
13 thoughts on “08/20/2012

  1. Careful Tyler. Just because it doesn’t make sense that no one was figured it out doesn’t mean you should actually tell them.

    1. *has figured it out

  2. Hooray for alternate dimensions and magic. 😉

  3. You ever wonder if superman ever wonders to himself “how is this actually fooling people?”?

  4. Its a shame that only his friend Cecil is the only one who has figured this out. Maybe its only because he is a holems like sherlock.

  5. …Wait doesn’t the conversation outside the cave seem…familiar?

  6. temporaryobsessor

    Cecil is not the only one who figured it out so did the principal during the alien invasion. The principal commenting that Moon Shadow looked a little like a mini Renegade remembered that he had Tyler study with Renegade and 2+2=R. Some of the teachers know because of this but never told Tyler. I wonder if the teacher will remember this event.

    1. I think you mean Revenant, rather than Renegade. You’re correct, though. Others have learned Moon Shadow’s secret identity. I think what makes Cecil unique is that it was immediately obvious to him, whereas the others deduced it (Cranston) or found out when Tyler removed his costume to go into stasis.

      1. My theory is that because Cecil thought he was in an alien paranoia story, rather than a superhero story, the conventions of the superhero setting didn’t apply to him.

  7. I really wish the Old website would disappear already >.< Just got linked to it by a Really old bookmark of mine as I lost my current bookmarks, and was completely confuzzled as to why all these comics seemed oddly familiar…

  8. – I just love the running ‘Why can’t anyone see through this crappy disguise’ joke that Tyler just doesn’t understand.

  9. If the next page shows the crew from NODWICK, that…

  10. I love it!!! I read through your entire archive and am so happy to have found this incredible web comic. THANKS. I really do like the running jokes and the characters. I feel sorry for Captain Clarinet, though. I hope you find a way to make him hate Tyler less.

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