
26 thoughts on “2018-12-09

  1. Wonder when he will start singing again.

    1. Let’s go for something educational, like Tom Lehrer’s Elements, or something from Schoolhouse Rock.
      “Hey, Hayseed! Why the *BALCONY* did you have me singing about *CABINET* nouns?! I know what a *RUNNING* noun is, and you left out that ideas are nouns too, not just ‘person, place or thing’.”
      “Yeah, about that, I am still working out the alternate lyrics on Interplanet Janet, now that Pluto’s no longer considered a proper planet.”

      1. Jussst reeemember you’re on a planet that’s revolving, revolving, revolving at 900 miles an hour…

      2. Problem is, the Barry Ween chip is set to have him singing “show tunes”, so I don’t think Tom Lehrer or Schoolhouse Rock qualify. I wonder if Gilbert and Sullivan does: what price Zodon bellowing “I am the very model of a modern major-general”?

        1. 2050 Shady Lane

        2. Robert Carnegie

          Has he done “Hamilton” yet? Really I think that anything that amuses Herschel (and of course Aaron Williams) goes in. But it’s probably a rule that it can’t be relevant.

          And “Tom Foolery” was Tom Lehrer’s oeuvre performed as revue, if that qualifies.

          “We Will Rock You” and “Mamma Mia” may count as shows.

        3. Schoolhouse rock does count as showtunes there is a broadway show its a “Jukebox musical” but it counts

  2. For Zodon’s sake, I hope that Code C134-N is still working…

    1. Okay, I’ll bite. I’m unfamiliar with this. What is Code C134-N?

      1. It’s Zodon’s wash cycle… I had to go back to make sure that was the code. http://ps238.nodwick.com/comic/08292007/

        1. NoDrogs! Been a while. It’s me, Crow.

          I’d forgot about his wash cycle. Okay, thanks.

  3. Goodness. It has bodily fluids. I had assumed it to be made primarily of coat-like substances. Now I’m forced to consider whether it has organs.

    1. Of course it has organs – the gusset, the inseam, the outseam, the back panel… 🙂

    2. It seems to be like Venom (who’s salvia is really the symbiote’s excrement, neatly released at the host’s mouth (just in case you never wanted to know)).

  4. –“But my name isn’t RALPH.”
    “It is now!” (from Klyde Morris)

    1. I wanted to share the strip where this line appears but I trolled the Klyde Morris archive and it’s been removed. Too shame.

  5. As time goes along Zodon becomes more and more that kid that’s an example of the ‘Not Now Kid’ trope, the kid that’s savvy and knows what’s up and has a way better solution than the adults but the adults ignore them and dismiss them out of hand because they’re ‘just a kid’. He’s a super-genius that turned an old moon lander into a solar-powered space-based laser weapon that almost burned its way to where the school’s at THROUGH a alien spaceship that shrugged off nearly everything it was hit with, yet he’s still dismissed and ignored. No wonder he’s frustrated and acts out like he does, if he can’t get the slightest bit of respect might as well make as much hell for the adults as possible as he can get away with.

    1. The adults who deal with Zodon regularly (Hershel and Miss Kyle) filter out most of what he says because almost all of it is bombastic blather about conquering the world. Other adults don’t have enough experience to see him as anything but a would-be world conqueror, and thus ignore any benefits that might accrue from following his plans.

      In other words, I think Zodon’s Cassandra Complex is self inflicted.

    2. Dog trainers recommend to signal “I noticed you” to dogs begging for attention.

      Parents of “not now kids”, if that means what I guess, actively ignore their kids until they can’t ignore them anymore.

    3. I think that part of the problem is that while he’s a genius in several areas, he is still wrong frequently enough. In this page he essentially says “you’re proving my point that keeping the chaos orb here is a bad idea”. However, nothing was going on with the orb until he tried to take it, which set off the current series of events.

      1. Security depending on everybody playing nice isn’t.

      2. Except something WAS going on with the orb, Zodon went after it explicitly because the containment was pitiful and he could easily detect the orb due to the inadequate shielding. If it had been properly contained and shielded he wouldn’t have even known it was there let alone gone after it.

  6. I vote for something from Mame, ‘we need a little christmas’ might fit the RL date, but ‘if he walked into my life’ has a lovely lament going ‘…did he need a stronger hand?’ that would be funny for Zodon, and commentary on Zodon’s boy, Toby, and Tyler… In the current chaos it’s about time for one of the leads to make a decisive action to proboke a solution. I admit I’d like Tyler to do it, but Ron would be good too.

  7. Beginning to think the wiki should have information sources listed. I’d like to check some of the things added.

    1. All the info on the wiki comes from the comic itself or the roleplaying book authored by Steven S. Long and Aaron Williams. Available here: https://www.amazon.com/PS238-Roleplaying-Steven-S-Long/dp/1583661093

  8. Anyone know when this comic actually updates? The home page says Mon-Wed-Fri but that doesn’t seem to be so.

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