
57 thoughts on “2016-04-08

  1. “A gadget nut in a cape…” Could it be our resident Alan Parson Project fan? 🙂

    1. no its revenant

    2. The real question is: is anyone brave enough to go back through the archives and see if we’ve seen his fight during a Tyler pep talk.

    3. Methinks you’ve hit the nail on the head.

    4. He does tend to collect confiscated toys, so yeah, probably.

    5. Honestly I think it unlikely. “A gadget nut in a cape” could cover any metahuman whose abilities come from bits of technology, who has a cape, and – in context – who happens to be at least something of a good guy. “Gadgets” don’t immediately make me think of toys, except in that his/her equipment might be CALLED “toys” as a pejorative or similar. (e.g. Joker, from the first(?) Batman movie: “Where does he get those wonderful toys?”)

      1. I have the weirdest suspicion that a Von Fogg did this to boost his own powers, or just to figure out how the thing works… or just for evil kicks.

  2. Also, art critique: Dr. Newby’s head looks way too small for her body. 🙁 I mean, even if she’s meant to be tall, that’s way too inconsistent with her previous depictions at the least.
    Meanin’ no offense. Hopefully, this could be corrected?

    1. I kinds agree a little, but I wonder if we’re seeing a bit of foreshortening since the camera is below her.

    2. Possibly him? Isadore is a male name; the female equivalent in Isadora…

      1. Yeah, at first I thought it was a guy. Then I remembered Newby was the name of the school doctor and assumed it was her drawn weirdly. But maybe it’s actually her brother.

        1. No, I went and looked… Her given name is Isadore… so it’s her. But I’ve still never heard of a woman named Isadore; it’s not like Jordan or Taylor which can be either…

    3. My guess, Dr. Newby had stretching or growth powers. They would explain her noticeable height and odd proportions. Their loss would help her connect with others in the group.

      1. I’ve always assumed Dr. Newby had healing powers, otherwise why have her as staff at PS238?

    4. She might literally be a voodoo head shrinker.

  3. 2016-08-2016? What kind of date is that?

    1. It’s Thursday the two-thousand-sixteenth of August, four months and two-thousand-four days from now. What’s the problem?

      1. Sorry, two-thousand-five days from now. I can’t even count out the date, what’s wrong with me?

    2. August 2016, 2016, that’s what. I have always wanted summer to last a lot longer (especially seeing as how winter is trying to stick around well into spring this year), but this might be too much of a good thing.

      1. Assuming that the months work just like normal, except for being x100 times as long… that’s a 26 years summer! Talk about the “summer of your life”… You’d be quite old before summer came again.

  4. The guy had magic powers we couldn’t even dream of and I bet all he used them for were robbing banks.

    1. I’ve always thought the “you couldn’t even dream of” qualifier as a bit arrogant and presumptuous. That’s exactly right for a resentful ex-villain on parole, but it’d be nice to see this claim in a context where it actually applied. Maybe something like “I had mind-control powers you couldn’t even dream of (unless I allowed it).”

  5. And think about this, magic powers you can’t dream of an she got taken down by our favorite masked guy with NO powers! That’s gotta hurt. I wonder if “Sarah” is missing this meeting because she’s over at P&G’s?

    1. Why would Sarah get called on if she was visibly not there? This is supposed to be the next morning, so Sarah’s probably going to be showing off her new toy.

    2. hey ed! why did you say “she” got taken down, I thought he was a he.

      1. ’cause sometimes I’m an idiot and don’t watch what I’m typing.
        Mis-typing… that’s my superpower.

  6. I think its cool that ex water power’s face sort of looks like aquaman’s. I also wonder what you have to do to be considered “unworthy” by the lords of lemuria.

    1. Well given he mentions a big oil spill over their sunken continent and how he’d wish another over it if he didn’t care about the environment he might have been responsible for that happening (he could have ended up an eco-terrorist who’s well-intentioned extremist behavior did more harm than good forcing them to remove his powers for everyone’s sake).

    2. Lemuria… Once I heard about the “Origins” of that continent, I can’t help but chuckle every time I see it.
      From what I found out, Lemuria was the name given to a hypothetical landmass that would explain why there are Lemurs in Madagascar and in India, but nowhere in between. 😀

      1. Which would mean that he got his powers taken away by a bunch of angry aquatic lemers.
        I love it! Head cannon accepted =)

        1. Maybe he didn’t like to MOVE IT MOVE IT

  7. Sarah? Why do you look so smug? Does it have anything to do with that suspiciously glowing artifact? I think this is no longer the group for you.

  8. Sarah: For the last several years, I have been hunted the assassination machines from the future. They usually look human, but are almost entirely machines. My son and I have have been on the move all over the place to avoid them, but it is often not enough. What I lost was one of those machines reprogrammed to defend my son and me; in some ways she was like a daughter I never had.

    That and high ratings but they did not recover from a writers’ strike.

    1. Ah, nuts! “hunted by assassination machines”

  9. Is the Manacle of Nyrathos the left-handed gauntlet on the table from the last page?

  10. I’m with those betting “Sarah” is our mysterious customer of Power & Glory, LLC.

    Am I the only one for whom “Riptide” rings a bell? I know from context here he’s the Aquaman expy, but I can’t recall if we’ve seen or heard of him before. I feel like the name is familiar from some earlier arc, though. …was he perhaps at the job fair?

    Also, I wonder if any of Moonshadow’s occasional sidekicks will wind up with the Manacle of Nyrathos. Cecil already is building a collection of power-objects. As is Ambriel.

    1. Mindmistress has a whole underwater society, the Drown-Towners, one of whom used the code name of Riptide.

    2. Riptide was a TV investigative show – during reruns, it was on right after Simon and Simon, which was on after Magnum P.I. but that was damn near 30 years ago

      1. It was on NBC along with The A-Team and Remington Steele.

      2. Riptide was also the codename for one of the Marauders in the X-Men comics. He severely injured Nightcrawler and Colossus during the Mutant Massacre event.

  11. Actually, anyone who could accurately predict weather a week ahead of time would probably have her own money bin. Commodities applications alone are boggling.

    1. Wasn’t that the entire point of the Rainmaker program?

      1. Yes and no depending on what version of the rainmaker program you mean.
        Current version yes.
        Original version would be to take someone with who is born with her current abilities and use unethical experimentation to turn them into her original abilities. She effectively is stuck with the opposite result of the original rainmaker program.(I find that somewhat funny)

  12. The Gorram Batguy

    I want to believe that Omnius here was featured in one of the vignettes of Revenant fighting villains while on the phone with Tyler. I don’t want to dig through the archives looking. Anybody have any strong recollections on this?
    Also, now that he’s no longer a villain, what do you suppose he does for his day job? Whatever it is, I hope it’s something where he can get away with calling himself “omnibus” when nobody’s listening.

    1. I like your thinking and would like to believe that Aaron is that on the ball, but I don’t have time for an archive trawl either. After all, there are so ~!@#$%^&*()_+ many of Revenant’s vignettes.

    2. I’ve finally finished trawling the archives in my off-moments, and unless I missed something, only one of the villains we see the Revenant fighting or otherwise interacting with even comes close. That would be in Issue #33, at the last meta-run company Allard/Revenant takes Cecil to visit; one of the villians has a power aura around one hand, and his build and general appearance are somewhat similar to Wilcox/Omnius’. I don’t think it’s anywhere near close enough to call a “match”, though (granted, I’ve been wrong a lot more than once when speculating about these kinds of things…).

      1. Since that’s the exec from Absolute Zero, and Cecil got a cryogenic vibe off him, no.

        1. Hmmm. Could be – they don’t quite look the same to me, but that funky little mini-chin-beard does give your theory credence.

  13. So, what’s the missing superpower origin story, lab accident? Presumably Sarah will have a different origin category from the others, for the sake of variety. She perhaps got powers from a lab accident, grew comfortable with them, was eventually “cured” and wants to get back to what she once was? Presumably she’s not supposed to be doing this, otherwise she’d have no reason to hide her identity while meeting Power & Glory, who otherwise have seemingly no interest in concealing their activities.

  14. This Is A Gravatar Test

    1. The results seem to be negative for you.

      1. Hardy Har Har Har

      2. Hardy, Har Har Har

  15. Only occurred to me now:

    Would all this be happening without Tyler making the choice of “Yes” to the question of “Will people go on having superpowers on Earth from now on? If not, another time, then.” Could Glory & Power have been able to set up shop like they did had Tyler said “No”? And since Tyler did say “Yes”, does that mean metahumans lose powers all the time but that, overall, people continue getting and having superpowers?

    This and many other questions I haven’t though of yet from the big picture of the PS238-verse. Discuss! 😀

    1. I think that you’re overthinking this a bit. Just like in actual comic books, people probably gain and lose superpowers all the time in the PS238-verse. Tyler saying yes just means that, big picture wise, people with powers will continue to pop up more and more often…so I think it’s the latter half of your comment.

  16. They set up shop a block away from the clinic. That’s like a Dunkin’ Donuts setting up right next to a Jenny Craig.

    It’s diabolical and genius at the same time.

  17. Rereading this, disaffected former supers… with bitterness, denial, and anger that the Headmaster might like to tap. Actually I think he might be less a problem than the other two adults.

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