Holy cow! MS is deliberately cutting the strings to that trophy display? Besides entangling Gravpulse, he’s got another evasive maneuver up his sleeve?
Tyler really is moving on from action survivor to badass normal. 🙂 I am just delighted.
First Comment! wow. WOW! I want to know about the battle of Sioux Falls, October 2015. Also, if she’s worried about her mother finding out she ruined a glass structure, does her mother know her current identity and costume? Holy cow, that guy Tyler’s dad… I would slap him, but it wouldn’t help… And Moonshadow is about to get help, whether he wants it or not.
Okay, my initial delight has worn off a bit. Now I’m torn between liking the Moon Shadow-arangs for being a natural fit to his name/theme (boomerangs in the shape of a crescent moon), and wondering if it’s too derivative of Batman and the Bat Family, even if The Revenant and Moon Shadow are lawyer-friendly expys of them.
Although wasn’t Moon Knight a rip-off/Marvel’s expy of Batman? (I gotta look this up later. I remember the YouTube channel NerdSync tackling this in a video.)
Ed Rhodes
This is true. The difference was that Moon Knight didn’t have different “identities,” he actually had different PERSONALITIES! (Although that never really read well in the books.) But he WAS the one to throw moon shaped throwing knives.
If he doesn’t give that disclaimer it would look like he broke out a shotgun because one of his sons friends started jumping on the couch at a sleepover he was invited to.
Disclaimer or no disclaimer, he’s firing an energy-beam at a KID.
It’s a slam dunk even for a rookie D.A.
I’m not so sure. It would depend on what exactly the laws in their universe say. For example, he might get a legal pass of a sort where said targeted kid is a metahuman and suspected of being part of a criminal undertaking of some sort.
Judging from the disclaimer and the power output we’ve seen out of him before, it appears to be a very low-powered one too.
Tomy Ironmane
I would, strictly speaking, from a defense attorney mindset, counter instead that it was an attempt to prevent hazard to the crowds of kids below those displays he’s cutting loose.
Thrown out of court: it’s not a beam, it’s obviously a ball. ;]
That’s the ‘verse where they discussed legal status of specifically projectile offensive powers, after all.
@Sweeper: You’ve got sharp eyes.
@Lucario: I agree.
Personally, I liked the face guard part. When we saw MS in the future, the visor seemed like a natural “evolution” for that piece of gear (facial protection, obscures identity, AND probably has some high tech gadgets in it, like heads-up display, IR or low light vision, thermal scanner, etc.).
I thought he was just no longer bothered by cooties.
I don’t think he was ever worried about cooties. Accidentally getting his nose broken because a FISS decided to spontaneously kiss him was more his concern.
Not his. Revenant “helpfully” advised him to keep that face guard if giving compliments to “impulsive superheroines” is something he wants to do again.
I’d worry more about local explosive decompression, anyway. While at this age it’s unlikely to end with lung collapse or partially repeating what Polly did with that Thunderclap guy, but without being very elastic, most people don’t look forward to cheek hernia and nom-de-guerre “Hamster Man”, either.
Of course he did. He’s the Batman//////Revenant! He knows perfectly well that part of the Caped life is occasionally having to face off against other superheroes, due to misunderstandings, alternative timelines, trickery, duplication of some sort, and/or mind control. And he presumably has a detailed plan for how to defeat each and every one of the top hundred (at least!).
BTW, is anyone else watching My Hero Academia, the Japanese latest addition to the “Hero School” subgenre? It’s great! And the primary protagonist, while not unpowered once the show gets going (for Reasons), very much is of the “keep detailed notes on every hero and villain I meet with plans for how to deal with them” type!
I’ve seen a few episodes and heard about later episodes.
His notes were good practice if nothing else and he was able to figure things out fast enough to be actually useful in first encounters by the time he went to hero school.
I like how basically Allmight gave an inaccurate answer that crushed Deku because he didn’t want to tell anyone to pursue there dreams of being a super hero. Basically Deku asked if he could be a great hero without a quirk. I get the feeling the correct answer to that question is you can be a good hero without a quirk but not as good as those with awesome quirks who try just as hard as you. Allmights answer was basically that even with an awesome quirk being a super hero is a terrible dangerous job there are plenty of better jobs safer jobs. Don’t throw your life away pursuing this dream. So no.
One thing you run into is the fact that you’ll see heroes (or heroes in training) where their quirks make them no better than a normal human being and the only thing making them formidable is their training, meaning that a normal human being with the same training should be treated as great as the quirked-hero yet instead there’s the attitude that somehow if you haven’t got a quirk/super-power you’re worthless which is even worse in the My Hero Acadamia universe. Police are considered worthless, only really good for hauling off the criminals after the hero has done their job and keeping good records and maybe helping out with information-gathering. At times you see comments where police are treated as if they’re being given make-work so that they can feel important but otherwise looked at as having no value dealing with crime.
> One thing you run into is the fact that you’ll see heroes (or heroes in training) where their quirks make them no better than a normal human being
It happens in PS238 too.
There’s also rubber band difficulty thing, from being capable of digging deeper pits under themselves than un-powered folk could do in comparable time. Or, as Magellan banner occasionally showing here says — «Super-hero cadets… their worst enemy is themselves!»
Yes, the Revenant did figure that Tyler would have to face off against his parents at some point. The Revenant knows how this world works, it was inevitable. (That said he probably did not pitch it to Tyler like that. He most likely claimed it was to point out how every super has weaknesses.)
In universe its a reasonable guess.
Tyler’s “parents” and R are rivals even borderline enemies. So if they knew that Moonshadow was working with R they could come to blows.
Actually R and Tyler’s”parents” see each other as overzealous and sometimes dangerous to the public.
Tyler for the for see able future is going to be in the same areas as them dealing with similar situations its not unlikely that they will run into each other, an since from R’s perspective Tyler’s “parents” are as likely to make the situation worse, it escalating to a fight if they do run into each other is not unreasonable.
Even taking away running into each other at work at the end of the day Tyler’s parents were his biggest threat when R started tutoring him.
Also It already half happened during the Rainmaker arc but it was less direct and his “parents” likely didn’t even know he was working against them.
Update 05082009: Metahuman heroes (and most states) regard non-powered vigilantes as having no business in superheroics. Doesn’t matter if people like the Revenant do good, heroic stuff. They just shouldn’t because they don’t have powers.
Update 05182007: It would seem that even associating with non-powered vigilantes is a no-no for Tyler’s parents.
The Revenant is an unwanted meddler in superhuman affairs and is even wanted in thirty-three states. That means some superheroes will try to capture him. In order to evade capture, as a NON-POWERED vigilante detective, his best bet is to know how to fight them and their powers by knowing their strengths and weaknesses and other details.
Update 04222009: Curiously, even though Ultima and Sovereign know about the Revenant enough to disapprove of him, they didn’t recognize him when he (and Moon Shadow) saved them when the Golden Armor Guys (Praetorian Academy’s agents) had incapacitated and tried to smother Sovereign during the Rainmaker affair.
Additional note: The Revenant IS guilty of tax evasion (only one or a few of his disguises/alternate identities pays taxes), though. Unfortunately, while I’m 100% sure of this, I don’t remember where in the books he talked about it.
Sorry for this nidpick, but Sovereign is the Mother and Ultima the Father. So it was Ultima that got nearly suffocated
Sorry, but it is bugging me a bit that you mix them up these last few pages. Hope you dont mind I pointed it out.
4/22/09 Wow your right.
Sorry but Ultima seems like a very feminine name to me, but Tyler was definately about to call Untima dad.
Oh! Okay. No problem and thank you, Buzzbee.
Yeah. It’s just that “Ultima” is a feminine-sounding name.
R is wanted for questioning in 33 states. That can mean anything from a suspect which they can’t prove actually did anything yet to a witness which is bound to happen as a crime fighter.
I think the main reason he runs from the authorities is because of the tax evasion thing. The tax evasion thing could simply be because he had multiple rich identities and doesn’t want to be double taxed when he pays himself money or draw a complex map of his his identities for the IRS or because he feels he only needs a few fake identities on the up and up.
05082009 (5th panel) is pretty clear being “wanted in thirty three states” is a big part of it.
There was a web story I read years ago I forget the name of it but in it they explain that there is a gene that some humans have that when they’re exposed to something lethal it triggers a random mutation to make them survive it and that’s how super powers from horrible ladder accidents tend to happen
There are several superhero genre properties out there that’re like that.
I’d name them, but I don’t want to crap on Aaron’s site.
Wasn’t that the premise of the Deadpool’s origin in the movie?
Pretty standard for this setting, you have to be prepared for the possibility that anyone, even your nominal allies, could be brainwashed and turned against you. Batman famously has plans to disable all the other members of the justice league.
My favorite is one of his strategies for Martian Manhunter: Enlist Plastic Man for help. His strategy for Plastic Man is amusing, until you realize just how brokenly powerful he is: Freeze him until I think of a better strategy.
Moonshadow somehow always ends up gaining incredible powers in the minds of his peers. I think this will cement his reputation as the greatest hero ever, especially when he somehow stops Zodon from gaining control of the Chaos Orb while simultaneously removing it as a power source.
I actually think its not that simple.
For Ron it was about being willing to accept that your first impression is incorrect or that someone changed.
Ron couldn’t accept either that Moonshadow was also sort of confused and powerless or that Tyler had a better handle of things than he did.
For Cecil it was about being lied to.
I think Julie would be able to handle the news better than Ron and Cecil did but liking them both might not be enough.
Tyler’s been framed for super-crimes, the EDL is after him, in the EDL Headquarters no less, and His FATHER Ultima Powers is shooting at him, and Tyler is basically doing OK. He’s keeping his head, and outmaneuvering his attackers. He has come a long way, hasn’t he.
To be fair, the Tyler from the beginning of the stories would have been resigned to it being par for the course, though he’d be panicking about the physical danger and how much trouble he’d be in. So while he has come a long way, it’s from a different direction than most might expect with a kid in the situation you described.
While Aaron probably doesn’t have something specific in mind, interestingly that was the year when Homecoming for one of the local Unis was the other local Uni. The fans got very, er, enthused by the game.
They had to pull in extra cops from surrounding counties.
What was happening in the webcomics I followed then:
* Something*Positive: PeeJee’s bar was hosting a pre-Halloween costume contest
* Dumbing Of Age: Amazi-Girl fights ToeDad to rescue Becky
* Medium-Large: a retrospective of “It’s The Great Pumpkin, Charlie Brown” parody strips
77 thoughts on “2018-06-03”
Moon Shadow-arang! Moon Shadow-arang! SQUEE!!!
Holy cow! MS is deliberately cutting the strings to that trophy display? Besides entangling Gravpulse, he’s got another evasive maneuver up his sleeve?
Tyler really is moving on from action survivor to badass normal. 🙂 I am just delighted.
“Action Survivor” and “Badass Normal?” You must be a troper. 🙂
He’s definitely badass normal by now. He even has the professional look of boredom on his face while dodging his father’s blast.
Obvious, isn’t? Well, as long as JAMES VELDT FACTOR doesn’t get SKYBRICKED… 😉
And speaking of Gravpulse no the ropes. So many jokes await when he gets a little older… especially if this chase scene DOES end up on internet. 😁
First Comment! wow. WOW! I want to know about the battle of Sioux Falls, October 2015. Also, if she’s worried about her mother finding out she ruined a glass structure, does her mother know her current identity and costume? Holy cow, that guy Tyler’s dad… I would slap him, but it wouldn’t help… And Moonshadow is about to get help, whether he wants it or not.
I don’t think that’s Dynamode so whoever she is has a good relationship with her mom. 😀
Chihuly’s pretty famous, so it’d be a bit like having to talk to your parents after defacing a Picasso.
Okay, my initial delight has worn off a bit. Now I’m torn between liking the Moon Shadow-arangs for being a natural fit to his name/theme (boomerangs in the shape of a crescent moon), and wondering if it’s too derivative of Batman and the Bat Family, even if The Revenant and Moon Shadow are lawyer-friendly expys of them.
Ed Rhodes
Never mind Batman, MOON-KNIGHT just got his lawyer on speed dial!
Oh, snap. That’s right.
Although wasn’t Moon Knight a rip-off/Marvel’s expy of Batman? (I gotta look this up later. I remember the YouTube channel NerdSync tackling this in a video.)
Ed Rhodes
This is true. The difference was that Moon Knight didn’t have different “identities,” he actually had different PERSONALITIES! (Although that never really read well in the books.) But he WAS the one to throw moon shaped throwing knives.
Also, they look like boomerangs rather than, say, table knives of a deranged Trekkie.
Oh gosh the legal services have invaded the superheroics industry, now they have to give disclaimers to all their attacks.
If he doesn’t give that disclaimer it would look like he broke out a shotgun because one of his sons friends started jumping on the couch at a sleepover he was invited to.
Disclaimer or no disclaimer, he’s firing an energy-beam at a KID.
It’s a slam dunk even for a rookie D.A.
I’m not so sure. It would depend on what exactly the laws in their universe say. For example, he might get a legal pass of a sort where said targeted kid is a metahuman and suspected of being part of a criminal undertaking of some sort.
Judging from the disclaimer and the power output we’ve seen out of him before, it appears to be a very low-powered one too.
Tomy Ironmane
I would, strictly speaking, from a defense attorney mindset, counter instead that it was an attempt to prevent hazard to the crowds of kids below those displays he’s cutting loose.
Thrown out of court: it’s not a beam, it’s obviously a ball. ;]
That’s the ‘verse where they discussed legal status of specifically projectile offensive powers, after all.
Golden age rules gone political correctness!
Hook up the grappler and take the flyer for a swing? Passing it of to an adult super could make things interesting.
…when did Moon Shadow lose his helmet’s face guard?
Zech Judy
Wow, good catch! It was in the last page.
Methinks Aaron forgot.
Either that, or Gravpulse is looking at a 15 yard personal foul face mask penalty
@Sweeper: You’ve got sharp eyes.
@Lucario: I agree.
Personally, I liked the face guard part. When we saw MS in the future, the visor seemed like a natural “evolution” for that piece of gear (facial protection, obscures identity, AND probably has some high tech gadgets in it, like heads-up display, IR or low light vision, thermal scanner, etc.).
He lost it so he could emote more clearly. :p
I thought he was just no longer bothered by cooties.
I don’t think he was ever worried about cooties. Accidentally getting his nose broken because a FISS decided to spontaneously kiss him was more his concern.
Not his. Revenant “helpfully” advised him to keep that face guard if giving compliments to “impulsive superheroines” is something he wants to do again.
I’d worry more about local explosive decompression, anyway. While at this age it’s unlikely to end with lung collapse or partially repeating what Polly did with that Thunderclap guy, but without being very elastic, most people don’t look forward to cheek hernia and nom-de-guerre “Hamster Man”, either.
Prairie Son
Hey Aaron, you misspelled Sioux Falls on the trophy label.
Wait, is Tyler implying that the Revenant figured that at some point Tyler would have to face off against his parents in more or less battle!?
Or is there another reason why you’d tell a child how their father shoots? 😮
Joshua Kronengold
Of course he did. He’s the Batman//////Revenant! He knows perfectly well that part of the Caped life is occasionally having to face off against other superheroes, due to misunderstandings, alternative timelines, trickery, duplication of some sort, and/or mind control. And he presumably has a detailed plan for how to defeat each and every one of the top hundred (at least!).
BTW, is anyone else watching My Hero Academia, the Japanese latest addition to the “Hero School” subgenre? It’s great! And the primary protagonist, while not unpowered once the show gets going (for Reasons), very much is of the “keep detailed notes on every hero and villain I meet with plans for how to deal with them” type!
I’ve seen a few episodes and heard about later episodes.
His notes were good practice if nothing else and he was able to figure things out fast enough to be actually useful in first encounters by the time he went to hero school.
I like how basically Allmight gave an inaccurate answer that crushed Deku because he didn’t want to tell anyone to pursue there dreams of being a super hero. Basically Deku asked if he could be a great hero without a quirk. I get the feeling the correct answer to that question is you can be a good hero without a quirk but not as good as those with awesome quirks who try just as hard as you. Allmights answer was basically that even with an awesome quirk being a super hero is a terrible dangerous job there are plenty of better jobs safer jobs. Don’t throw your life away pursuing this dream. So no.
One thing you run into is the fact that you’ll see heroes (or heroes in training) where their quirks make them no better than a normal human being and the only thing making them formidable is their training, meaning that a normal human being with the same training should be treated as great as the quirked-hero yet instead there’s the attitude that somehow if you haven’t got a quirk/super-power you’re worthless which is even worse in the My Hero Acadamia universe. Police are considered worthless, only really good for hauling off the criminals after the hero has done their job and keeping good records and maybe helping out with information-gathering. At times you see comments where police are treated as if they’re being given make-work so that they can feel important but otherwise looked at as having no value dealing with crime.
> One thing you run into is the fact that you’ll see heroes (or heroes in training) where their quirks make them no better than a normal human being
It happens in PS238 too.
There’s also rubber band difficulty thing, from being capable of digging deeper pits under themselves than un-powered folk could do in comparable time. Or, as Magellan banner occasionally showing here says — «Super-hero cadets… their worst enemy is themselves!»
I’d guess it was part of a general “strengths and weaknesses of the various members of the EDL” lesson. Not something specific towards Tyler’s family.
Yes, the Revenant did figure that Tyler would have to face off against his parents at some point. The Revenant knows how this world works, it was inevitable. (That said he probably did not pitch it to Tyler like that. He most likely claimed it was to point out how every super has weaknesses.)
In universe its a reasonable guess.
Tyler’s “parents” and R are rivals even borderline enemies. So if they knew that Moonshadow was working with R they could come to blows.
Actually R and Tyler’s”parents” see each other as overzealous and sometimes dangerous to the public.
Tyler for the for see able future is going to be in the same areas as them dealing with similar situations its not unlikely that they will run into each other, an since from R’s perspective Tyler’s “parents” are as likely to make the situation worse, it escalating to a fight if they do run into each other is not unreasonable.
Even taking away running into each other at work at the end of the day Tyler’s parents were his biggest threat when R started tutoring him.
Also It already half happened during the Rainmaker arc but it was less direct and his “parents” likely didn’t even know he was working against them.
Expounding on TemporaryObsessor’s words:
Update 05082009: Metahuman heroes (and most states) regard non-powered vigilantes as having no business in superheroics. Doesn’t matter if people like the Revenant do good, heroic stuff. They just shouldn’t because they don’t have powers.
Update 05182007: It would seem that even associating with non-powered vigilantes is a no-no for Tyler’s parents.
The Revenant is an unwanted meddler in superhuman affairs and is even wanted in thirty-three states. That means some superheroes will try to capture him. In order to evade capture, as a NON-POWERED vigilante detective, his best bet is to know how to fight them and their powers by knowing their strengths and weaknesses and other details.
Update 04222009: Curiously, even though Ultima and Sovereign know about the Revenant enough to disapprove of him, they didn’t recognize him when he (and Moon Shadow) saved them when the Golden Armor Guys (Praetorian Academy’s agents) had incapacitated and tried to smother Sovereign during the Rainmaker affair.
Additional note: The Revenant IS guilty of tax evasion (only one or a few of his disguises/alternate identities pays taxes), though. Unfortunately, while I’m 100% sure of this, I don’t remember where in the books he talked about it.
Sorry for this nidpick, but Sovereign is the Mother and Ultima the Father. So it was Ultima that got nearly suffocated
Sorry, but it is bugging me a bit that you mix them up these last few pages. Hope you dont mind I pointed it out.
4/22/09 Wow your right.
Sorry but Ultima seems like a very feminine name to me, but Tyler was definately about to call Untima dad.
Oh! Okay. No problem and thank you, Buzzbee.
Yeah. It’s just that “Ultima” is a feminine-sounding name.
R is wanted for questioning in 33 states. That can mean anything from a suspect which they can’t prove actually did anything yet to a witness which is bound to happen as a crime fighter.
I think the main reason he runs from the authorities is because of the tax evasion thing. The tax evasion thing could simply be because he had multiple rich identities and doesn’t want to be double taxed when he pays himself money or draw a complex map of his his identities for the IRS or because he feels he only needs a few fake identities on the up and up.
05082009 (5th panel) is pretty clear being “wanted in thirty three states” is a big part of it.
Honestly, given how they keep trying to ‘trigger’ his powers, them shooting at him wouldn’t be unexpected…
There was a web story I read years ago I forget the name of it but in it they explain that there is a gene that some humans have that when they’re exposed to something lethal it triggers a random mutation to make them survive it and that’s how super powers from horrible ladder accidents tend to happen
There are several superhero genre properties out there that’re like that.
I’d name them, but I don’t want to crap on Aaron’s site.
Wasn’t that the premise of the Deadpool’s origin in the movie?
Pretty standard for this setting, you have to be prepared for the possibility that anyone, even your nominal allies, could be brainwashed and turned against you. Batman famously has plans to disable all the other members of the justice league.
My favorite is one of his strategies for Martian Manhunter: Enlist Plastic Man for help. His strategy for Plastic Man is amusing, until you realize just how brokenly powerful he is: Freeze him until I think of a better strategy.
Moonshadow somehow always ends up gaining incredible powers in the minds of his peers. I think this will cement his reputation as the greatest hero ever, especially when he somehow stops Zodon from gaining control of the Chaos Orb while simultaneously removing it as a power source.
I’m not sure how Julie will handle the news, if she ever discovers/is told that Tyler is Moon Shadow. Its complicated.
Well, she likes both of them, so it might not be that messy.
I actually think its not that simple.
For Ron it was about being willing to accept that your first impression is incorrect or that someone changed.
Ron couldn’t accept either that Moonshadow was also sort of confused and powerless or that Tyler had a better handle of things than he did.
For Cecil it was about being lied to.
I think Julie would be able to handle the news better than Ron and Cecil did but liking them both might not be enough.
Tyler’s been framed for super-crimes, the EDL is after him, in the EDL Headquarters no less, and His FATHER Ultima Powers is shooting at him, and Tyler is basically doing OK. He’s keeping his head, and outmaneuvering his attackers. He has come a long way, hasn’t he.
He sure has. ^_^
To be fair, the Tyler from the beginning of the stories would have been resigned to it being par for the course, though he’d be panicking about the physical danger and how much trouble he’d be in. So while he has come a long way, it’s from a different direction than most might expect with a kid in the situation you described.
Can you believe it Moonshadow showed up at this party. Isn’t he awesome.
Yes but now the party is awesome.
What the heck happened in Souix Falls in 2015?
I want to say “something about mad cows”, but I can’t be sure. It think it was mentioned in the Vegas arc.
That was Omaha. http://ps238.nodwick.com/comic/03302011/
Also it would have been a lot longer back given how long the UoJ has been retired.
Prairie Son
While Aaron probably doesn’t have something specific in mind, interestingly that was the year when Homecoming for one of the local Unis was the other local Uni. The fans got very, er, enthused by the game.
They had to pull in extra cops from surrounding counties.
And you had an AracnoKid who wreaked havoc with his Aracno-Flier?
Prairie Son
If SETI got involved that would not be out of the question.
what is gravpulse tangled in?
A glass sculpture according to her speech bubble.
A hanging glass sculpture.
A glass sculpture by Dale Chihuly, a real, and famous, glass sculptor.
Stephen Bierce
October 28th, 2015 would have been my mother’s 75th birthday. :/
Stephen Bierce
What was happening in the webcomics I followed then:
* Something*Positive: PeeJee’s bar was hosting a pre-Halloween costume contest
* Dumbing Of Age: Amazi-Girl fights ToeDad to rescue Becky
* Medium-Large: a retrospective of “It’s The Great Pumpkin, Charlie Brown” parody strips
In real-world time, the Arachno-Flyer was acquired sometime between Tyler’s plane crash and the first post-Veles meeting of the Infinite Vanguard.
It’s weird to remember how long this comic has been going on.
It’s more weird to me that Veles and all that were over 3 years ago. It seems like it was just a little while ago to me.
In real-world time, the Arachno-Flyer was acquired sometime between Tyler’s plane crash and the first post-Veles meeting of the Infinite Vanguard.
It’s weird to remember how long this comic has been going on.
Ed Rhodes
I now want t t-shirt that has printed, in smallish letters, over and over again; “Don’t think about what you’re doing, it will only upset you!”