Now that is just a blatant violation of the established rules of the air. If you overtake an object in flight you are obliged to pass to its right side, unless directed otherwise by traffic control.
Probably did. It would actually make sense if it could shrink itself.
A shrink ray that shrinks only others is only good for capturing, disabling, storing, etc. people and objects.
A shrink ray that can shrink itself allows its user to perform infiltration.
David Nuttall
It also allows you to lose it in such a way that you can never find it again. Contrast to the instruction manual that Ralph Hinkley in the first episode of the second season of Greatest American Hero. The manual told him how to shrink, so he did, but he let go of the book when he went back to normal size, thus it stayed shrunk. They never did find the book the size of a dust flake.
Yes, but Ralph had to lose the instruction manual or the format of the show would have had to change. It’s also presented as a good thing in later episodes that he (repeatedly) lost the instruction manual. When Ralph and Bill meet the people who used to have the suit it is revealed that they had their suit taken away from them because they stopped using it properly. Ralph and Bill then theorize that having their instruction manual and acces to the full powers of the suit is what corrupted the earlyier team. A sort of great power corupts thing.
PS238 even seems to brush on this idea from time to time, with the way that many supers seem to be detached from the rest of society.
Man, even at small size, you can recognize Bernard and Suzie Fusion at the table, I think that’s Laser Sight half cut off by the speech balloon, Prospero and Angie in the lower right corner, one of the Praetorian kids (Ajax?) in the lower left, what looks like a Silver Surfer expy…
I’m going to say any time we see a kid from Pretorian Academy interacting with the other kids, it’s Ajax still infiltrating. I’m waiting for him to decide these guys are more fun to be around than the creeps at the Academy and defect. I think they’ll find out why he’s there first and feel betrayed, but he’ll win them back over.
A thought that just hit me, though probably has been brewing in some form for a while: Does American Eagle have any powers other than wings (and the attendant flight)?
If not, she’s actually got only a small subset of the FISS package, and yet on a superteam, she’d apparently have social superiority over the local FISS. Which is weird. Perhaps too much emphasis is placed on surface, physical differences and not enough on actual, real diversity? They’re playing the FISS discrimination as a legitimate bigotry problem, but its nature seems to lean towards a subtle indictment of caring TOO MUCH about visual diversity as a SOURCE of bigotry, which is…unusual.
American Eagle does have unique powers, but caring too much about visual diversity as a source of bigotry in this comic as far as the whole FISS thing goes.
They want to sell action figures.
24 thoughts on “2017-05-01”
Opus the Poet
Get sick while shrunk and throw up someplace nobody can get to?
Opus the Poet
Basically do a cat impression.
So we all agree MoonShadow can turn himself into a bat right?
Frith Ra
I want his toys
Stephen Bierce
Now that is just a blatant violation of the established rules of the air. If you overtake an object in flight you are obliged to pass to its right side, unless directed otherwise by traffic control.
Am I the only one who read “Roger! Deploying.” In the voice of the spacecraft in the navigator?
Tomy Ironmane
His line was “Compliance!”
Great. Now I’m wondering if the effect of Cecil’s shrink ray is permanent unless reversed.
(Thinking back, I believe so.)
David Nuttall
Now Cecil’s shrink ray makes me think of the Master’s Tissue Compression Eliminator. Thankfully this version seems more benign.
Did the shrink ray shrink the shrink ray?
Probably did. It would actually make sense if it could shrink itself.
A shrink ray that shrinks only others is only good for capturing, disabling, storing, etc. people and objects.
A shrink ray that can shrink itself allows its user to perform infiltration.
David Nuttall
It also allows you to lose it in such a way that you can never find it again. Contrast to the instruction manual that Ralph Hinkley in the first episode of the second season of Greatest American Hero. The manual told him how to shrink, so he did, but he let go of the book when he went back to normal size, thus it stayed shrunk. They never did find the book the size of a dust flake.
Yes, but Ralph had to lose the instruction manual or the format of the show would have had to change. It’s also presented as a good thing in later episodes that he (repeatedly) lost the instruction manual. When Ralph and Bill meet the people who used to have the suit it is revealed that they had their suit taken away from them because they stopped using it properly. Ralph and Bill then theorize that having their instruction manual and acces to the full powers of the suit is what corrupted the earlyier team. A sort of great power corupts thing.
PS238 even seems to brush on this idea from time to time, with the way that many supers seem to be detached from the rest of society.
What did they make those tables out of? Looks like Bernard has been going all Cookie Monster on his table (top left of first panel).
Non-toxic fibreboard, I guess. He’ll be OK, he ate his hologram device and chews on iron bars.
What fantastic detail you’ve picked out! Brilliant graphic work by Aaron.
Yes this was a case of boy drops pizza on table and goes to eat it off table. . . Well then it snowballed from there.
Prairie Son
Man, even at small size, you can recognize Bernard and Suzie Fusion at the table, I think that’s Laser Sight half cut off by the speech balloon, Prospero and Angie in the lower right corner, one of the Praetorian kids (Ajax?) in the lower left, what looks like a Silver Surfer expy…
Ed Rhodes
I’m going to say any time we see a kid from Pretorian Academy interacting with the other kids, it’s Ajax still infiltrating. I’m waiting for him to decide these guys are more fun to be around than the creeps at the Academy and defect. I think they’ll find out why he’s there first and feel betrayed, but he’ll win them back over.
Prairie Son
Well, we know there’s a couple Praetorians about. Flea mentioned one turning his spiders into ice cubes.
A thought that just hit me, though probably has been brewing in some form for a while: Does American Eagle have any powers other than wings (and the attendant flight)?
If not, she’s actually got only a small subset of the FISS package, and yet on a superteam, she’d apparently have social superiority over the local FISS. Which is weird. Perhaps too much emphasis is placed on surface, physical differences and not enough on actual, real diversity? They’re playing the FISS discrimination as a legitimate bigotry problem, but its nature seems to lean towards a subtle indictment of caring TOO MUCH about visual diversity as a SOURCE of bigotry, which is…unusual.
Stephen Bierce
She has that energy blast power that Rainmaker threw into overdrive when he and Irons raided the school.
Stephen Bierce <- Dialogue indicates it's part of HER and not exclusively technology.
American Eagle does have unique powers, but caring too much about visual diversity as a source of bigotry in this comic as far as the whole FISS thing goes.
They want to sell action figures.