s half-eaten Moon Shadow gear, which isn’t even on Tyler, and should lead the Revenant to the store even if Tyler himself leaves the dimension. The Revanant actually knows the name of the place and that they were after Tyler, so he’s got a head start.

          Forget the legal mess; it’s going to be epic, but P&G aren’t supposed to be found by anyone that does’t have an invitation from “management” (see 2017-07-24) They’re going to be in external trouble, internal trouble, super-trouble, the works!

        2. Your last paragraph is entirely my point. “Management” told them to secure the chaos-goo and give Tyler super powers. Zodon has stolen the chaos-goo and they’re about to kill Tyler, remove him from this plane of reality or both. ‘Fired’ is way too mild a term for what they’re about to be…

    2. The bureaucratic mess will be apocolyptic. As in “Nope, sweep that reality under the rug. We’re not dealing with that in this eternity.”

  3. Well hopefully Zodon pulled aggro

  4. An important note: According to the “Doctor Positron’s Science Corner” column in the physical comic book (which has a lot of great worldbuilding and really should be collected somewhere), “Omega” is the official designation for a potentially world-ending event.

  5. Unless they destroy the entire group to the last atom, there is no way the shopkeepers are coming out of this tantrum the way they believe they will. Most of them are young kids and deadly force is not permitted. Actually, I doubt disintegrating would end the mess as there’s enough connections to informative powers and teams that there’d be no escape. And honestly neverending power gadgets are never as effective as clever use of ‘lesser’ powers.

  6. Meanwhile, Dumbing of Age‘s narrative has leapfrogged PS238 in time and now is further along in the school calendar. Yes, in my headcanon both series happen in the same year, just in different cities.

    You’d think some circuit breakers in the building would be popping off with all the power being drawn.

    1. (Oh, very well…)
      Volume I takes place the first two weeks of the school year, the last week of August and the first week of September, including Labor Day. Volume II is the week after that, including Patriot Day. Volumes III and IV are later in September, but very close together, possibly the same week. It’s more difficult to set the rest of the print series because a lot of it involves either time travel or space travel. But the fact is, Christmas hasn’t happened yet, we may have had Halloween around Volume IX but it’s not definitive, and nobody’s celebrated any birthdays.

      1. If that’s correct this has been an incredibly stressful 3 months for these kids.

        1. Typical First Grade year, IMO.

    2. This is a compelling headcanon.

  7. Omega sounds like grey goo to me. The End of the Greek alphabet? The extinction-level threat of true nanotech? Too similar, I don’t think that this is going to go well for Power and Glory, since they are ignoring containment protocols now. I hope there is somebody more competent to deal with the incoming disaster.

    OTOH, since Dynamode has molecular-level control over her body, I think she could form a protective layer. So the PS238 group should survive, and might be the ones to stop the runaway reaction.

  8. Can’t she just become a liquid and get out of that easily?

    Also, if the shopkeepers continue fighting these guys while Zodon gets away, that will be perturbing.

  9. These two have clearly list all sense of priorities. Zordon is leaving/has left with the Mcguffin, while they are playing with the toys on the shop shelves. “Winning” has reached any sensible goal, and bringing to hear enough firepower to win this battle will result in complete and utter defeat. Harming the kids will bring down more retribution upon them than they could possibly survive.

  10. Power & Glory are kids, so I can’t blame them for escalating… But they really need to learn to de-escalate and- more importantly- why they should.

    Also, I wouldn’t be surprised if their boss reads them the riot act for using up and destroying so much of the merchandise- even if it’s in defense of the store. Regardless of whose side he takes, he SHOULD do that to them.

    1. The Wyrm Ouroboros

      Clarification — Power & Glory *appear* to be kids. Past conversational levels suggest they are not.

      1. I honestly find it hard to tell one way or the other from the art, though based on their heights in comparison to both the known adults and children, I’d call them physically teenagers. The way they TALK has me thinking of those Creepy Little Girl-Shaped-Things from xxxHolic.

  11. Do you realize that this is the evening of the day that started in 2016?

  12. Omega nanotech, turned up to 11? There goes the planet, turned to grey goo.

    1. The button marked “Omega” may be referring to a Class-Omega weapon.

      Examples of such weapons include the Death Star’s super-laser, the wave-motion gun from Star Blazers/Space Battleship Yamato, and the Reflex Cannon from Robotech. Lina Inverse’s signature spell, Dragon Slave (Slayers) is a good estimate of the damage that a Class-Omega weapon on this scale would deliver.

      1. Nah, the Dragon Slave isn’t a class Omega weapon, it’s a step down from that.

        Now, the Giga Slave, on the other hand… which is capable of taking out the head of the Demon Lords if cast properly and potentially of unzipping reality if miscast… THAT is a class Omega weapon.

      2. …Or it could be the self destruct…

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