
44 thoughts on “2017-07-24

  1. Oh, ho, what did Ron’s (still unknown) powers do to Charles?

    1. Rather than wild speculation, let’s try a mild, down-to-earth one:
      Simple disruption preventing transport of others while putting Charles in the wrong place, with the crash-landing (and not Ron’s powers) KOing Charles.

      Note: Charles has been to P&G’s store before- since it was previously the abandoned Sam’s Swap Shop.

      1. Well, no.
        Charles has been to the abandoned Sam’s Swap Shop, but with the way those two set up shop, it appears more likely that Sam’s Swap Shop should still be there, BEHIND the door that leads to their store, but not THROUGH the door that leads to their store..

      2. Left Field Thinker

        I prefer WiLd sPecUlatIon!

        What if Ron’s power is the ability to involuntarily donate super powers to Power & Glory?! Unlikely, since Charles is a recurring pain, but it would explain a few other things, including the existence of Power & Glory itself. Alternately, Ron might simply have the power to influence Destiny to cause other powers go on the fritz (including his own FISS ability, sadly)… essentially, the Super-version of Bad Luck. Or it could be that no powers work quite right on Ron, now; that would be a doozy. And, since Charles is unconscious, it might just be a boring neuro-scramble ability, which naturally mucks up powers under conscious control. But that’s too boring to be wildly speculative, so obviously it can’t be right.

    2. Following thought on Charles being to the location of P&G before and having access to it via his powers:
      Maybe the disruption shunted Charles to a place he’d before (the way his power usually works) rather than simply sending him off anywhere randomly. After all, if the disruption could have sent Charles to any location in the universe, it’d be an crazy small chance it’d send him to what was previously Sam’s Swap Shop.

      1. I thought Charles could only go to places he’s been before? He had been to the North Pole because of the academy, so why would his power randomly choose another location for him to go to?

        I think there is another reason Charles ended up at the shop. Could be something at P&G. Or perhaps Ron or Flea may have been the reason. Or maybe all three of them as it is one place all three of them have been.

        1. Charles has been to P&G’s store before. It’s just that, *at the time*, it was the abandoned Sam’s Swap Shop which he and the other Excelsior School bullies used as their hideout. P&G came just recently and did some weird and wonderful remodeling, but *the location remains the same*.

          As for the random destination, because something (or someone- Ron, presumably) disrupted the teleportation process. It already “failed” in that the Flea *isn’t* at the North Pole/Siberia. Neither is Charles, for that matter. Charles is at a place he’d been to before but *not a place of his choosing*. It’s definitely not P&G’s work since they neither expected nor invited him and are even giving him the boot.

          My point in talking about random locations is in determining the nature of the disruption on Charles’ powers. It’s entirely possible it could have sent him anywhere, including places that’d he’d not been to. It could have been that wild. But that it actually sent him to P&G’s/Sam’s Swap Shop means the disruption is still working within the limits of Charles’ powers (places he’d been to before).

        2. There are focal points for things like that to happen. Usually you’ll find a lot of residual narradium-22 there.

        3. I am with you that everything we’ve seen is consistent with a) the teleport error being caused by Ron being added at the last second, and b) both destinations being within the known limits of Charles’ powers.

          However, it seems …. heavily implied that a) the teleport error was caused by Ron in some metaphysical way, and b) Charles arriving at P&G is more than just random chance.

          For example, perhaps Ron was somehow able to “un-teleport” Flea, and his doing so kicked Charles out of the universe for a moment, and the interior of P&G’s shop is a pocket dimension accessed through that door and not physically inside the building. Like a Tardis.

        4. SpyOne:

          “a) the teleport error was caused by Ron in some metaphysical way, and b) Charles arriving at P&G is more than just random chance.”
          a) “Metaphysical way”? What do you mean exactly? If you simply mean through the use of his supposed and still unknown second set of superpowers rather than just by grabbing Charles and somehow disrupting the teleport with a mundane, ordinary physical act, I would agree.
          b) Perhaps, perhaps not. There’s no evidence either way.
          What we’re sure of, however, is that neither P nor G nor their Management were involved or intended it given the last panel. No invitation, they don’t even know *how* he got in (which both likely means they don’t know *who* he is to begin with), and they’re giving him the boot.
          Furthermore, there’s the simple possibility of it “not being random” on a writing level: Aaron introduced us to a “new” location- the renovated Sam’s Swap Shop now Power & Glory, superpower merchants- so he might as well use it again as a joke by dumping Charles there.

          “For example, perhaps Ron was somehow able to “un-teleport” Flea, and his doing so kicked Charles out of the universe for a moment, and the interior of P&G’s shop is a pocket dimension accessed through that door and not physically inside the building. Like a Tardis.”
          Nothing really in-text to say this isn’t so, but I’ve become wary over the years of over-thinking and over-speculating things. Occam’s Razor and stuff like that. It could be as simple as Ron stopping or redirecting the teleport.
          Come to think of it, once we know where exactly he and the Flea ended up in the tower, we can more confidently work things out.

        5. I’m pretty sure it was something weird, not just more unexpected mass, because when 84 grabbed him in the first fight he warped back there just fine. He was more off-put by her spinning him around than her extra mass.

  2. I’m better its a parralel dimension.

  3. I see a Rick & Morty portal gun.

  4. 1. Does Ron have power cancellation as a superpower? Or power reverse? Or just power disrupt? He grabbed the Flea and they’re back at their point of origin.

    2. WHO is Power & Glory’s management? We previously thought their reference to them was just their way of disguising themselves or misdirecting too-curious customers. But since it’s just those two around (and an unconscious Charles), there’d be no need for pretense. Thus this means there really is someone else with them in the business.

    3. Heh heh. Charles landing in P&G’s store is funny in a cute way. 😀

    4. Odd thought that occurred to me now: We’ve been guessing that P&G’s identities are a cover for other characters in the PS238-verse. What if we’re overthinking it? What if they are who they say they are and they really just deal out superpowers?

  5. ad 2. Since management states “I’m working on it”, it’s a single person, presumably, and not a committee or something.

    1. It’s the Revenant. He’s just that awesome.

  6. Eye Spy a portal gun

  7. Instead of Ron messing with the teleport, it could be a security system of the GDL’s tower. Unauthorized teleports result in the teleporter being messed up and the teleportee(s) being returned to a safe part of the tower.

    1. But they aren’t in the tower anymore.

      1. Look behind them; “EDL -Earth Defense League” They’re somewhere in the Tower.

        1. Yeh, and look at the floor. Note the game controller, they’re in the same room.

        2. Yeah, Ron and Flea are still in the tower, but Charles isn’t.

        3. technically they’re somewhere on EDL turf. Or somewhere the EDL would put up a sign. It would be hilarious if they wound up on the moon-base or something. 😀

        4. Given the game controller on the ground, they are a few feet from their point of departure.

        5. NVM: Flea dropped it.

      2. In addition to Ed Rhodes’ comment:
        Panel 2 – the screen and game controller.
        Not only are they back at the EDL tower, they’re even at the couch they were playing video games at.

        1. Flea had kept the controller, Ron was dropping his, so it might be any screen.

          (Also and unrelated, reloading the CAPTCHA gives a 404)

    2. I don’t know about it being the tower itself. Didn’t the EDL formerly base on the Moon? Also, wouldn’t the moon base still be in use?

  8. I assume the game controller in the foreground of panel 2 will have some significance later.

    1. Ah, the principle of Chekov’s Gun is mentioned again.

      1. It’s a shame they weren’t color-coded either, so we don’t know whether it was Ron’s (which he was in the process of dropping) or Flea’s (which he still had in hand when Brigman tried to teleport them).

    2. It may have some significance already, although smaller than one would think:
      As a specific indicator that Charles’ teleport really failed and they’re back at their video game station.

      1. They’re wireless remotes. That could be any screen. And IIRC the background didn’t look like that around the game system.

  9. Anyone else notice Rick Sanchez’s portal gun in the display case? I wonder how that got there.

    1. Chances are, Rick C-137 swiped it off of a Council of Ricks lackey and hocked it.

    2. Squanch just got real

  10. Maybe Ron really hasn’t lost his first powers. Maybe through guilt or whatever his second power, of suppressing or messing up powers is taking out his own first power.

    1. Unlikely, given how effective argonite is on FISS metas and that the laser that hit him was built specifically to render him powerless and turn him into a hostage.

      That said, the reverse of your theory is possible: Ron’s FISS abilities may have kept his second set of powers dormant. With the FISS powers gone, now his other powers can come out. This is pure speculation, though.

    2. It’s been speculated that Superman’s powers are really the result of psychic or telekinetic abilities. Maybe Argonite powers work the same way, and now Ron’s are taking a different form.

  11. Anyone notice Trump’s toup in the lower left corner of the last panel?

    1. Looks more like a brain on a peg. Although they do have Gambit’s preferred card (Ace of Spades) and what looks like a lightsaber.

      1. and a super nintendo

  12. I did a quick check of the archive page for this issue and 1) If they are in the tower, they are NOT on the floor they came from, nor are they on the floor where Tyler has his “shelter”. The color scheme is different from both floors. 2) It doesn’t look like the floor where Tyler and Cecil were in the pages before this scene, either.

  13. Is that a portal gun in the case…Yeah Rick and Morty fan

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