
41 thoughts on “2010-10-10

  1. I think it’s telling that a former villian is the most responsible adult in the series in a long time.

    1. To be fair, the teachers and the Revenant seem pretty reasonable most of the time. But yeah, there’s some real goobers out there.

    2. temporaryobsessor

      The whole story has its fair share of good responsible adults, but this story arc takes place in an evil organization and around those who choose to be there.

      1. Trying to figure out if you mean P&G or EDL…

        1. temperaryobsessor

          I’m still on the fance about P and G.

      2. I’ma gonna go.. “yes”

  2. Lester wants his old life back. Does that mean he wants back his life before having superpowers? Or his life with powers?

    ‘Coz one possible solution to this predicament is for Tyler to give him the superpowers P&G wanted him to have.

    It’s a long shot in that we don’t know what powers they are and if they can help Lester.

    But despite Lester being an ex-supervillain, for saving Ron and Tyler this way, I wonder if he’s earned it.

    1. I think he has. Looks like two problematic people with powers will have a new lease on life and the responsibilty that goes with great power! The management may be pleased, that this was intended, but P&G failed their midterms.

  3. Kinda wondering why neither Power nor Glory are going after Zodon. After all he is the one with the Chaos Goop.

    1. Well, going after the one person they had any cause to be concerned about would be showing at least a little competency. P&G look to be doing their best to go out with a bang.

    2. This is what bugs me, too. The guy with the macguffin gets away smooth while these two yahoos fight the people who aren’t their enemies. And destroy their own shop in the process.

      1. It looks like a bad case of opportunity becoming the motive. As in, they got overwhelmed with too many toys around and spazzed out.

    3. Easy, they’re distracted by the obvious threats that are actually fighting them, while Zodon hasn’t actually shown himself to them. Sure, he’s stealing stuff and nobody else actually wants to do so, but Zodon hasn’t been a nuisance, and only started once everyone else was being a nuisance. Basically, both Power & Glory have tunnel vision on the problem in front of them, and don’t notice the real disaster sneaking around behind them.

      1. He did show himself to them, though. He stole the chaos macguffin right out of their hands. There was even a “Hey!”

  4. A bit rude, but Lester has a point. And at this point, EVERYONE should be trying to leave, now that the fight is both pointless, and apparently lethal. And there’s no sense in wasting his actions by staying.
    As for P&G, I’m sure they’re caught up in the usual comic book combat mindset: opponents in front of me to blast, ignore the objectives of the combat. Of course, they may regard blasting the intruders a higher priority than getting the chaos goop back.
    They’ll get heck, though, for wrecking the shop.

  5. “Don’t say anything. Your words would be useless, maybe even insulting. Just fly the damn plane.”

  6. And this is Tyler’s magic potion moment. Does he drink it himself, or give it to Lester?

  7. I bet NOW Ron wishes that he still had super-strength.

    1. Given he can pull people through higher dimensional space avoiding all mundane barriers he should have no problems simply pulling Lester into one and freeing him from the debris.

      1. That would be thinking, though. Is he allowed to think? Is anybody allowed to think, at this point in time? I note that she of the self-reflection as a super-power doesn’t even seem to be doing any right now.

        1. There’s also facts like “Ron’s new power seems to be an imitation of walking”, and the theoretical repercussions of said facts. For example, Ron would need to clamour over fallen objects that may or may not be partially holding up the wooden shelving to get to Lester, and may need to be able to take a solid step in order to travel through higher dimensional space. And that’s ignoring that we know for a fact that the higher dimensional space outside of this building is messed up, and it’s quite likely that that continues inside of the building, as well. Particularly since we didn’t see it stabilise once Ron got through it and into the building area.

        2. … that would explain how the patrons of the shop just happen to “find” the right thing. The warped dimensional space “takes” them to it. That may not be much of an explanation, but once we’ve accepted that the warped dimensional space can bring some specifically chosen people into the shop while keeping everyone else out, it’s not that difficult of a stretch. All it takes is some super-mind controlling the warp.

          … ad if there’s a super-mind actively controlling the warp, after Ron’s first trip into the shop, the trip *out* of the shop is going to get a lot more weird.

  8. What happened to the kraken fishing line?

    1. I believe it got eaten by Cecil’s coat

      1. If so, so did the shelves they were under.

      2. Different group of people under the kraken line

    2. She said she only needed a minute to cut it. It probably took less time. Cecils coat pulling it resulting in the shelves toppling might have created slack for them to escape. Alternatively they each spent a second being pulled through a twelve D maze of broken mirrors.

  9. I take it nobody noticed the miniature A-bomb that looks like Fat Boy.

    1. Doesn’t really matter. As long as it hasn’t exploded, then may as well focus of the trouble Lester is in, or how P&G are wrecking their own store. And if it goes off, well… it doesn’t matter.

    2. I find the escaped brain a bit more concerning

      1. Don’t worry. If it could escape, it would have escaped before current events. It probably was simply being kept on a shelf. If so, that was enough within the store to contain it. And now, knocked off its place, it’s still in the store and presumably under the effect of whatever keeps the store secure.

  10. https://ps238.nodwick.com/comic/2020-03-18/

    Looks like Lester just proved himself worthy. Or more worthy than before. Bring him the hammer boys.

    1. I don’t think worthiness provides super strength, though. :-/

      1. Given that the hammer decided to temporarily ignore worthiness earlier…
        Then again he clearly didnt gain full use of it. Could go either way.

    2. Worthy of the powers of Hephaestus does not mean worthy of having powers. Just like how I have heard that, in the comics, Captain America is generally not worthy to wield Thor’s Hammer, but has managed to become worthy of wielding it mid-battle due to becoming more willing to kill (and thus becoming a true warrior worthy of the hammer, rather than simply being a morally upstanding individual with impressive physical traits), I suspect that those worthy of the powers of Hephaestus are typically those who are already competent smiths in their own right.

  11. alright, I think we’ve all done enough bum-rushing each other out of the path of danger for today.

  12. Awwww, Lester’s so cute when he’s being heroic. I think he may have actually managed to complete a heel-face turn.

  13. Lester is a better person than I thought at first. I hope he gets out of this with some power.
    P&G are Incompetent Evil.

    1. I think from prior conversation it’s pretty clear Lester wants his life back, not his powers. If it was JUST his powers, when he showed up here P&G would have done exactly what they did to the girl; give her ‘back’ her powers.
      On the other hand, given what P&G are all about, I’m not sure what Lester though he was getting if it wasn’t powers… Maybe a one-time-only memory wipe for everyone on the planet?

  14. Abracablammo is my new magic power word. 🙂

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