
44 thoughts on “2019-03-11

  1. Somehow I doubt that this is Tyler’s super origin. But I can’t figure out what else might happen because getting hit with chaos goo seems like the perfect setup for getting odd powers.

    1. Actually, you know what would be really awesome? If the chaos orb tried to fuse with Tyler, but couldn’t, because Tyler’s real power is ‘not having powers’ so the orb just bounces off and everyone starts freaking out.
      And then they figure out how to test it, and they find out that Tyler has been ground zero for weird shit for ages, only none of it could affect him in the slightest, because of his ‘real power’.
      I can only imagine the expression on his parent’s faces…

      1. That wouldn’t surprise me. Ever since the Headmaster and Alexandra von Fogg had their discussion about superpower origins, I’ve thought of Tyler as an Omega Level One Normal – so incredibly normal that superpowers can’t take hold in him.

        1. That would be a satisfying outcome. I always liked Bink the best in the Xanth books.

        2. Glad I’m not the only one who thought of Bink. He was great.

        3. Yeah, although I liked Blink less when it went from “magic can’t harm him directly” to “nothing that stems from magic in any way will be able to harm him, ever, because it planned ahead by several years”.

        4. Could having all powers create a neutralising effect? Example, heat power + cold power.
          For Simpson’s fans #MrBurnsIsImmortal

        5. No, we can’t let him be awesome in a way Batman couldn’t.

      2. That has been speculated as his superpower. And you are right, this could be the ‘reveal’, or at least the start of it.

        1. Though it will be attributed to Moonshadow. Can physically handle and resist the pure element of chaos. Something else on his list of known powers.

      3. Tyler does have a power. Secret Identity. Most people aren’t capable of recognizing him as Moon Shadow. People who understand secret identities can’t figure it out.

        1. Tyler can’t possibly be Moon Shadow, because Tyler has no powers, and Moon Shadow has all kinds of powers. To pierce that veil, you need to be aware of both secret identities *and* hype. Otherwise, anything that would normally reveal Tyler as Moon Shadow reveals a new Moon Shadow power:

          Moon Shadow can teleport, silently swapping his position with somebody else of roughly equal mass and similar appearance.

      4. Turn that from modern times to a fantasy age and you have the major plotline for “A Spell for Chameleon” by Piers Anthony

      5. “A Spell for Chameleon”, indeed…

    2. The simplest alternative is someone dives in to knock Tyler out of the way and gets the origin instead.

      1. Like Lester? Or Sarah?

    3. No, the boomerang is just going to achieve sapience and then join Cecil’s collection.

      1. What Joe said. That seems like the most likely outcome to me.

  2. Normally boomerangs only come back if they miss their targets, because impact changes their trajectory and kills most of their momentum… Maybe a really skilled user could throw one in such a way that it brought back a relatively lightweight target… Maybe.
    Returning after hitting a relatively heavy target, bringing that target along, would probably require an internal propulsion system and some form of post-throwing control system.

    1. Actually I think, but I could be wrong, that hunting boomerangs really never were designed to come back to the thrower. Just to give lift so that they flew farther and hit with more power.

      1. Hunting ones return — if the thrower doesn’t hit any fowl, no need to get in water (or dense shrubbery) for the boomerang, and if hits, got to retrieve the kill anyway.
        War boomerangs were not returning, since when the thrower is distracted, it would add risk of having oneself or friendlies kneecapped by one more flying club, and a combatant needs to watch out for other things already.

        1. No, as confirmed by an Aborigine on TV as well as by Wikipedia.

    2. I don’t know if has an internal propulsion system or not, but Aaron did hand-wave it by telling us it was high-tech and covered magic goop. So at this point it could land, sprout limbs, and start performing “Hello, My Baby”; and it wouldn’t surprise me.

      1. But it will only do that when you’re alone with it.

        1. And not looking directly at it.

    3. Like might be found in a “high-tech boomerang” given by The Revenant (as Cecil noted)? He’s got fun toys: I would not rule internal propulsion and guidance systems out of hand. Tack on the sort of stuff the goop has done on screen, and … well… as TxGator said: “So at this point it could land, sprout limbs, and start performing ‘Hello, My Baby’; and it wouldn’t surprise me.”

      1. But it would only do that when nobody else was watching.

    4. Of course, it’s not really coming back, if it’s homing on him, because he threw it from a different location than he’s landed at.

  3. If it doesn’t try to return to Moon Shadow, will it try to return to Kid Powers? I’m not sure its trajectory/flight path in panel 3 is towards Tyler.

    1. It may just fly in circles.

      1. Boomerang returns to owner. Moon shadow on ground and kid powers up above.

        Flies in a circle for the next hour trying to figure out who gets thrown into it.

  4. Oh, great. When it hits him, he will be blessed with the Power of the Boomerang. No matter where he tries to go, he’ll always end up back where he started. At some point, they won’t let him into airports any more.

  5. So it’s powers now include EM frequency transmitting and receiving, some circuitry good for encoding / decoding, has a more aerodynamic form that’s toughened enough for cable cutting and that’s before its chaotic upgrade.

    Didn’t someone call a boomerang passing through the sphere?

    1. I’ve just realised, it could be the equivalent of the green goblin glider. Possibly sentient and there is a short list of people who would love one of those.

      1. “Short”?

        1. Prerequisite to use may be needing to be roughly action figure size.

  6. My bet? Flea to the rescue.

    1. I like this theory because I think it’s going to goop whoever interacts with it next, and who better to be gooped with chaos powers than The Flea?

  7. Then again, maybe he will just acquire a Boomerang of Total Chaos ™(patent-pending).

    Still no powers for Tyler, but with tech like that, who needs ’em?

    1. Wait till it homes in on him as the boomerang returns and also upgrades his suit.
      There is too much chaos there for just the boomerang to get affected, it’s taking the rest of the sphere with it.

  8. Woah, Tyler has really been grinding off page cause this kid is swinging like Spiderman and throwing boomerangs like Batman. All those weekends with the Revenant are really paying off.

    1. You made me look the following up:
      Panel 4 of 2018-05-06
      Panel 5 of 2018-06-26.

  9. High Tech Boomerang covered in Chaos Goop, gains Sentience and Superpowers and returns to owner, Teleporting to the REVENENT and covering him in Chaos Goop. The new Super Revenent Origin.

  10. Whatever it is now, Cecil’s coat will eat it anyway…

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