
10 thoughts on “10/24/2012

  1. Who says the original wasn’t the robot? 😉

  2. it took me until the third panel to realize what it was ^^;

  3. So somewhere nearby is a headless robot with a bowling fetish?

  4. Were they ‘Yeek!’-ing because they were scared for their own lives, or because they have just enough humanity left to be horrified by the concept of a classmate being decapitated?

    The *bleep* am I saying? Of course they were just startled and afraid for their own lives. =_= Victor already tried to kill Zodon by stranding him on the Moon, and all without caring about the collateral damage.

    1. They’re still young kids — kids who can be freaked out by something startling gruesome.

  5. But, Rock… That doesn’t make him a meglomaniacal sociopath. That makes him a child! Possible collateral damage is an alien concept at 8 or 9 (I admit to guessing his age).

    1. But, Rick… they’re both hyperintelligent (or are they?) megalomaniacs. Which means they’re “wise” (or rather, smart) beyond their years.
      And sociopaths? It’s obvious they are. Way beyond a “normal” kid (kids can be monsters… but are they or are they made monsters?)

      1. Zodon is not a psychopath, he’s just a really smart kid, who gets really bored easily and feels his genius is not appreciated. When someone does show an interest in his genius, the way the Crystal Skull did, for example, Zodon dials down the megalomania meter from Evil Overlord to “Snarky Kid Genius Who Knows He’s Smarter than You and is About to Prove It.”

        Victor von Fogg and his sister Alexandra, OTOH, are complete monsters.

  6. I think it really just shows that, IQs aside, they’re still just kids.

    Anybody else remembering the bickering from the end of the alien invasion?

    1. I’m imagining the fun if they end up as buddies. Who else can appreciate their smarts as much? (for Zodon) and who doesn’t care about living up to some parental standard of empire building? (for Von Fog) The problem is what do THEY want to do with their lives? Do they want a goofball like Angie to lead tech into the future and not them?

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