Considering the mention of trans-dimensional feeds, I’m guessing a portal is being opened; possibly to somewhere unpleasant, and equally possibly letting something unpleasant through….
Or maybe he left something at his parents’ place in alt-Omaha and is opening a portal to go retrieve it.
“That would be a WADDLING stupid risk,” because you might miss, as Zodon means to imply, or because he might actually hurt his classmate, which he secretly doesn’t want to do?
I’m sure he could come up with further reasons why he wouldn’t do it: it would get him in trouble, people would look for the missing Flea, etc., but it probably boils down to the fact that Zodon isn’t nearly as psychopathic – or even sociopathic – as he likes to pretend.
19 thoughts on “2017-08-18”
Is it just me, or do these pages show up about two days after they should have?
Firing to make an exit hole, then?
My guess is blowing up automated defenses Flea triggered.
If that’s a singularity, he might be pinning Flea in place with some kind of exotic gravitational effect.
Considering the mention of trans-dimensional feeds, I’m guessing a portal is being opened; possibly to somewhere unpleasant, and equally possibly letting something unpleasant through….
Or maybe he left something at his parents’ place in alt-Omaha and is opening a portal to go retrieve it.
Is that supposed to be an eclipse in the second panel? Because I’m seeing eclipses everywhere today.
Wonder if that thing can trigger whatever latent/suppressed/submerged superpower(s) Ron has that Cecil still detects?
Clell Harmon
Have we ever seen the Flea out of uniform? He is by far the most classically comic book heroic character in the books.
During the Vegas casino “field trip”, he was seen out of uniform a couple times.
Man in the Mists
Sort of.
“That would be a WADDLING stupid risk,” because you might miss, as Zodon means to imply, or because he might actually hurt his classmate, which he secretly doesn’t want to do?
I’m sure he could come up with further reasons why he wouldn’t do it: it would get him in trouble, people would look for the missing Flea, etc., but it probably boils down to the fact that Zodon isn’t nearly as psychopathic – or even sociopathic – as he likes to pretend.
Or possibly because hitting Flea would have some effect other than mere damage – something more… “interesting”.
Could be the Flea is too close to Zodon for collateral damage. Zodon wants to survive.
Aaron Gullison
Or because the beam might reflect off the lenses.
Turbo Beholder
He also learned to not float over the pickling vat to deep to walk out if things go wrong.
Used a singularity to make a singularity laser cannon? That’s a different approach to making one.
It’s a Singulaser!