
11 thoughts on “10/01/2012

  1. I sense an impending super nova or the disposal of bodies being very convenient all of a sudden.

  2. Sorry! This is PS238… You’re not thinking strange or funny enough.

  3. Well, someone is sure to get launched into space. Given the cover, we probably know how they’ll survive it, too: Ambriel is with them.

  4. Yeah, way too serious.

  5. ah the wonderous power of patriotism XD

  6. The average taxpayer needs to shoot 200 lbs a month of junk into the SUN?
    Is a landfill not good enough for them? Not only is it a horribad waste of energy but the elemental resources in the trash are being removed from earth.

    1. I seem to recall a comment about getting resources from asteroids. Also, energy seems to be more abundant than here, if little Susy (and Vonfogg’s comment) is any indication.

    2. That looks like a linear accelerator/mass driver, and they don’t use much pwer at all. The Supeman verical amusement ride does the same and it runs every 5 minutes for a train od customers, far morr than a 200 lb payload and for less serious purpose. (yes, I wrote a 30 pag paper on this idea for hazardous waste in 1980)

      1. I’d adore a link to that!

  7. So… With the 200 pound limit, I guess that rules out using it for my mother in law.

    1. The 200-lb limit is what the free voucher covers. Nobody says you can’t have an overage, as long as you’re willing to pay for it.

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