You have to remember that Cecil was not invited in the first place. If he wins, he will most likley get into trouble if anyone notices that he is not a bona fide superhero.
Cecil has an identifying wrist bracelet, which is probably smart tagged or chipped. He should be good.
But his wrist bracelet was stolen by Flea. Really, any proper security system would have flagged Cecil entering by a windows as a breach (do they really have no internal cameras monitoring the windows?) to be dealt with immediately, and Cecil and Flea would have been caught and ejected.
Presumably, the system has been having problems.
If memory serves, Cecil’s ship was helping him with some of the electronic detection devices. And Zodan’s own intrusion probably isn’t helping the system out a lot.
The security system is having issues though a kid sneaking into a party only supers are supposed to know about and thus would also have been invited to sounds more like hi jinx than a security breach.
His coat would probably help him slide as some sort of Meta, though.
Yeah, but Tyler’s parents will probably spot him out anyway. He doesn’t go to PS238, he isn’t dressed up like a super, and is not on any registered lists. You also have to remember that his “Power” is the ability to detect other metahumans. If the Powers found out about this, because his powers would be such a great help for whoever had them, he would probably get into some real political hooey.
I wouldn’t expect Tyler’s parents to notice anything. Cecil’s not going to stand out from the rest of the kids, he’s obviously some sort of super since he can either animate his coat or it’s an object of power that he has (like Emerald Gauntlet’s gauntlet) and they live in their own little reality anyway. Cecil would have to do something REALLY attention-getting for anyone especially them to notice.
In THAT coat, even if it wasn’t… um, alive…. I would argue that he’s in a costume, and thus “dressed as a super”.
I really love the combination of Tyler, Ron(and by default his coat), The Flea, and Cecil. I mean, In the face of everything that is happening, and already happened, they can still be cool and sit on a couch and play video games (Are they playing Minecraft? And how would you win at that?).
Stands for ‘Directed Denial of Service’ it’s a form of hacking wherein you cause many requests for information or other actions that a computer must respond to, far in excess of what the computer is capable of processing while keeping up its normal functions. The end result is a computer or server being overwhelmed and unable to take on new tasks until it has completed processing all the previous tasks, which can take some time as it is often dealing with millions of requests from the DDOS attack alone.
While Sticks’ answer is mostly correct, the first “D” stands for “Distributed” rather than “Directed”. There are many computers in many locations trying to access the target, just as Zodon is presumably having fake Tylers appear in many different locations in the EDL.
Wikipedia has an article on DDoS, if you feel like looking it up.
Look how far Cecil has come: he started out freaking out about the “aliens” his super-sensor could notice and ended up being one of the freakiest of all (if he goes interdimensional hopping) and being so blase about having a sentient coat and hanging around supers.
Cecil was freaking out because there were things going on that he didn’t understand and his teachers were denying anything was happening. That’s the classic definition of being gaslighted
Personally, I am amused by Tyler’s appropriate, but not overly dramatic, level of concern that somebody is getting him framed for misbehavior. It’s not the chew-on-fingernails panic of “I’ll get in trouble!” nor is it the blasé nonchalance of “meh.” He just makes sure his friends there are aware they will need to vouch for the real him being the one on the couch playing video games this whole time, and then goes on with enjoying himself.
A judge would need evidence that either they are unreliable witnesses, or that Tyler set whatever is happening up beforehand. A teacher would usually want to justify not believing them and would likely take them aside to see if they change their story. A parent can dismiss this as of course your friends would lie to me for you. That being said normally if your parents, teacher, etc. find your friends more trustworthy than you in general, and do not believe that you have them under your thumb or tricked it will generally help to have them as witnesses.
I know that Ultima and Sovereign are technically Tyler’s parents even if they don’t deserve the title but they might not. They thanks to prejudices are more likely to believe Tyler’s friends than him and even if they don’t believe them might fall back on I know you did this somehow but since you have witnesses to the contrary, and the video game supporting your story, and Toby apparently invited you and your friends, we can’t punish you except to ban you.
Honestly, I’d normally rely on a combination of “My child has a destiny, so anything he did would be a manifestation of it” and “But he doesn’t have powers YET, so of course he couldn’t have done this,” but there has been a pattern of suspecting Tyler of being some sort of infiltrating thing for a while, now, and this could play into that.
I think after Toby was born they didn’t really need Tyler to get powers. I also think if Tyler cooperated more he would have been essentially a prop to show how loving and accepting they are of Toby’s poor cripple clone, and if he cooperated less he would be Toby’s evil clone, or maybe it would vary day by day. Actually I wonder if one of them might be doing just that now. Poor poor Tyler he doesn’t know how to accept that he will never gain super powers which is why he’s moody and pulling away from us better sign him up for this support group, but what if our loving acceptance and support is not enough better cut off his security clearance in case his resentment boils over and he turns evil.
Tyler’s parents already consider him a security risk and removed his security privileges as Tyler found out when going to ask about the sleepover from his clone Toby.
or maybe his parents will just assume that he’s acquired the POWER to be in multiple locations simultaneously?
If I wasn’t of the opinion that something is messing with their heads, I’d jump on this as the most likely response they’d have. But their recent view of Tyler has been one of suspicion and more-than-negligent forgetfulness; if they’re influenced, it’s for a purpose, and having them blame Tyler irrationally (rather than irrationally assuming it’s all a wonderful manifestation of their son’s destiny to have superpowers) is in line with the pattern we’ve seen lately.
Depending on what the other accounts of Tyler are doing he could be considered a super villain.
If they think that he did it despite having three witnesses saying he was elsewhere, then that means that Tyler can self-clone. Their crippled son has superpowers at last!
Nah, they wouldn’t be too happy unless both Tyler and the clones had additional powers; self-cloning isn’t useful enough for fighting the forces of evil for them. They’d want FISS at a bare minimum.
Man in the Mists
I’m sure they’d call it good enough if it was like Harem from Grrl Power. Multiple bodies, one mind. Teleporting ability optional.
Yeah, but that’s a covert power. He can’t really let any of the heroes know about it.
Also, Tyler’s parents would deny the power’s effectiveness if he told them he gets no “power vibe” from Tyler.
What Tyler didn’t think about is we play games to get AWAY from our normal lives. to most constructor bugs like ants and spiders, Minecraft would probably be too much like their ordinary lives for them to enjoy playing it. 😀
I was wondering what name a (presumably) sapient black leather-ish Lovecraftian trenchcoat would have. I mean, it’s kinda goth, right? And it’s quite showy, really.
Considering it’s a shape-shifting, leather-ish, sapient trenchcoat, I would think it might be able to provide Cecil with a semi-convincing superhero (or supervillian) costume.
Although I’m having trouble picturing a good leather-ish, goth-ish superhero costume. Maybe something Rorschach-ish.
Long leather black trenchcoat over white frilly shirt, and sturdy, tailored, but not excessively tight, black pants. Add a top hat with goggles and three or four bandoleers and you’re obviously a steampunk gadgeteer: give the trenchcoat a hood and put pockets everywhere and you’re a neo-Victorian mage. Boots or shoes depending on your preference. Glasses to taste.
Yes, Yes, Yes. We have so many things that could and probably will go wrong. We have Cecil as an uninvited party goer and his coat, which both him and the coat are both getting vibes from other members. We have Tyler and Ron having problems with Sarah, who is probably somewhere in the tower with someone related to her “invoice”. We also have Lester, who while not yet a threat, is still probably up to something. We have Toby, who is going to be trying some method of getting Tyler powers, and last, we have a tower full of superkids who have powers that could take down an army, and are probably not under control. After reading this, tell me that you are not feeling like something big is going to happen.
Just a quick thought. I know that Zodon probably wouldn’t be doing the clones of Tyler. How would he get and maintain three different holograms in positions presumably different from his own? I just can’t see this happening. I had a thought that Toby is the one making the clones, in some attempt to not only get Tyler Powers, but to get his parents to respect him more by showing signs of powers before he actually has them. Just a thought, and probably way off the mark though.
You know he’s got that REALLY intelligent satellite that’s wreaking havoc with the security right now right? It’s not hard for it to simply spoof multiple instances of Tyler, or for that matter to control holo-projectors to create visible instances of him as well, it’s a VERY common thing for example by Petey in Schlock Mercenary. There’s no reason to think that there are any clones of Tyler running around other than the one Angie and Von Fogg created and the system isn’t going to mistake him for Tyler.
56 thoughts on “2017-03-14”
Aaron Gullison
If his coat wins, does it get the credit? and under what name?
You have to remember that Cecil was not invited in the first place. If he wins, he will most likley get into trouble if anyone notices that he is not a bona fide superhero.
Tyler might be able to claim Cecil as a guest.
Prairie Son
Cecil has an identifying wrist bracelet, which is probably smart tagged or chipped. He should be good.
But his wrist bracelet was stolen by Flea. Really, any proper security system would have flagged Cecil entering by a windows as a breach (do they really have no internal cameras monitoring the windows?) to be dealt with immediately, and Cecil and Flea would have been caught and ejected.
Presumably, the system has been having problems.
If memory serves, Cecil’s ship was helping him with some of the electronic detection devices. And Zodan’s own intrusion probably isn’t helping the system out a lot.
The security system is having issues though a kid sneaking into a party only supers are supposed to know about and thus would also have been invited to sounds more like hi jinx than a security breach.
His coat would probably help him slide as some sort of Meta, though.
Yeah, but Tyler’s parents will probably spot him out anyway. He doesn’t go to PS238, he isn’t dressed up like a super, and is not on any registered lists. You also have to remember that his “Power” is the ability to detect other metahumans. If the Powers found out about this, because his powers would be such a great help for whoever had them, he would probably get into some real political hooey.
I wouldn’t expect Tyler’s parents to notice anything. Cecil’s not going to stand out from the rest of the kids, he’s obviously some sort of super since he can either animate his coat or it’s an object of power that he has (like Emerald Gauntlet’s gauntlet) and they live in their own little reality anyway. Cecil would have to do something REALLY attention-getting for anyone especially them to notice.
In THAT coat, even if it wasn’t… um, alive…. I would argue that he’s in a costume, and thus “dressed as a super”.
Prairie Son
I wonder if there are actually days when Tyler doesn’t wish he had an ordinary life. :/
I think so:
I really love the combination of Tyler, Ron(and by default his coat), The Flea, and Cecil. I mean, In the face of everything that is happening, and already happened, they can still be cool and sit on a couch and play video games (Are they playing Minecraft? And how would you win at that?).
Umm… Ron’s the guy that used to be Captain Clarinet – Cecil’s the one with the coat.
Speaking of which, I want to see a game of Cecil Vs Coat Mario Kart.
It’s probably points based rather than win or loose for mine craft though survival mode does allow pvp I think.
the Nerdytimes
The coat is Cecil’s, not Ron’s.
Sorry, my mistake
They’re not saying “Tyler”; they’re saying “Tai Lehr”, a completely different person.
More probably, Zodon is DDOSing the EDL security system using Tyler’s DNA.
What is DDOSing?
Stands for ‘Directed Denial of Service’ it’s a form of hacking wherein you cause many requests for information or other actions that a computer must respond to, far in excess of what the computer is capable of processing while keeping up its normal functions. The end result is a computer or server being overwhelmed and unable to take on new tasks until it has completed processing all the previous tasks, which can take some time as it is often dealing with millions of requests from the DDOS attack alone.
While Sticks’ answer is mostly correct, the first “D” stands for “Distributed” rather than “Directed”. There are many computers in many locations trying to access the target, just as Zodon is presumably having fake Tylers appear in many different locations in the EDL.
Wikipedia has an article on DDoS, if you feel like looking it up.
Look how far Cecil has come: he started out freaking out about the “aliens” his super-sensor could notice and ended up being one of the freakiest of all (if he goes interdimensional hopping) and being so blase about having a sentient coat and hanging around supers.
Cecil was freaking out because there were things going on that he didn’t understand and his teachers were denying anything was happening. That’s the classic definition of being gaslighted
Moe Lane
“Superheroes are hiding out in the area and I’m kind of one of them now” is a *lot* easier to handle than “ALIENS! THEY’RE ALL AROUND ME! ALIENS!”
Personally, I am amused by Tyler’s appropriate, but not overly dramatic, level of concern that somebody is getting him framed for misbehavior. It’s not the chew-on-fingernails panic of “I’ll get in trouble!” nor is it the blasé nonchalance of “meh.” He just makes sure his friends there are aware they will need to vouch for the real him being the one on the couch playing video games this whole time, and then goes on with enjoying himself.
like that “my friends will vouch for me” thing ever works with parents in Real Life. 🙁
A judge would need evidence that either they are unreliable witnesses, or that Tyler set whatever is happening up beforehand. A teacher would usually want to justify not believing them and would likely take them aside to see if they change their story. A parent can dismiss this as of course your friends would lie to me for you. That being said normally if your parents, teacher, etc. find your friends more trustworthy than you in general, and do not believe that you have them under your thumb or tricked it will generally help to have them as witnesses.
I know that Ultima and Sovereign are technically Tyler’s parents even if they don’t deserve the title but they might not. They thanks to prejudices are more likely to believe Tyler’s friends than him and even if they don’t believe them might fall back on I know you did this somehow but since you have witnesses to the contrary, and the video game supporting your story, and Toby apparently invited you and your friends, we can’t punish you except to ban you.
Honestly, I’d normally rely on a combination of “My child has a destiny, so anything he did would be a manifestation of it” and “But he doesn’t have powers YET, so of course he couldn’t have done this,” but there has been a pattern of suspecting Tyler of being some sort of infiltrating thing for a while, now, and this could play into that.
I think after Toby was born they didn’t really need Tyler to get powers. I also think if Tyler cooperated more he would have been essentially a prop to show how loving and accepting they are of Toby’s poor cripple clone, and if he cooperated less he would be Toby’s evil clone, or maybe it would vary day by day. Actually I wonder if one of them might be doing just that now. Poor poor Tyler he doesn’t know how to accept that he will never gain super powers which is why he’s moody and pulling away from us better sign him up for this support group, but what if our loving acceptance and support is not enough better cut off his security clearance in case his resentment boils over and he turns evil.
If multiple accounts of Tyler occurs to often then there might be a problem. Like him being considered a security risk and banned from returning.
Tyler’s parents already consider him a security risk and removed his security privileges as Tyler found out when going to ask about the sleepover from his clone Toby.
or maybe his parents will just assume that he’s acquired the POWER to be in multiple locations simultaneously?
If I wasn’t of the opinion that something is messing with their heads, I’d jump on this as the most likely response they’d have. But their recent view of Tyler has been one of suspicion and more-than-negligent forgetfulness; if they’re influenced, it’s for a purpose, and having them blame Tyler irrationally (rather than irrationally assuming it’s all a wonderful manifestation of their son’s destiny to have superpowers) is in line with the pattern we’ve seen lately.
Depending on what the other accounts of Tyler are doing he could be considered a super villain.
Also, if the system is logging him as playing video games at the time of the incident, it helps support the claim.
If they think that he did it despite having three witnesses saying he was elsewhere, then that means that Tyler can self-clone. Their crippled son has superpowers at last!
Nah, they wouldn’t be too happy unless both Tyler and the clones had additional powers; self-cloning isn’t useful enough for fighting the forces of evil for them. They’d want FISS at a bare minimum.
Man in the Mists
I’m sure they’d call it good enough if it was like Harem from Grrl Power. Multiple bodies, one mind. Teleporting ability optional.
Cecil *is* a superhero; he detects other metahumans.
Ed Rhodes
Yeah, but that’s a covert power. He can’t really let any of the heroes know about it.
Also, Tyler’s parents would deny the power’s effectiveness if he told them he gets no “power vibe” from Tyler.
What Tyler didn’t think about is we play games to get AWAY from our normal lives. to most constructor bugs like ants and spiders, Minecraft would probably be too much like their ordinary lives for them to enjoy playing it. 😀
Cecil’s coat playing video games and being better at it is both BRILLIANT and ADORABLE! 😀
I was wondering what name a (presumably) sapient black leather-ish Lovecraftian trenchcoat would have. I mean, it’s kinda goth, right? And it’s quite showy, really.
The coat should be named Show Goth.
Howard or HP for Lovecraft? Tyler should make his folks get him a tee that says ‘I didn’t do it’ and tell them that a dream told him to.
Considering it’s a shape-shifting, leather-ish, sapient trenchcoat, I would think it might be able to provide Cecil with a semi-convincing superhero (or supervillian) costume.
Although I’m having trouble picturing a good leather-ish, goth-ish superhero costume. Maybe something Rorschach-ish.
Moe Lane
Long leather black trenchcoat over white frilly shirt, and sturdy, tailored, but not excessively tight, black pants. Add a top hat with goggles and three or four bandoleers and you’re obviously a steampunk gadgeteer: give the trenchcoat a hood and put pockets everywhere and you’re a neo-Victorian mage. Boots or shoes depending on your preference. Glasses to taste.
Okay. Who else is feeling paranoid?
Yes, Yes, Yes. We have so many things that could and probably will go wrong. We have Cecil as an uninvited party goer and his coat, which both him and the coat are both getting vibes from other members. We have Tyler and Ron having problems with Sarah, who is probably somewhere in the tower with someone related to her “invoice”. We also have Lester, who while not yet a threat, is still probably up to something. We have Toby, who is going to be trying some method of getting Tyler powers, and last, we have a tower full of superkids who have powers that could take down an army, and are probably not under control. After reading this, tell me that you are not feeling like something big is going to happen.
Well, if it’ll make you feel better, just ask yourself…
What could possibly go wrong?
The Aussie Bloke
Don’t. Taunt. MURPHY!
“Why, can he hurt me?”
“No, it’s just…tacky.”
Just a quick thought. I know that Zodon probably wouldn’t be doing the clones of Tyler. How would he get and maintain three different holograms in positions presumably different from his own? I just can’t see this happening. I had a thought that Toby is the one making the clones, in some attempt to not only get Tyler Powers, but to get his parents to respect him more by showing signs of powers before he actually has them. Just a thought, and probably way off the mark though.
You know he’s got that REALLY intelligent satellite that’s wreaking havoc with the security right now right? It’s not hard for it to simply spoof multiple instances of Tyler, or for that matter to control holo-projectors to create visible instances of him as well, it’s a VERY common thing for example by Petey in Schlock Mercenary. There’s no reason to think that there are any clones of Tyler running around other than the one Angie and Von Fogg created and the system isn’t going to mistake him for Tyler.
Cecil’s coat with its own utility belt. Intresting idea.
Or it developing mental powers.