There is a similar top-hat on the first page of “All H-E-double-hockey-sticks Breaks loose” (, but that hair looks blondish, rather than brown.
That’s Lynn Wolcott, AKA Top Hat. She dosn’t have a character page on the wiki yet, but she is listed on the bottom of the list of students:
Yeah, that looks like the woman who was identified as Dynamode.
Here’s hoping the tendency of people around Tyler to not see through Moon Shadow’s mask holds, now of all times – given that Sarah’s side of her Power and Glory invoice was to be “1 Tyler Marlocke”…
Toby used his power to have any power he wants to have a precog/clairvoyance type power which told him Tyler would be outside when Moonshadow got there. Toby’s power correctly identified that this is a tautology, but Toby did not correctly interpret that, and thus assumes that Tyler will be out there for Moonshadow to encounter.
It will work perfectly, since it is impossible for Tyler not to be there if Moonshadow is. It will confuse Toby if he sees the lack of Tyler’s apparent presence, because his power predicted Tyler would be there. His power will have been right: Tyler IS there. Toby just doesn’t realize it, because he only sees Moonshadow.
Requesting wiki pages for Charles Brigam, Alexandria Von Fog and praetorian academy (with a list of known pupils even if they don’t have their own pages)
You can create those pages by making a FANDOM account. Use Tyler’s page as a model for character pages and the PS238 page as a model for locations. You can message me, the admin, directly on the wiki if you have any questions.
31 thoughts on “2018-12-25”
David Nuttall
Ok, so is panel 1 the first appearance of the Zatanna expy, throwing chocolate cake using magic?
There is a similar top-hat on the first page of “All H-E-double-hockey-sticks Breaks loose” (, but that hair looks blondish, rather than brown.
Clown Science
That’s Lynn Wolcott, AKA Top Hat. She dosn’t have a character page on the wiki yet, but she is listed on the bottom of the list of students:
She has one now:
I thought it was that girl who could talk to ghosts.
Flea apparently has “genre savvy” as one of his unlisted superpowers.
Okay, let’s be honest: It’s kinda his primary power.
The insect powers and bouncing and strength are neat and all, but the genre savvy is his bread and butter.
The Yakety Sax is playing loud enough for anybody to be “genre savvy”.
I didn’t realize that Sam Starfall had gotten loose at this party.
Nice to see a fellow fan!
Although, I thought it was Helix that provided the soundtrack…
Helix started playing when Sam stole the sax so nobody would notice.
The colors of that glove and sleeve look worryingly familiar.
Is that… Forax’ arm, reaching in? 0_o
Prairie Son
Looks more like the woman we assume is Sarah.
Yeah, that looks like the woman who was identified as Dynamode.
Here’s hoping the tendency of people around Tyler to not see through Moon Shadow’s mask holds, now of all times – given that Sarah’s side of her Power and Glory invoice was to be “1 Tyler Marlocke”…
Xel Unknown
Hi there Paradox…
That’s the coat behind them, right?
Prairie Son
Well, it used to look like a coat. I’m starting to wonder if it has been a Monster of Chaos this whole time.
I am fairly certain that if the faculty knew about his coat, he would have been enrolled in PS 238 posthaste.
Or the COAT would be enrolled, anyway…
Ed Rhodes
Oh, I don’t believe the coat would join without Cecil.
Clown Science
Cecil has been consumed. He will be missed.
He’ll be okay, he’s already an eldritch abomination.
It’s his coat. More likely, towed behind it, much like a little owner of a big dog. :]
If he is still wearing it then more like an out of control mech with him trapped in the cockpit.
Stephen Bierce
“Get in the darned trenchcoat, Shinji–or Cecil will have to go back in.”
Russell White
And once again, Moonshadow’s facemask disappears…..
Wait, is Toby expecting Tyler to be outside to help? How exactly is that going to pan out?
Toby used his power to have any power he wants to have a precog/clairvoyance type power which told him Tyler would be outside when Moonshadow got there. Toby’s power correctly identified that this is a tautology, but Toby did not correctly interpret that, and thus assumes that Tyler will be out there for Moonshadow to encounter.
It will work perfectly, since it is impossible for Tyler not to be there if Moonshadow is. It will confuse Toby if he sees the lack of Tyler’s apparent presence, because his power predicted Tyler would be there. His power will have been right: Tyler IS there. Toby just doesn’t realize it, because he only sees Moonshadow.
Requesting wiki pages for Charles Brigam, Alexandria Von Fog and praetorian academy (with a list of known pupils even if they don’t have their own pages)
Clown Science
You can create those pages by making a FANDOM account. Use Tyler’s page as a model for character pages and the PS238 page as a model for locations. You can message me, the admin, directly on the wiki if you have any questions.