
52 thoughts on “2018-09-27

  1. Hey, let’s throw the appearently super dangerous McGuffin around… what could possibly go wrong?

    1. If there is an OOPS with an exterior wall, that would be an alternative exit. Just so long as they retrieve it before it takes out the building rather than just a wall.

  2. Does anyone think that Toby’s way to remove the sphere is just Sarah’s way of stealing it?

    1. She has shown no interest in it. Power and Glory on the other hand would likely be very interested yet as a trade wanted Sarah to give them Tyler… Toby wants Tyler to take it to Power and Glory to get rid of it safely.

      1. IIRC the receipt was 1 set of powers for one tyler Murdoc. While this can be interpreted as trading tyler in order to gain powers, it can ALSO be interpreted as giving tyler powers (aka the powers are for tyler)

      2. What do you mean, “no interest”? She’s the one who had a device prepared to steal it from Ron in the first place! She is actuallt bent on getting that sphere.

        1. I’m fairly certain that she got that from Toby.

    2. I’d guess it’s the Cthulhu guy… y’know, the one who would be able to identify Tyler/Moon Shadow by the smell of his soul.

  3. Well power and.glory offering powers to anyone who can safely remove the death ball doesn’t sound so insane anymore since everyone want to try giving it a spin… Or toss in this case.

  4. This game is NOT “catch”. It is PEPPER.

  5. Moonshadow taking a phone call in midair while being confronted by supers… that feels oddly familiar.

    1. He learns from the best. It’s like any traditional martial arts movie; the student’s style resembles that of their master. First example that comes to mind is Rush Hour 2 when Jackie Chan gets into a fight with the black guy running a Chinese restaurant/gambling den and they stop when they both notice that their moves are mirror image identical and ask each other which master they trained under, prompting Jackie to say, “Oh! They are brothers!”

  6. Within a few strips, probably: “Okay, now I need you to find give it to my brother, Tyler.”

  7. I have a way to get rid of it … And that way will horrify you, once you learn the shocking truth. Don’t worry, I’m acting with the best of intentions!

    1. Well then, spill!

    2. *remenbering the origin of Zodons space station* + *Tylers parents intent to give him powers* + *a coat that eats things the orb animates*
      Yes, I can think of at least three ways it can be disposed of. None of them good.

  8. TemperaryObsessor

    Dag nab it I have no idea who has the least worst plan here. So far there appears to be three sides Toby, Zodon, and Tyler’s “parents”. Since both Zodon and Toby think they are doing a bad job also they have less credibility than either of them at this point I’m guessing they aren’t the best. Toby seem’s sort of delusional but Zodon is “evil”.

    1. Zodon din’t seem to have any significant intention beyond “Contain it better than the current idiots.”

    2. Zodon’s really softened in the “evil” department. I think Von Fogg is the only true villain in the class at this point.

      1. Zodan *wants* to be evil. He just realizes that collateral damage could include him, so he works to try to prevent it.

        1. Zodon self-identifies as “evil.” And thinks that’s important to who he is. He really, REALLY isn’t. He is, at worst, neutral jerk, and half of that is “normal kid foibles” taken to eleven due to his hyperintelligence. He doesn’t seem to like hurting people in any real sense (though embarrassing and making fun of them is a hobby). He actively has a heroic impulse to help when people are genuinely in trouble. Even people he claims not to like. He’s much more an anti-hero of the “reluctant” and “I’m not a hero, darn it!” variety. And getting more so.

          Poor kid does need actual friends, though. Hopefully, as his peers get older, some will approach a level of intellect that at least he can lower himself to converse at. I could totally see a teenaged Flea being Zodon’s self-proclaimed “Best Friend” who tries to drag the reluctant hero who still tries to claim to be a villain (fooling nobody) into funtimes, and Zodon maybe even being secretly okay with this.

          There’s also…shoot, the girl who’s become a gadget-collector. Was she Guardian Angel, or is that a separate one? She seemed to get along with Zodon during the alt-world adventure where we found out what happened to Zodon’s parents.

        2. Yes, Guardian Angel. She and Zodon have been hanging around together off and on since…issue five, I think it was.

        3. TemperaryObsessor

          Zodon thinks he’s smarter than everyone else because of high int. low wis. and that combined with the fact that he self identifies as evil means if he thinks he knows whats best he’s not going to listen to anyone else. He most likely does not have any current plans to hurt anyone with the ball but also isn’t above hoarding dangerous objects of potential power for himself. And high int. low wis. “evil” also means he could easily get in over his head without talking to anyone about the issue.

      2. I suspect that even Von Fogg at this point is less a villain than an extremely opinionated do-gooder. His main motivation is making the world ‘better’, and his main issue is that he thinks that nobody else is capable of getting it done right; and in fairness, he’s not exactly wrong on that account, judging by previous performance.
        If he wasn’t so painfully convinced that he knows what people need better than they do, I might even like the kid.

        1. Von Fogg hasn’t appeared since the Alternate Omaha arc, and he was most definitely a villain then. The Von Foggs are most definitely not good people.

        2. TemperaryObsessor

          The Von Foggs look down on the rest of humanity, and from what we’ve seen appear to be at least a little sadistic. From what we’ve seen Victor doesn’t want to cause lasting harm but does enjoy rubbing his superiority into other’s faces. He also appears to want to make the world a better place as he defines it but doesn’t care to get humanities permission first. If he didn’t punish his machines for failure I would say he was neuteral but there is hope for him.

    3. Yeah, I trust Toby, but not sure what he’s planning. Remembering that at base he’s still Tyler* I’d give him the benefit of the doubt. I don’t think Zodon is the menace either, he’s acting to head off disaster, which puts him on the side of angels today. Ron’s talent also seems to be guiding him to get it away from the Powers, too. These three have a lot more credibility than the EDL, who are starting to make me think of the Keystone Cops. How did that group/the Powers get such a reputation, anyway?

      The super lady in red, who/whatever she is, is the problem, to be subverting the security to acquire Tyler. The sphere is the ticking bomb, but she is a CORRUPTER. And P&G are too, as desperate people will do stupid and destructive things. Despite looking like kids, I don’t trust them as far as I could throw Thanos. (Is that building a locus for ba stuff(TM)?

      1. I’m sure the Power are -very- good when they’re not facing “the heroes” of the given story. But they’re of necessity holding back on the kids, and the Power of Plot is very much against them here.

        1. No one can fight well against the plot and creator. (though some characters try really hard) But my question is more of an in-world question. Kids always are so close to be blinded by rose colored glasses OR warts. But we get a fair amount of hints on adult POV on many topics, we just haven’t seen any particular ‘smart hero’ or ‘good parent’ or ‘wise leader,’ and not just on the topic of Tyler. It’s hard to believe they are Justice League/Avengers fame when they are acting like Keystone cops…

        2. Characters do fight their creator, but on a different battleground.

      2. TemperaryObsessor

        I trust Toby means well and usually we can trust him to be sane and think through his actions as best as he can but it seems like someone might have played his emotional weaknesses in order to trick him into doing something not so good.

  9. I didn’t realize before the switch to color that tyler’s parents costumes were mostly white with blue accents. It gives some cool visual symmetry to tyler’s mostly black with some blue outfit.
    Hey, I adopted the PS238 wiki! If anyone wants to add to it they’d be welcome! Tyler’s page is a good format to use for refreance for any other character pages.

    1. TemperaryObsessor

      Yes except most of Tyler’s pieces serve an actual function.

  10. I’m confused on what the Powers would want the chaos-orb for. Probably not just containment, like Toby said, and then what would they use it for? It’s pretty clear that they want the least amount of chaos possible.

    1. I dread that my theory could be right

    2. Maybe they got extraplanar buyers?

  11. I don’t trust Quantum Powers to have a friend I would trust

    1. There are pros and cons to him but overall I think his choices can be misguided but he is trustworthy. With his fate awareness etc I think his choice of friends is safer than it otherwise would be.

  12. Hey, I adopted the PS238 wiki! If anyone wants to add to it you can use Tyler’s page as a template.
    Also, I never noticed that Tyler’s parents costumes are the opposite of his, white and light blue vs black and dark blue. It’s nice visual symmetry, and subverts the dark clothes=bad guys trope.

    1. I don’t think Tyler’s parents are bad guys, they just have Dingus Parent Syndrome, a common ailment in stories where kids are the main focus.

      1. Seems like you really need to reread the comics, because Tyler’s parents are definitely bad parents and not actually all that great as people. A parent that explicitly puts their child in dangerous situations up to and including exposing them to dangerous radiation because they’re absolutely convinced that all it will do is cause them to have a Super-Hero Origin and not mutilate or kill them is a bad parent. Tyler’s parents are known to have done that, they’ve even signed off on letting him be bitten by a student with lycanthropy (vetoed by the teachers thankfully) and exposed to cosmic rays if any showed up on a trip to the moon. They constantly neglect him and have only gotten worse after the creation of Toby. By any objective measure they are not good parents.

        1. Not quite. Tyler’s parents did authorize him to be exposed to cosmic rays, however it is not stated at any point that he was authorized to be bitten by a werewolf. In Issue 11 it *is* stated that it would probably please Tyler’s parents immensely if he was turned into a werewolf, but it was not actually said that they had given permission.

        2. They aren’t bad parents, they are bad people happening to be heroes. They are Von Fogg with hero fame replacing money but the same entitlement.

          Also they are disconnected from reality with respect to other people, especially with Tyler, so in their narrative, they are good parents. If they realize they did something wrong, they’ll try to make it better by doing more if it. Thus the party.

        3. TemperaryObsessor

          Yea they are not good people who happen to not know how to parent. They are bad parents as an extension of being bad people. They are basically the Von Fog’s but invested in looking like good people to others and to themselves. Also the Von Fogs are harder to argue against considering smarted is sort of the measuring stick we use as well when comparing ourselves to animals.

  13. The disappearing Moon Shadow face mask returns!

  14. Is anyone else wondering how they can throw a literal ball of chaos in a straight line?

    1. It’s contained.

      1. (a weak containment shaping it into an object)

    2. Well, you weren’t expecting it, right?


    3. The ball remaining out of the biggest champions of order in the room (Ultima and Sovereign Powers) increases the chaos in the vicinity. It might not increase it as much as the ball taking a sharp right into an unsuspecting minor, but the ball is happy to play along so long as net chaos is increasing. If they were trying to drop it in concrete and dispose of it, I would expect it to do something !!FUN!!.

  15. Oh god they were gonna try and implant it into tyler wern’t they

    1. Was there ever any doubt? I’m pretty sure Tyler was actually born on their Lunar Base, just to try and jumpstart his ‘destiny’.

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