What if its not Moon Shadow at all? Could it be someone looking to take advantage of Moon Shadow’s presence by assembling a similar costume? yeah, its a long shot, but just tossing the possibility out there.
He’s tossing down a smoke bomb. I’m thinking the suit has additional special effects. Moon Shadow has built up his own reputation, gotta live up to it.
Moon Shadow is awesome like that. Just ask any other kid from PS238. xcept perhaps Zodon and Victor, who regard him as an obstacle/antagonist/pesky hero.
Have either Victor or Zodon interacted with Moonshadow and realized it? Moonshadow helped save alternate Omaha, but I don’t think Victor ever figured that out.
Tyler’s superpower is Insignificance. It’s similar to the trait that henchmen have in Nodwick.
Tyler always had snarking ability well before his training with Revenant, it’s just gotten sharper courtesy of said training and increased opportunities to practice it.
I wonder who the ‘tides of fate’ think the sphere should go to…
Moonshadow looks like that because of his aura of mystery and smoke bomb. Few in the area can see past those. (my bet he is practically rolling his eyes at the chaos when he left most playing video games) …I’m also suspecting this is gonna be a BIG climax. I was reviewing and noticed just how long this slumber party was the active story… 2 years. They’re all ten-year-olds now. 😉
So Flea would just abandon Cedric to being trapped in a fight to the death between the coat and the extradimensional whatever-it-is? Way to hero, Flea.
There’s no one named Cedric in this comic. There’s a fight going on between Toby (the most wildly overpowered kid in the school) and Cecil (the most wildly overenthusiastic kid in existence) and what’s left of Zodon’s machine.
I don’t think Cecil is in any real danger. Or for that matter, Toby. If anything, the only adult in the situation didn’t seemed to worried. Instead she opted to chase after the orb. Though I suppose it could be argued that the orb might be a more pressing concern.
As for Flea, he probably realized there wasn’t a whole lot he could do about it except get tangled up and make things worst.
Agreed. Being unable to see Tyler’s face is a fairly good sign that some skullduggery is going on. There’s also the fact that Tyler just isn’t quite that good at disappearances yet. He’s pretty good, but it’s more ‘get out during the distraction’ than ‘vanish before your eyes’.
It also doesn’t quite sound like our favorite norm. I mean, it’s close, but those last two lines just…don’t strike the right level of vaguely apologetic that he tends to use.
Ed Rhodes
That’s a very good thought. I’m going to go out on a limb and suggest that the “villain” who we met at the counseling session and who, for some odd reason, is chaperoning this party just MIGHT be yet another disguise of the Revenant who’s now disguised himself as Moon Shadow to grab the Orb!
The Flea thinks it’s moonshadow, I trust The Flea. This is a recurring motif: we see moonshadow as others see him, like that time he dropped in from the sky on the soccer game and it looked like he had wings.
I went back and looked at how Tyler was drawn when he used his cable cutting moon-erangs on the Arachno-Flyer. Proportions seem about the same there and here. Maybe he’s going through a growth spurt.
It sounds like Tyler to me. I think most people pretending to be Moonshadow would also pretend to be 100% sure that taking the orb is the right thing. The Flea and Ron might hear snark but this sounds like a confused person trying to do the right thing and assure people he intends to be reasonable.
Frankly, if you’re trying to keep the people you go to school or the people you live with from discovering your alternate ID, making sure your face cannot be seen is mandatory. The fact that the Revenant specializes in this type of thing is entirely beside the fact.
Aw, they grow up so fast. Today its smoke bombs and snappy exit lines, in a few years he’ll be annoying Commissioner Gordon by vanishing the moment his back is turned. 🙂
Hard to tell, and I can’t think of what would cause it, but… the proportions are lankier than Tyler usually looks. And the orb is about the same size compared to his head and hands as it is to the mysterious hero/villain/chaperone-girl that we think might be Sara.
See, I get the feeling, and I might be wrong, that the more confident and comfortable Tyler gets being Moon Shadow, the cooler he’s getting drawn as him, or, possibly, it’s just a perspective thing, as he just foiled some adults, he looks more mysterious to them. I could be wrong.
55 thoughts on “2018-08-16”
I wonder if his coat is going to have doc-oc metal arms now
Stephen Bierce
And not one word about how it seems to be swallowing Toby whole? I’m afraid it’s going to get indigestion.
Why, precisely, is Tyler’s face blacked out?
Rule of cool? 😀 It looks awesome!
David Nuttall
I’m thinking is it bad lighting. After all, he is Moon Shadow.
Mr. Nutall, respectfully:
Remove the first sentence.
The second sentence is all the explanation we need. 🙂
What if its not Moon Shadow at all? Could it be someone looking to take advantage of Moon Shadow’s presence by assembling a similar costume? yeah, its a long shot, but just tossing the possibility out there.
He’s tossing down a smoke bomb. I’m thinking the suit has additional special effects. Moon Shadow has built up his own reputation, gotta live up to it.
This is obviously an illustration of what the supers see when they look at moonshadow: only the costume, not the human wearing it.
That’s what you get when you put all your points in stealth.
Clell Harmon
Because he’s Moonshadow!
Moon Shadow is awesome like that. Just ask any other kid from PS238. xcept perhaps Zodon and Victor, who regard him as an obstacle/antagonist/pesky hero.
Have either Victor or Zodon interacted with Moonshadow and realized it? Moonshadow helped save alternate Omaha, but I don’t think Victor ever figured that out.
Tyler’s superpower is Insignificance. It’s similar to the trait that henchmen have in Nodwick.
Moonshadow is wearing a black face mask and there’s a smoke bomb.
Tyler, you look so cool! 😀 And that exit… I love it!
Ed Rhodes
The Revenant’s been teaching him more than simple combat and gadget training. Snark 101 seems to have been in there as well.
I noticed that as well. I <3 it. 🙂
"If I find out it is, I'll give it back later… Maybe…"
Tyler always had snarking ability well before his training with Revenant, it’s just gotten sharper courtesy of said training and increased opportunities to practice it.
Revenant will be SO proud if he gets hold of this footage! That maybe is pure goodness.
The Revenant would be proud.
Stephen Bierce
I have never known pineapple to be loyal to anybody.
Just look what it does to poor, innocent pizzas. Truly not a fruit to be trusted.
Ed Rhodes
You’re confusing pineapple, which is awesome on pizza with *gag* anchovies!
Stephen Bierce
Anchovies aren’t disloyal just evil.
I’ll thank you to keep your grimy paws away from my pizza with both pineapple and anchovies on it…plus some other toppings.
Cue Yakety Sax in 3…2…1…
Xel Unknown
Smart assessment of things Flea…
Neil H
Flea strikes me as having been in a restricted area, in close proximity to trouble, quite a bit
Prairie Son
Yes, Flea speaks words of wisdom, as any six year old knows (and the rest of us should).
I wonder who the ‘tides of fate’ think the sphere should go to…
Moonshadow looks like that because of his aura of mystery and smoke bomb. Few in the area can see past those. (my bet he is practically rolling his eyes at the chaos when he left most playing video games) …I’m also suspecting this is gonna be a BIG climax. I was reviewing and noticed just how long this slumber party was the active story… 2 years. They’re all ten-year-olds now. 😉
That shadowy figure!
So mysterious. So cool.
It could only be. . . 𝐌𝐨𝐨𝐧 𝐒𝐡𝐚𝐝𝐨𝐰!
So Flea would just abandon Cedric to being trapped in a fight to the death between the coat and the extradimensional whatever-it-is? Way to hero, Flea.
Prairie Son
There’s no one named Cedric in this comic. There’s a fight going on between Toby (the most wildly overpowered kid in the school) and Cecil (the most wildly overenthusiastic kid in existence) and what’s left of Zodon’s machine.
I misspoke. Cecil, then. Way to completely miss the point of the comment, by the way.
I don’t think Cecil is in any real danger. Or for that matter, Toby. If anything, the only adult in the situation didn’t seemed to worried. Instead she opted to chase after the orb. Though I suppose it could be argued that the orb might be a more pressing concern.
As for Flea, he probably realized there wasn’t a whole lot he could do about it except get tangled up and make things worst.
I like that the Flea seems to be speaking from experience regarding people saying to “get the troublemakers” when he’s around.
The Flea has experience with this sort of thing.
Are we sure that’s Tyler taking the sphere? The proportions of Moon Shadow look off, like someone that is older (or at least taller).
Chris PV
I noticed that, too. I think we’re being played.
Agreed. Being unable to see Tyler’s face is a fairly good sign that some skullduggery is going on. There’s also the fact that Tyler just isn’t quite that good at disappearances yet. He’s pretty good, but it’s more ‘get out during the distraction’ than ‘vanish before your eyes’.
It also doesn’t quite sound like our favorite norm. I mean, it’s close, but those last two lines just…don’t strike the right level of vaguely apologetic that he tends to use.
Ed Rhodes
That’s a very good thought. I’m going to go out on a limb and suggest that the “villain” who we met at the counseling session and who, for some odd reason, is chaperoning this party just MIGHT be yet another disguise of the Revenant who’s now disguised himself as Moon Shadow to grab the Orb!
At first, I thought the smoke was a dimensional portal for a moon-shadow from the future.
Like Sarah Bartlett?
Or Lester?
We are assuming that the lady in red is Sarah, but…
The Flea thinks it’s moonshadow, I trust The Flea. This is a recurring motif: we see moonshadow as others see him, like that time he dropped in from the sky on the soccer game and it looked like he had wings.
Seconded. Maybe someone wanted to test a t-shirt design? I’d love a t-shirt of that panel on a sage shirt. It is a thing of beauty and not just snark.
Mike S
I went back and looked at how Tyler was drawn when he used his cable cutting moon-erangs on the Arachno-Flyer. Proportions seem about the same there and here. Maybe he’s going through a growth spurt.
It sounds like Tyler to me. I think most people pretending to be Moonshadow would also pretend to be 100% sure that taking the orb is the right thing. The Flea and Ron might hear snark but this sounds like a confused person trying to do the right thing and assure people he intends to be reasonable.
Frankly, if you’re trying to keep the people you go to school or the people you live with from discovering your alternate ID, making sure your face cannot be seen is mandatory. The fact that the Revenant specializes in this type of thing is entirely beside the fact.
Aw, they grow up so fast. Today its smoke bombs and snappy exit lines, in a few years he’ll be annoying Commissioner Gordon by vanishing the moment his back is turned. 🙂
Maybe it’s an older version of Tyler, come back from the future?
Hard to tell, and I can’t think of what would cause it, but… the proportions are lankier than Tyler usually looks. And the orb is about the same size compared to his head and hands as it is to the mysterious hero/villain/chaperone-girl that we think might be Sara.
I have the distinct feeling that there is nothing *in* the Moon Shadow suit in the second panel.
See, I get the feeling, and I might be wrong, that the more confident and comfortable Tyler gets being Moon Shadow, the cooler he’s getting drawn as him, or, possibly, it’s just a perspective thing, as he just foiled some adults, he looks more mysterious to them. I could be wrong.
…did Toby just die?