
94 thoughts on “2015-09-01

  1. So, that’s the two companions she cares about home safely… good to see. But I do hope we find out what happened to the other two…

    1. Seconded! How will they treat 84? How will 84, Phlo and Drake treat them? How will the rest of the superhero community and the world look on FISSs and Conjuror and Neuronet?

      1. It’s entirely possible Phlogiston has already had enough time to finish throttling Neuronet before 84 finished her quest…

    2. I just hope something bad happened with the mental guy.

      1. Seconded as well, but The Conjuror should get his share too.

        1. i don’t understand all the hate for conjurer. sure he is a bit condescending, but for all we know that’s where he gets his powers from. and while he didn’t outright solve any of the problems, he told everyone else how the problems worked, and probably saved the team right at the start (don’t try and fly over the challenges).

          neuronet deserves everything coming to him

        2. Because he pretends to be a real superhero when he’s not (2014-04-20). It’s not just his arrogance but his deceit and selfishness. Being a hero isn’t about the fame but about doing the right thing and helping others even if it brings you nothing or even requires you to sacrifice something.

          Worst case scenario: he has to choose between himself and helping others. Someone with those traits can quite possibly choose the former.

        3. True worst case scenario: The hero sacrifices themselves to help another. Over the next three decades hundreds of other opportunities for saving others go unattended and the world is several times worse off than it would have been.

          Just because you aren’t interested in sacrificing yourself so someone else can live doesn’t mean you’re a horrible person. Even being interested in being a hero because it provides fame and fortune isn’t a bad thing. You’re still doing good even if you do have ulterior motives– at a minimum, it means that the villain alternative isn’t happening.

        4. Balthanon:

          It does if by following the path of self-promotion you do so at the expense of others. When I say “sacrifice”, I don’t mean suicide in that the hero dies unnecessarily or for nothing- it’s for someone in need. Or, for that matter, it doesn’t have to cost them their life- but I do mean that they have to choose between saving people in trouble or doing something that benefits themselves where both choices are practically mutually exclusive.

          Come to think of it, such just happened, right here.

          Think about it: Failure of the egg adventurers means Veles still running amuck in New York until he got a champion he wanted, causing more mischief at the least and more destruction at most. Conjurer- as well as everyone else- had a good reason to stop that.

          But in truth, what Conjuror really wanted was the fame and glory of winning and getting the title of Champion of Earth. But he couldn’t reveal that because people don’t like deception, insincerity, and self-centeredness. So he lied about it when the Mist Gatekeeper asked.

          And because he lied, he failed. And because he failed, he was kicked out.

          And had 84 ultimately not managed to succeed, that would have put New York city under Veles’ continued rampage, no thanks to him.

          Conjuror really did choose himself over the good of other people. He kept up the facade even though he knew the Gatekeeper could accurately, supernaturally evaluate the correctness of the answers given to him. Rather than outing himself as a gloryhound to succeed, he chose to try and maintain his rep as a hero where it being the wrong answer would endanger New York.

          The funny thing about it: Had Conjuror admitted he was only in it for the glory- sacrificing his rep- and gone on inside and found the eye (of the needle), he would been worthy of being Champion of Earth and being regarded as a true, altruistic hero!

        5. Remember, the audience supposedly heard and saw EVERYTHING.
          I hope that at the very least, they’ll be fired from their own superteams.
          If the firing is done by cannon, I’d like to call that a bonus. ^_^

        6. Conjurer is just a condescending jerk. Neuronet, on the other hand, pretty much mentally assaulted 84 and Phlogiston, against their will. Major violation. Didnt the principal at PS238 get in trouble for far less?

        7. He got in trouble for being an undisclosed telepath in non-metahuman politics. At pretty much the highest level. Different set of people at issue, there – more directly influential, less durable. The sort of people metahumans are “supposed” to protect, not to use their powers on.

        8. a bunch of politicians got pissed their secrets might be exposed. thats not the same as those same politicians having a problem with some random puppeting 2 other randoms for a short period.

          its like the robodilers in us. they were fine until some congressmen’s voicemail got spammed by one and suddenly they were illegal…..except political rodocalls because they’re special and somehow not annoying(they’ll never accidentally call themself)

        9. but also yes. he got in trouble for less

        10. what’d he even do? nothing. so hes a bit arrogant and has either secrets or 2ndary motives to running around in ridiculous tights like an adult game of cops and robbers helping people aside from pure “HALPING!!1” the hate doesn’t fit his “crime”

        11. It’s not merely about his being arrogant and condescending. His motivation for being a superhero is less than altruistic and he’s not above lying about it (2015-04-08, 2014-04-20). He’s not in it to save lives but to gain fame for himself. And while having less than pure motives isn’t as bad as what Neuronet did, he should at least be honest about it. Furthermore, the worst case scenario is him being forced to choose between himself/his own agenda and helping or saving people; I doubt he’s going to be inclined to do the latter where it asks him to sacrifice the former.

        12. I think it’s more of a problem of his attitude. Remember his remark comparing all FISSs to Hammers while he’s an ‘architect’. I think a good verbal lam-basting from 84 about how people with useless or specialized powers shouldn’t look down on those whose powers are universally useful. Not a single super group had the brains to just move the monster-problem that started all this. And during the time loop, Conjuror was too busy showing off his knowledge of magic to pay attention to his surroundings, and aside from restraining the wizard, which Julie could have done with a headlock, he contributed functionally nothing to the endeavor. Had the party been Julie, ‘Atlas’, Flea, and Moonshadow, they’d have been done in half an hour.

        13. Mitch, he wasn’t just “showing off” his knowledge of magic. Sharing useful information *was* his contribution. He explained how the rules tended to work in magical puzzles, and that it would be dangerous to attempt to bypass the obstacles instead of solving them. He showed Rastov that the time loop affected him as well, and afterwards worked out how long they’d been trapped in the time loop. He’s arrogant, to be sure, and his motivations may not be as pure as one would like, but he contributed more than most of them.

        14. Sorry jon, but some people just //hate// when anyone treats their personal favorite characters poorly, no matter how minor the treatment, and must come up with reasons to wish to see exponential punishment upon them.

          Conjurer is a bit of a jerk, but he did no wrong aside from condescending to others.

          The lesson here? Don’t mess with someone someone’s waifu, they will get very testy about it.

  2. I’m just all “Awww…” with the new friends 84 has made. 🙂 Respect is good, but friendship is better.

    But what does the Singularity (06032013) have to do with all this?

    1. Wow, crazy callback and kudos to you for being able to remember it!

      1. For kudos question… Singularity (06032013) was essentially a god like being.

        Flash of light. weird feeling. Near death experience that wasn’t real. So why not throw him in for the complete experience if you can’t get a main one on the line?

      2. I was just rereading those issues this week so I like it too. I like stories that interconnect and aren’t forgotten oneshots.

        1. im thinking both are call backs to piffany and her cookies

        2. When it comes to that, the one that blows my mind is Zodon’s attempts at time travel. The amount of planning and detail there was astounding. It was a masterpiece of writing for Mr. Williams.

    2. I found that. Knowing about when it happened helped, although I didn’t know I could just copy and paste your number series into the hyperlink. (The new dating method threw me off.) What’s interesting, I think, is that it’s not a direct quote.

      1. Firedrake strikes me as the kind of guy whose quotes will be more like paraphrases, so it not being an exact/direct quote may or may not be significant.

    3. Yep, I had the “Awwww” feeling too when she hugged Phlogiston. And yes I want to see Conjourer and Neuoronet too…..but wasn’t there something about a mysterious extra member of the party? Or is it offical Rastov just counted wrong?

      1. I think Rastov was unknowingly counting himself–he was counting people caught in the loop without realizing he was one of them.

      2. I imagine Baba Yaga was the sixth member, since she was clearly from outside the egg and trapped in it because she was a bit too clever for her own good which would make her technically one of six people in the egg.

    4. Ahem… The Singularity possesses the “Greatest Chocolate Chip Cookie Recipe in the Multiverse”, not the “Best Chocolate Chip Cookie Recipe in the Universe”. The former is, if not the same recipe, a superior version to the latter (width of coverage alone suggests it). So perhaps a lesser power…?

      1. I’d settle for a “Pretty Damn Good Chocolate Chip Cookie Recipe”.

      2. Likely he’s just doing lazy close enough quotes.

    5. Maybe Firedrake is/will be/was part of the Singularity?

      You know, it can be hard to use normal temporal verbs with extradimensional supercomputers.

  3. Everyone saw how they all worked. I think some teams may be changing…

  4. I’m just waiting for the party pooper shoe to drop.

    1. I’m hoping that it’s something like this:

      That’s right, Neuronet, you lost! And let me tell you what you didn’t win: a twenty volume set of the Encyclopedia International, a case of Turtlewax, and a year’s supply of Ricearoni, the San Fransisco treat! But that’s not all! You also made yourself look like a jerk in front of millions of people! And you brought shame and disgrace on your family name for generations to come! You don’t get to come back tomorrow! You don’t even get a lousy copy of our home game! You’re a complete loser!

      1. Cecil would approve of your homage to his favorite artist 🙂

      2. He was there… to test his intellect… on National TV…
        Against a FISS… and a Conjurer…

        1. They thought he wouldn’t be that stupid, but he dares to be stupid!

        2. Alright, let’s go for the whole thing…

          Oh he was there
          Inside a magic egg
          To try and prove his worth
          And gain the title –
          If he could beat the rest –
          Of “Champion of the Earth”
          But the first test
          It was so obscure
          His brain was on the fritz
          Still he never
          Thought they’d all be
          Upstaged by that little F.I.S.S., -I.S.S., -.I.S.S

          He lost at Veles’ game, baby (oooo-oo-oo-oooh)
          Won’t get the “Champion” name, baby (oooo-oo-oo-oooh)

          Well they got past
          The first gate guardians, yeah
          Everything looked on track
          But they got stuck
          Inside a spatial loop
          And then Rostov attacked
          He grabbed control
          Of Phlo and 84
          He thought his plan was fine
          But the backlash
          When Phlo breached the shield
          It literally blew his mind, -ind, -ind

          He lost at Veles’ game, baby (oooo-oo-oo-oooh)
          Deserves a heap o’ blame, baby (oooo-oo-oo-oooh)

          That’s right, Neuronet, you lost.
          … But that’s not all.
          You also made yourself look like a jerk in front of millions of people.
          You brought shame and disgrace to your family and super-team for generations to come.
          You don’t get to be Earth’s Champion.
          You’re not even allowed to go back in the lousy egg.
          You’re a complete loser!

          Don’t know what
          He was thinkin’ of
          I guess he, just wasn’t too bright
          He can only hope
          84’s new fame
          Lets his disgrace slip out of sight, -ight, -ight

          He lost at Veles’ game, baby (oooo-oo-oo-oooh)
          Hangin’ his head in shame, baby (oooo-oo-oo-oooh)
          He lost at Veles’ game, baby

        3. Very well done. Congrats!
          (apparently, the chat system doesn’t allow small posts like “+1” or “nice job”. 🙁

      3. Weird Al FTW!

        Neuronet has some serious explaining to do.

        1. Well, I was at the Mandatory Tour last night.

        2. I caught it back a couple of months ago. He always gives a great show.

        3. Well, understand that I mean this in the nicest possible way when I say…

          I hate you!

  5. I’d be hard pressed not to hug Phlo at this point, too. I hope they become friends, I dare say the relationship would benefit them both.

    Also, “The Best Chocolate Chip Recipe In The Universe”? Is Emerald Gauntlet’s Third Option about to pay off?

    1. We want to welcome our newest faculty member here are PS238, Ms. Miller. She will be our new chemistry teacher and helping out with math and science as well.

    2. I feel bad for pointing this out, but if a guy hugged Phlo in the same manner…

      1. I don’t think a child hugging an adult in that manner would raise a single eyebrow regardless of gender.

  6. There’s something else: the “Deathless One” just lost a major chunk of his power, and Baba Yaga is out and presumably looking for payback for centuries of confinement. Ringside seats for “Mayhem in Mother Russia” for everyone?
    Likely not, but we should still hear something….

  7. I remembered the Singularity bit. But now, as I think about it, I’m convinced that the reference ultimately goes back to Nodwick, when Piffany gave her cookie recipe to “all” the gods. Maybe the joke is, that “all” extends to PS238 as well, and both the Singularity and whatever deity Firedrake encountered in his near-death experience all have the same recipe and love mentioning it?

    1. Well, Nodwick does take place in PS238’s distant past.

    2. Also, this may be a sign that the Singularity is indeed keeping an optic sensor on 84.

  8. Funny thing. I was reading through the archive and just got past what Fired rake was referring to…

  9. Oh dear, the last time 84 hugged someone he was physically injured. I hope Phlogiston knows how to control the density of her body on the fly.

  10. Am I the only one seeing Phlogiston and Firedrake taking on a big brother/sister role for 84?

  11. Nice to see 84 can control her hugs power, after almost crushing moon shadow last time.

    1. Or Phlongiston is just more durable than Moon Shadow

  12. BTW, the best chocolate chip recipe in the world comes from my Mother-in-Law.

  13. The CAPTCHA thingy doesn’t accept smart-aleck answers in Dozenal or Hexadecimal. I tried inputting “A” when it asked something that did, indeed, equal that in every base greater than ten; it basically said “that’s not a number, you idiot!” (I paraphrased a little.)

    1. Well, yeah – surely only a bot would answer mathematical tests in hex?

      1. A bot or a smart-***

        I’m the latter.

        1. Ah – so the new CAPTCHA provides more comprehensive security than the old one 😀

        2. Hey, having snark doesn’t necessarily make you a troll! By ANY meaning of the word!

    2. It does not like it when you give a word answer either, even though it uses a word in the question.
      6 – one = ____
      It did not like ‘five’.

      1. Yeah, I tried that, but it only lets you input two letters anyway.

    3. That does give me an idea, though – Math Nerd CAPTCHA! Something like:

      27 base 8 – 32 base 5 = _____ base 3


      d/dx [ 4x^2 – 9x + 5 ] at (x = 2) = _____

      1. Just for that suggestion you will be punished by washing all of Piffany’s dishes when she bakes chocolate chip cookies, but you will not be allowed to lick the bowl or spoon.

        1. NOOOOOOOOO!!!! (grovels) I’ll be good … honest …

        2. And you will be forced to do the laundry for her entire adventuring party for a year.

        3. I appeal that penalty! Forcing me to deal with Yeager’s socks HAS to be a violation of the Geneva Conventions.

      2. Let’s see:
        1) Convert to base 10
        27 base 8 = 16+7 = 23
        32 base 5 = 15+2 = 17
        23 – 17 = 6
        6 base 10 = 20 base 3
        So the answer is 20.

        2) d/dx [ 4x^2 – 9x + 5 ] at (x = 2)
        8x – 9 @ x = 2
        = 16 – 9
        = 7

        Well it would keep a lot of the riff-raff out of the forum. 😉 As if this forum does not bring enough geeks already.

  14. I like my chocolate chip cookies to be lightly scorched on the bottom. Yeah. I know it is weird, but the slight bitterness adds a lovely contrast to the sweet. Even better, is if I get to eat them frozen, especially on a hot summer day. Yum!

  15. I am so glad to see Julie 84 so happy for a change! And to see her so concerned for others, the sweetheart.
    Moon Shadow is basically a Muggle, with no superstrength, no invulnerability.

    1. Well, she’s fundamentally a good kid. Powers and career choice aside, she’s just that kind of person– and yes, it’s great to see her *happy* for a change. Seems like everything is out to make her as grumpy as possible. She *deserves* a happy ending after the day she’s had.

  16. The superpower nobody mentions: all those flying women with long hair never have to comb out tangles.

    1. When I played Champions in college “perfect hair” and the one that kept your costume perfect were also powers you could purchase.

      And my GM made sure that if you didn’t you’d end up trying to do something important with your costume in tatters and your hair in your eyes — male characters as well as female characters.

      1. I still play Champions and my current character has nanomachines that keep her hair and costume neat and clean.

  17. You’re all missing the fact that 71 is busy digging 84 in even deeper as the leader of the Infinite Vanguard and the most prominent FISS alive. And I imagine that all of her classmates who already had issues with her (with the exceptions of Moonshadow and the Flea) are going to be even more jealous of her now. Even if this is a happy moment, the situation outside of her happy moment is getting worse for her.

    1. Oh, she’ll probably tell them off. She’s a smart kid, and she has as much patience as any other smart kid, and she’ll inform them in no uncertain terms that they’re being jerks and blaming her for stuff that ISN’T HER DOING. Veles will probably pop up and make a case, and The Singularity’s cookies will almost certainly smooth things over. It worked for Piffany, anyway.

      Well, that’s at school– in the outside world, things may be harder to iron out.

    2. Other than the two wanna-be megalomaniacs, she seems to get along with all her classmates. Even the politically sponsored pair get along with her.

      1. She used to be mostly ignored by most of her classmates until the she was volunteered to lead the Infinite Vanguard, at which point she is now deliberately not invited to all the superhero teams forming at the school.

  18. he managed to yoink piffiny’s recipe? fuck the eye, running quests on the egg and losing is the key to power

    1. Having to leave grad school meant that I traded a career that paid X dollars for one that paid X*1.5 dollars and they loved the skill set because it was so rare for them.

  19. I do hope 84 takes control of her reputation and gives everyone perspective

  20. So where are Julie’s parents? You’d think they would have heard about their daughter’s predicament and had time to get to New York.

    1. Not likely.

      * Arriving on the scene rushing to their daughter’s side would be a great way to destroy her secret identity (unless they are both heroes themselves).

      * She was only in there for a handful of hours. Most flights last several hours and that’s assuming they heard about it right away.

      * Veles was surrounded by heroes. And 84 had several around her through much of the broadcast. Her parents would probably realize that if the heroes couldn’t do anything for her, they couldn’t.

      * And finally, 84 is a hero in training. She’s literally training to deal with situations just like this.

      1. They are neither supers nor heroes, but they are related to a whole family of heroes, so they probably know how the protocol goes.

      2. And we all know that parents always think calmly and logically when their children are in danger.

        I’m not saying that Julie’s parents shouldn’t take steps to protect her secret identity. I am saying that it’s very strange that they aren’t there.

        1. When you’ve got a kid who’s literally invulnerable, “in danger” is a pretty high threshold to meet. Besides, if her dad was involved in another argument with the Nuclear Family when all this started, they might not have found out until just now.

  21. And he’s still out there. Hawking the FISS club…

  22. I have a couple things to say. First, I don’t think Julie can be considered anything less than a full-fledged hero at this point. Yes, she’s still training, but so is any adult who wants to stay at the top of his or her craft.

    Second, I like that the femme supers in this ‘toon don’t wear slutty outfits as a rule. Phlogiston looks great without a boob window, thanks.

    1. Wally Wood was trying to get attention when he drew Power Girl. He got it, all right. 😉 Besides, cleavage windows were in that year (1976).

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