
31 thoughts on “2017-01-18

  1. I cannot determine if bug boy wants to be a superhero or an evil mastermind because he does things like this.

    1. The operative word there is “boy”. Let him at least get to his 10th birthday before you start to put labels on him.

      1. Oi friggin vey

      2. I’ve always seen him as a cross between comic relief and a “lethal joke character,” kind of like if Deadpool was less of an amusing psychopath and more of a surprisingly competent class clown. Remember this is the kid that honesty answered a serious question of “Why aren’t you splattered across the side of a mountain?” with “I landed on a moose.” Specifically not mentioning his obvious superhuman strength and agility and implied proportional insect-like toughness.

        1. I don’t know what Aaron intended him to be, but he comes across to me as a kid having fun with his powers, no more, no less. He is a bit nosy and a prankster, but he doesn’t take either tendency overboard and plenty of kids have those two tendencies. I do vote for him as “most likely to be the monster in the ‘mugging the monster’ trope”, though – if he was really serious about doing damage he could be seriously nasty.

        2. I agree with your points but the good news is that the Flea is just too nice* for that. I’m pretty sure he’s going to grow up as a true superhero because of his fun-loving and kind personality. Look at the 84/Vegas story arc and how well he gets along with everyone, particularly Cecil- remember that Cecil’s powers make him dislike most supers?

          * That said, he will go as far as sending a swarm of angry bees at you. I’m sure your (Unmaker’s) “seriously nasty” is worse than that, but that’s nasty enough on its own.

        3. Given his ability to send bugs to their death without them turning on him or even having the option to refuse (see: spidercicles), he’s not a lethal joke character. He’s Skitter.

        4. Seriously? He’s obviously a Spider-Man analog with out all the angst and drama.

        5. Oh, heavens yes, in terms of attitude, presentation, and the tone of the character.

          I was analyzing it in terms of his power set and where it COULD go if he wanted it to.

          Skitter with a happier life and attitude would be amazing.

        6. No, he’s closer to Ant-man, Parker can’t control squat

        7. He is the love child of Spiderman and Skitter. All her bug control powers. Plus the bug abilities in himself. Her smarter than everyone thinks. And Spidey’s wit.

      3. I agree!

        My husband (who grew up to be a marine biologist) would absolutely have done this at age 11-ish….which is what I figure most of the kids act about now. Honestly, if you gave him bug powers he would spend half his time restraining himself from doing it now — and he’s one of the nicest, sweetest, least-likely-to-take-offense, most helpful people you’ve ever met. And, you know, adult.

        His pranks aren’t really harmful (unless you’re a bad guy and he gives you mosquitoes in the armor, but that’s battle), and he genuinely does go out of his way and risk life and limb to help others and solve problems.

        Flea will be a wonderful superhero.
        But probably never on a superteam.

        1. He would be a technologists worst nightmare. Imagine how many gadgets he could gum up with just some ants. Imagine if he infested zodon’s chair with bed bugs or lice.

        2. The other side of that equation is the fact that technology is going in the nanite direction, and that truly advanced technology wouldn’t be so defenseless as it used to be.
          I was just thinking about the possibility of Flea either intentionally or unintentionally giving a species their Industrial Revolution. Q.V. Klyde Morris: The Program!

        3. Depending on whether (and when) he can learn to focus his pranks on those who a) don’t mind or b) aren’t in his “circle” (e.g. his superteam, or his close friends), he could function just fine on a superteam. Heck, imagine the entophobe friend of his who he actually puts just a little emotional effort into expressing some empathy towards: he could make sure their room(s) in the superbase were totally, guaranteedly bug-free. Even of the bugs that are EVERYWHERE that people like you and me just don’t know about because we never see them.

    2. Hw reminds me of Ambush bug, but good hearted and wise as,

      1. What Marie said. I too used to think he was a modified Spider-Man kid superhero, but I read somewhere on the ‘Net that he was based on Ambush Bug but with Kamen Rider’s mask and a witty, fun-loving prankster personality instead of just being 4th-wall breaking insane. That’s when his character design and personality really made sense to me.

    3. I just keep thinking that he has bugs as “minions” and that he sometimes considers them in an expendable way. Not that he is just a ten-year old, but I seem to telegraph his progress to villainy because we have examples of ten-year old kids who “want to take over the school yard”.

  2. So he can control arachnids too? So . . . are we talking all arthropods? Centipedes and lobsters and krill alike?

  3. for not wanting Ice Powers, she’s apparently gotten really good with them.

  4. So he can affect spiders, as well as insects? H’mm, I wonder how much further his animal-control power might extend as he grows up…

  5. Kinda cute that 84 brought a giant-ass teddybear to the party :>

    1. Prize won in the carnival games, I think.

  6. Wow, how long has it been since we’ve seen Bernard?

    1. A few pages back, when Tyler and Ron were in the elevator.

      1. Before this arc, I meant.

        1. True. I mean, the last time he was actually relevant was in the 5th episode with the underground spaceship. Dang, that was a long time ago. I wonder if he ever figured out the problems with his powers.

        2. I think, if he does, that would be worth an arc in and of itself!

        3. Probably the soccer game. We’ve spent several issues off planet one way or another lately.

  7. If she keeps freezing spiders, try sending other types of bugs

    1. Use woolly bear caterpillars. They can handle being frozen. Once they thaw, they go right back what they were doing before, which is usually eat.

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