
22 thoughts on “2018-03-14

  1. Since the giant mole thing is “getting really tired of this” I’m voting for it being Zodon having used the same contrivance to get back to earth that he had used to get into space.

    So will Ron shoot Zodon with the really odd gun? Will the bug ever get a dance? will anything happen at all? Come back next month for more of PS-238

    1. I thought it was pretty clearly those tentacle things that were on his hoverchair from the last time we saw him with the chaos orb.

    2. I think you might be confused. The previous fight scene wasn’t in space, it was just in a different part of the headquarters, wasn’t it? (Admittedly, our two sapient spaceships keep getting involved with the plot.)

      1. Do you mean sentient?

        1. No, sentient would be aware. Sapient is thinking and self-aware.

  2. Well, I guess Toby’s questions are about to be answered.
    Where would he have sneaked the chaos-ball to, anyway?

    1. Sneaked it into one of the loads of dangerous stuff that are being shot into space?

      1. I’m pretty sure there is a poster at PS238 that says “Do not shoot the chaos ball into the Sun”.

  3. So clearly Toby was going to either trade the Chaos Ball to Power and Glory (unwise), or just *give* it to Tyler (worse).
    While Toby seems nice enough, he does kindof come across as much less sensible than Tyler… although that may just be because they tend not to have much interaction unless something has gone wrong.

    1. It could be that Tyler is only as sensible as he is because he’s a frail and fragile mortal who’s constantly being put in mortal danger. Toby may have kept those instincts for a little while, but he’s honestly not got the same problems that Tyler does. He has his own, and he has different tools to deal with them. Both Toby and Tyler are very pro-active when they see something that needs dealing with. Toby has far, far more powerful tools to work with and sees even more problems than Tyler does.

      A comic following Toby could be interesting just based on the noodle and semi-noodle incidents we hear about from him. It sounds like he’s had as much character growth and as many adventures as Tyler, just in very different ways.

      1. And now I want a repeat of the Moon field trip, but with Tyler and Toby being the ones who have to cooperate.

    2. Holy Density, Batman. “Toby-Tyler.” I just now got that.

      1. Is there something special about that?

        1. imdb.com “Toby Tyler, Five Week’s With A Circus,” I mentioned this when Toby first appeared.

      2. Coincidence, maybe? I’m not seeing a whole lot of correlation between the movie and any plot elements or character dev here at PS 238.

        1. Although a building full of super-dupers is certainly somewhat circus-like.

  4. And “Doctor Octopus” Zodon returns to the scene.

  5. “What, you thought this was our idea?”

    “I don’t actually know you that well, Ron. Mostly I just have memories of you yelling at Tyler for reasons that are kind of sketchy.”

  6. A thought occurs to me, is it possible that the forces trapped in the device are influencing Zodon? He seems a little more ruthless than we’ve seen him before.

    1. I’m not seeing it. He hasn’t hurt anyone. And he seems interested in securing the orb because it’s too dangerous.

      Of course with the latter, he could just be lying. But even in that, case that doesn’t strike me as ruthless.

    2. Well, in his defense, if he is trying to stop a leaking containment field around a ball of pure quantum chaos, that sounds like a really good justification for “I have to do this!”

    3. Zodon has always displayed ruthlessness when it comes to property damage. He’s also willing to rough people up in non-permanent fashion while threatening grievous bodily harm (which he never follows through on for various reasons/excuses).

      I’m sure he really does think it too dangerous for the [marigolds] in the EDL, but that he ALSO is motivated by a desire to use it, himself. I give it maybe a 60% chance that he actually would be able to use it without causing an unintended disaster, too.

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