
48 thoughts on “2020-03-18

  1. I get the urge to punt Cecil in a blackhole, but I don’t get the store guys insistence to use violence here: all everyone else wants is to leave the store, what’s the problem with that? The kids have not even stolen anything, and Tyler was even gifted a power bottle.

    It’s like they are dumb algorithms from a 20th century movie, unthinking, locked on “*BZZT* ELIMINATE”

    1. Yeah, I’m getting a very Dalek vibe off these two. This started with them soliciting a kidnapping after all, they are affronted that others aren’t rolling over and just taking what they choose to dish out.

    2. Why only “dumb algorithms from a 20th century movie”?
      Just running out of resources. «Go to fallback interaction sequence: kill everyone. Masters will sort out remains.»

      1. I remember the robot copy of Deathlok doing something like that during its time infiltrating Project: Pegasus. After its computer was scrambled by a burst of radio waves from Quasar it discarded its mission parameters and went with ‘kill everyone’ as its default.

      2. But they aren’t running out of anything, they just have to say “here is the door”, like they were doing with Tyler before.

        Or maybe it makes sense if their problem is not the kids being there but them having the *ability* to enter the shop uninvited. can’t let them go as there’s the risk they’ll come back steal something in the future. hmm…

        1. Yea seriously they have actually lost product now cause they are fighting

        2. They ran out of their depth and rehearsed responses, at very least.
          They are people who somehow still had no idea what’s so “different about this town” when they moved in. And the place was inaccessible to most metahumans.

  2. Yeah, I’m getting a very Dalek vibe off these two. This started with them soliciting a kidnapping after all, they are affronted that others aren’t rolling over and just taking what they choose to dish out.

  3. All over the land, Yellow, Red and Green Rangers squeal with glee!!!

  4. I missed this before, but how is a golem that size walking around inside that building? Is it an aircraft hanger inside?

    1. It is a support column. And from the low angles I think the interior of the building has nothing to do with the exterior.

    2. It’s a big shop/small warehouse. But mostly it’s just that both employees are only a bit taller than the kids.
      And the golem is a column, it goes all the way to the ceiling. Err… was a column. Oops.

    3. Considering everything else we know about this shop, I’m pretty sure “consistent internal geometry” isn’t even remotely applicable.

    4. Borrowing the term, the store is “dimensionally transcendental”. We’ve seen the inside of it before P&G took over and after they did, as well as what it looks in the outside. It’s interior is definitely bigger than it’s exterior. Those two kids were packing some serious remodelling stuff.

      And I agree with TBeholder as well; the golem’s shape as a column fit perfectly inside, so moving most of its mass to form limbs will take away from some of the vertical space it occupied.

    5. To quote The Doctor, “It’s bigger on the inside.”


    I do not think the laws of nature/engineering/perception work here. It’s a magical shop you know? 🙂

  6. It is a bit odd that a store that deals with powered individuals and has a strong “Be Careful What You Wish For” customer service policy hasn’t had to deal with customers or merchandise this disgruntled and effective before.

    I wonder if the employees are relatively new on the job.

    1. I wouldn’t be surprised if they turn out to be the angel and devil. .

      1. You mean Malphast’s parents, right?

        1. No, more like bit part demonling and provisional celestial. Thet do not know what they are doing and are not wise enough to slow down and deescalate. They made threats and should not be surprised when defense.protection countered. I do not think they will stop until smacked down, or more likely someone they respect tells them. the ps238 group were at most trespassing before they started acting in defense of kids.

        2. That’s not what “the” means.

        3. Low to mid grade Order/Chaos minions? These would bicker more, know what’s up with this town… and mostly use mind control, rather than silly toys.

          Most likely, they are just what they seem to be.
          Now, their mysterious “manager” may turn out to be among the semi-obscure gods, entities like Fates (they have appeared in Nodwick, after all), etc. Or (more likely) a minion of someone like that.

        4. I think Midwestmutt is referring to the little angel and demon beings that were competing to control Toby. While we saw several of each during that arc, there was one particular pair that appeared to have been assigned to stay and work with him.

    2. They have this thing going on where people that aren’t welcome are teleported past the entrance.

    3. I’m sure they’re used to dealing with problems… one at a time. This may be the first time they’ve had to deal with multiple people in the shop. They probably know exactly which weapon / item will stop the Flea, or stop Cecil’s coat, or stop Mo-Ron. This is why the Sinister Six is such a problem for Spiderman when he can deal with any individual member.

  7. A battle to the death in the middle of a store with a bunch of super-powered artifacts sounds like a good way to start a post-apocalyptic storyline…

    1. You mean like the FFN story where they ended the golden age?

  8. Hey Tyler, maybe you wanna, y’know . . . drink that potion? Maybe?

    1. I think they are trying to orchestrate a situation in which he has to drink it, yes.

      1. I blieve that the potion will be drunk. But certainly not by Tyler. I’ll bet on Lester.

        1. Yes, that might be good. He’s already mastered selfreflection and is doing what seems right to him. Making mistakes is common for heroes, but the intent for using power is key. Tyler’s power is Choice. The potion reminds me too much of greeks bearing gifts.

  9. To quote a transforming gorilla, “That’s just Prime.” I imaging this Voltron clone is only going to be as big as box it pops out of.

    1. Unless that box just activates it wherever else it is in the store. Or summons it to the store. Or it actually is the store.

      1. “It’s Show Time!”
        What, no one’s seen “Big O”?

        1. Cast in the name of God, ye not guilty.

        2. Man in the Mists

          Hopefully this one won’t have a giant penis-cannon in its chest.

  10. Volt, ZAR (currency), krieg (war), mech, goth.
    A gothic themed war grade battle mech with probably gold decorations and electric weaponry?

    1. Hang on to that one! If your guess turns out to be wrong, I’ll bet an anime studio would love the idea.

    2. Zar is also german for tsar, a title used to designate East and South Slavic monarchs or supreme rulers of Eastern Europe.

      1. Actually… The German is “Kaiser” and both that and Tsar/Czar (depending on transliteration) derive from “Caesar”.

        1. /Actually/ „Kaiser“ is the german word for “emperor” and „Zar“ for “tsar|czar”. But both, as whheydt said.

  11. Aw, come on. You gotta have a battle cry. Like… “SPOOOOON!” And it’s gotta come from the diaphragm.

    1. I think “Timber!” would work here. But maybe hurt the feelings of… well, I can’t find a name for the hammer of Vulcan (Hephaestus). It doesn’t like woodwork.

      “Live long and prosper – stay out of my way!” Maybe.

      “Hammer and tongs!” is authentic but we don’t have the tongs…

      “Forge ahead!”

      1. “It’s time.. for the hammer to FALL!”

    2. “I’m here to chew bubblegum and smash wood! And I’m all out of bubblegum!”

  12. Disgruntled Merchandise is Dangerous Merchandise….

  13. It’s no “Wonder Twins Powers Activate!” but I suppose it will do in a pinch.

  14. Go-Go Mecha Inspector Gadget!

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