I have been to Jury Duty twice.
Both times one of the attorneys asked me to leave.
I really want to sit on a jury just once, so I can mark that off the bucket list.
Moonshadow’s cape is everywhere shown as blue; the scrap flapping out of the vent is black. Could be a colouring mistake, but more likely, as you note, it’s a fakeout — especially given that the size of the vent is way too small for Moonshadow except when he’s shrunk, and were he shrunk, the cape would be a tiny little scrap.
I think it’s a continuity/consistency goof that Ultima and/or Gravpulse don’t just fly up and look in the shaft. Having pursuers who can manoeuvre in three dimensions, even if they aren’t that observant or intelligent, makes some evasions more contrived than others.
Moonshadow’s cape is everywhere shown as blue; the scrap flapping out of the vent is black.
The lights are out.
But yes, it’s an obvious distraction.
I think it’s a continuity/consistency goof that Ultima and/or Gravpulse don’t just fly up and look in the shaft.
Maybe they just don’t expect to catch him this way (since they won’t fit), but very much expect this to end in more indignity (cloud of glitter/smoke to the face).
The cape piece would only work as a distraction if it were moving into the vent. I suspect that either someone’s sentient coat may be providing support with this, that he detached his cape, combined it with a grappling line and sent it through the vent, or that he really -is- in the vent.
The only problem with the “distraction” hypotheses is the alternative hiding place he needs. He likely knows every nook and cranny of the Tower, and every hiding place he can use, but are there any he can use within the brief span of time it takes the adults to reach the balcony? Can he use them -and- set up a distraction with the time he has?
I do note the awkward angles in the scene, so it’s not impossible.
The lights are out.
Ultima’s cape remains blue.
Maybe they just don’t expect to catch him this way (since they won’t fit),
If they looked, they might see that there would be a problem with even a small kid fitting inside the vent unshrunk, especially with the helmet and grappler/utility gauntlet. Although it occurs to me now that they might actually guess/assume that he had powers to shrink himself, or something. But they should at least check.
but very much expect this to end in more indignity (cloud of glitter/smoke to the face).
Gravpulse, at least, has a full-face mask.
> Ultima’s cape remains blue
Meh, I prefer to see it as a colouring effect rather than think Ultima and gravpulse are colourblind or have short term memory issues…
I’m remembering the jets / rockets to fake flying away he used before and thinking that some basic gadget could be used to drag cape like material as a decoy. Moon shadow being rumoured to have powers can really allow fun decoy options.
Indeed. Somebody that can shrink and has a black cape/cloak/jacket. Moonshadow went elsewhere. Hmm, now the remnants of Cat Steven’s song are going through my head, but I don’t think that will lead to plot points in this story.
I’d say they are wasting way to many resources on someone who is just trying to not be framed for something but I believe Zodon. He might intend to use the sphere for less than noble reasons but he also sort of needs to stop it from destroying the earth because he lives there.
Or one in five members of every superteam may be sane, capable agents? ~_^
No one in five teams have good dynamics in that test. Over half a team can be sane and capable and the team can still have shitty dynamics.
It was a test of the team leaders.
I mean if the leader is bad enough you can assume bad dynamics but an otherwise great person can get caught up in a shitty system.
One of the participants was horrible and I can’t picture his team not being dysfunctional.
One was sort of a jerk and a hypocrite and I’m guessing is borderline dysfunctional.
One was awesome but the fact that her team fired her for talking about how her team functioned suggests it was dysfunctional. Don’t worry she gets a better team.
One was felt obligated to her teammates who pressured her to be their leader while running nothing by her. R helped her fix it but I’d call that borderline dysfunctional.
One was a bit abrasive at first but turned out to be okay. He looked great leading but was not much help on the crime fighting side and had insecurities about this. But he knew how to at least be mildly helpful and understood the concept of not making things worse. His team responded to him accidentally saying that in public by finding him teacher to help him help more on the crime fighting side without making things worse.
Anyone want to lay odds that Moonshadow is already out of the building, and looking to reenter elsewhere? That looked more like Cecil’s coat then Moonshadow’s cape to me in that vent….
Nah, Moonshadow’s hiding nearby. Even flyers don’t often think to look up, and taking out the lights in that area prevents shadows from giving him away.
I don’t know why but I just can’t help wondering if Zodon will get to keep the chaos-tech improvements he’s made to his chair or if he’ll be put back to status quo when things are all done, because I’m liking the new look for him.
I also look forward to seeing more antics deflating the egos of the adult heroes we see (although I imagine Tyler’s parents are impervious to that) as most if not all of them seem to need it. They’re way too profit driven and concerned with image and need something to straighten them out (not that there’s anything inherently wrong in wanting to make a comfortable living but too many heroes we see care way too much about the money and fame than the people that they’re supposed to be protecting).
I can hear super hero’s making major decisions based on image and profit and be cool with it. I actually didn’t get why Plasma Woman was fired because its not like she said anything that shines a negative light on the team. But when not harming people is a secondary concern in why they don’t want to harm people it crosses a line. I guess its better than if they didn’t shy away from harming people at all.
Another part of it is the Evil Queen and Dead Last think they are better than everyone else because of what they do. They want credit for selflessly saving people when its clearly selfish and profit driven.
They fired Phlogiston because she revealed that the media-appointed leader wasn’t really the leader, that she was the one seeing them to successful battles against villainy because the designated leader was too impulsive and didn’t think through the consequences of his plans. It’s a sad fact that people that point out the flaws in their leaders (even though she never intended it to be made public like it was) are often fired for making them ‘look bad’ even though that’s counter-productive as it’s eliminating someone that had been helping them look good. So her team was more interested in being spiteful and petty rather than learn from her criticisms. As you noted of the five teams the only team that seemed well-suited to one another was Firebat’s (I think that was his name), which not only accepted his concerns and sought to find him counseling to be more productive with his powers (apparently they didn’t have a Reed Richards there to constantly advise him on new ways of using his powers) but quickly invited another now unemployed super to join their team because they could see the value of her wisdom and experience.
No telling how an anti-supers faction would respond to Tyler’s decision, if they knew about that they’d know it would be impossible to forever ban powers because even if Tyler had said no eventually the cycle would have repeated and supers would have started being born again. His decision only ended the cycling. Given how integrated into society supers are (heck Las Vegas seems to be the super-human resort capital of the world and built around providing them conflict-free entertainment) anti-super groups would have trouble gaining momentum like they seem to do so easily in Marvel or independent comics and fiction.
I didn’t get why she was fired because we all agree that we can have a figure head for an official leader because toy sales while I sort of hold his hand on the actual leadering didn’t sound bad to me.
@TemperaryObsessor because she revealed just that, her former group was going by media appeal and marketability as the most important thing of all and Phlogiston revealed to the world that SHE was really leading the group instead of the guy everyone wanted to be the leader. The public from that point on would always know he wasn’t in charge she was, the group simply couldn’t abide for that because again they only cared about their marketability and that would hurt their market share in their minds. Just like the other groups that fired their leaders, they were concerned with how the public would perceive them and how it would affect their bottom line financially and not about how it would affect their ability to do their jobs. Only two groups had leaders concerned about doing their jobs more than the money and had good support from their teammates.
Prairie Son
His name was Firedrake. I suspect Phlogiston was hired at least partially to keep him in line, as she’d apparently already been doing that with Meson.
Herschel probably has a stand-by chair ready for Zodon’s use after he confiscates the chaotified chair. Presuming it survives what will happen soon enough. The stand-by likely being a conversion of a Cosy Coupe, the way Aaron Williams’ sense of humor usually works out.
I was also put to mind of all those anti-superhero political factions that spring up every so often. In Tommorow Knights, there was a faction called Nadir’s Raiders, whose motto was “no powers to ANY people”. Imagine what would happen in this setting if they were to figure out what Tyler did on the throne…would they want him dead? Would they try to make him destroy all the supers?
No telling how an anti-supers faction would respond to Tyler’s decision, if they knew about that they’d know it would be impossible to forever ban powers because even if Tyler had said no eventually the cycle would have repeated and supers would have started being born again. His decision only ended the cycling. Given how integrated into society supers are (heck Las Vegas seems to be the super-human resort capital of the world and built around providing them conflict-free entertainment) anti-super groups would have trouble gaining momentum like they seem to do so easily in Marvel or independent comics and fiction. (copying this here since I flubbed putting my response where it goes).
I also suddenly found myself realizing that if Tyler had decided on ‘no’ Toby likely would never have been ‘born’ as it were with the prohibition on ‘no more new supers’ after his choice Toby wouldn’t have powered up most likely and simply died. Plus think of all the people that would have died during a super-empowering event because they couldn’t super-empower anyone anymore. Makes me wonder how that divergent timeline looks where Tyler chose ‘no’ (since for one the magical teacher wouldn’t be there), how did it affect things over there.
41 thoughts on “2018-06-15”
Stephen Bierce
Jury Duty is plenty small. For me it was microscopic.
I have been to Jury Duty twice.
Both times one of the attorneys asked me to leave.
I really want to sit on a jury just once, so I can mark that off the bucket list.
Russell White
looks like Moonshadow’s faceguard is back….anyone else want to guess that the bit of cape sticking out of the vent is a red herring?
Yeah, not taking that bet.
Moonshadow’s cape is everywhere shown as blue; the scrap flapping out of the vent is black. Could be a colouring mistake, but more likely, as you note, it’s a fakeout — especially given that the size of the vent is way too small for Moonshadow except when he’s shrunk, and were he shrunk, the cape would be a tiny little scrap.
I think it’s a continuity/consistency goof that Ultima and/or Gravpulse don’t just fly up and look in the shaft. Having pursuers who can manoeuvre in three dimensions, even if they aren’t that observant or intelligent, makes some evasions more contrived than others.
The lights are out.
But yes, it’s an obvious distraction.
Maybe they just don’t expect to catch him this way (since they won’t fit), but very much expect this to end in more indignity (cloud of glitter/smoke to the face).
The cape piece would only work as a distraction if it were moving into the vent. I suspect that either someone’s sentient coat may be providing support with this, that he detached his cape, combined it with a grappling line and sent it through the vent, or that he really -is- in the vent.
The only problem with the “distraction” hypotheses is the alternative hiding place he needs. He likely knows every nook and cranny of the Tower, and every hiding place he can use, but are there any he can use within the brief span of time it takes the adults to reach the balcony? Can he use them -and- set up a distraction with the time he has?
I do note the awkward angles in the scene, so it’s not impossible.
Ultima’s cape remains blue.
If they looked, they might see that there would be a problem with even a small kid fitting inside the vent unshrunk, especially with the helmet and grappler/utility gauntlet. Although it occurs to me now that they might actually guess/assume that he had powers to shrink himself, or something. But they should at least check.
Gravpulse, at least, has a full-face mask.
> Ultima’s cape remains blue
Meh, I prefer to see it as a colouring effect rather than think Ultima and gravpulse are colourblind or have short term memory issues…
Lampros Liontos
Actually, that looks like Cecil’s cape.
It looks a lot like someone’s sentient trenchcoat…
I was already amazed at Moon Shadow taking out the lights with his throwing crescents.
You pointing out his cape’s different color means the vent is a distraction has blown my mind.
I’m remembering the jets / rockets to fake flying away he used before and thinking that some basic gadget could be used to drag cape like material as a decoy. Moon shadow being rumoured to have powers can really allow fun decoy options.
Moe Lane
Nothing amazes me about Moon Shadow anymore. HE IS BEING TRAINED BY BATMAN.
Less angsty, more emotionally stable, and more kid-friendly Batman but, YES, INDEED.
I’d prefer the Revenant over Batman any day of the week. ^_^
Yeah, true dat.
might be Cecil
Well, he did say he’s going to try and pull them away.
David Nuttall
Indeed. Somebody that can shrink and has a black cape/cloak/jacket. Moonshadow went elsewhere. Hmm, now the remnants of Cat Steven’s song are going through my head, but I don’t think that will lead to plot points in this story.
I’d say they are wasting way to many resources on someone who is just trying to not be framed for something but I believe Zodon. He might intend to use the sphere for less than noble reasons but he also sort of needs to stop it from destroying the earth because he lives there.
And because the Powers and their chums are idiots?
Prairie Son
I’m starting to wonder how many of these superteams are borderline disfunctional. Maybe the Revenant should set up a personnel agency?
I’m pretty sure he already did in the form of “The Infinite Vanguard”.
Most of them. Not so long ago Veles ran a little test.
So about one in five teams is not borderline dysfunctional.
Or one in five members of every superteam may be sane, capable agents? ~_^
No one in five teams have good dynamics in that test. Over half a team can be sane and capable and the team can still have shitty dynamics.
It was a test of the team leaders.
I mean if the leader is bad enough you can assume bad dynamics but an otherwise great person can get caught up in a shitty system.
One of the participants was horrible and I can’t picture his team not being dysfunctional.
One was sort of a jerk and a hypocrite and I’m guessing is borderline dysfunctional.
One was awesome but the fact that her team fired her for talking about how her team functioned suggests it was dysfunctional. Don’t worry she gets a better team.
One was felt obligated to her teammates who pressured her to be their leader while running nothing by her. R helped her fix it but I’d call that borderline dysfunctional.
One was a bit abrasive at first but turned out to be okay. He looked great leading but was not much help on the crime fighting side and had insecurities about this. But he knew how to at least be mildly helpful and understood the concept of not making things worse. His team responded to him accidentally saying that in public by finding him teacher to help him help more on the crime fighting side without making things worse.
Anyone want to lay odds that Moonshadow is already out of the building, and looking to reenter elsewhere? That looked more like Cecil’s coat then Moonshadow’s cape to me in that vent….
No bet. ^_^ Kid’s getting gooood. ^_^
Nah, Moonshadow’s hiding nearby. Even flyers don’t often think to look up, and taking out the lights in that area prevents shadows from giving him away.
The souvenir hanging from the roof is an interesting aspect. What was the plan there? I’m wondering what he left inside it.
I don’t know why but I just can’t help wondering if Zodon will get to keep the chaos-tech improvements he’s made to his chair or if he’ll be put back to status quo when things are all done, because I’m liking the new look for him.
I also look forward to seeing more antics deflating the egos of the adult heroes we see (although I imagine Tyler’s parents are impervious to that) as most if not all of them seem to need it. They’re way too profit driven and concerned with image and need something to straighten them out (not that there’s anything inherently wrong in wanting to make a comfortable living but too many heroes we see care way too much about the money and fame than the people that they’re supposed to be protecting).
I can hear super hero’s making major decisions based on image and profit and be cool with it. I actually didn’t get why Plasma Woman was fired because its not like she said anything that shines a negative light on the team. But when not harming people is a secondary concern in why they don’t want to harm people it crosses a line. I guess its better than if they didn’t shy away from harming people at all.
Another part of it is the Evil Queen and Dead Last think they are better than everyone else because of what they do. They want credit for selflessly saving people when its clearly selfish and profit driven.
They fired Phlogiston because she revealed that the media-appointed leader wasn’t really the leader, that she was the one seeing them to successful battles against villainy because the designated leader was too impulsive and didn’t think through the consequences of his plans. It’s a sad fact that people that point out the flaws in their leaders (even though she never intended it to be made public like it was) are often fired for making them ‘look bad’ even though that’s counter-productive as it’s eliminating someone that had been helping them look good. So her team was more interested in being spiteful and petty rather than learn from her criticisms. As you noted of the five teams the only team that seemed well-suited to one another was Firebat’s (I think that was his name), which not only accepted his concerns and sought to find him counseling to be more productive with his powers (apparently they didn’t have a Reed Richards there to constantly advise him on new ways of using his powers) but quickly invited another now unemployed super to join their team because they could see the value of her wisdom and experience.
No telling how an anti-supers faction would respond to Tyler’s decision, if they knew about that they’d know it would be impossible to forever ban powers because even if Tyler had said no eventually the cycle would have repeated and supers would have started being born again. His decision only ended the cycling. Given how integrated into society supers are (heck Las Vegas seems to be the super-human resort capital of the world and built around providing them conflict-free entertainment) anti-super groups would have trouble gaining momentum like they seem to do so easily in Marvel or independent comics and fiction.
I didn’t get why she was fired because we all agree that we can have a figure head for an official leader because toy sales while I sort of hold his hand on the actual leadering didn’t sound bad to me.
@TemperaryObsessor because she revealed just that, her former group was going by media appeal and marketability as the most important thing of all and Phlogiston revealed to the world that SHE was really leading the group instead of the guy everyone wanted to be the leader. The public from that point on would always know he wasn’t in charge she was, the group simply couldn’t abide for that because again they only cared about their marketability and that would hurt their market share in their minds. Just like the other groups that fired their leaders, they were concerned with how the public would perceive them and how it would affect their bottom line financially and not about how it would affect their ability to do their jobs. Only two groups had leaders concerned about doing their jobs more than the money and had good support from their teammates.
Prairie Son
His name was Firedrake. I suspect Phlogiston was hired at least partially to keep him in line, as she’d apparently already been doing that with Meson.
Stephen Bierce
Herschel probably has a stand-by chair ready for Zodon’s use after he confiscates the chaotified chair. Presuming it survives what will happen soon enough. The stand-by likely being a conversion of a Cosy Coupe, the way Aaron Williams’ sense of humor usually works out.
I was also put to mind of all those anti-superhero political factions that spring up every so often. In Tommorow Knights, there was a faction called Nadir’s Raiders, whose motto was “no powers to ANY people”. Imagine what would happen in this setting if they were to figure out what Tyler did on the throne…would they want him dead? Would they try to make him destroy all the supers?
No telling how an anti-supers faction would respond to Tyler’s decision, if they knew about that they’d know it would be impossible to forever ban powers because even if Tyler had said no eventually the cycle would have repeated and supers would have started being born again. His decision only ended the cycling. Given how integrated into society supers are (heck Las Vegas seems to be the super-human resort capital of the world and built around providing them conflict-free entertainment) anti-super groups would have trouble gaining momentum like they seem to do so easily in Marvel or independent comics and fiction. (copying this here since I flubbed putting my response where it goes).
I also suddenly found myself realizing that if Tyler had decided on ‘no’ Toby likely would never have been ‘born’ as it were with the prohibition on ‘no more new supers’ after his choice Toby wouldn’t have powered up most likely and simply died. Plus think of all the people that would have died during a super-empowering event because they couldn’t super-empower anyone anymore. Makes me wonder how that divergent timeline looks where Tyler chose ‘no’ (since for one the magical teacher wouldn’t be there), how did it affect things over there.