
22 thoughts on “08/13/2012

  1. Is that the Flea in the front? Also, cite the ill-advised, impromptu, junior superteam, as Moon Shadow’s fans follow in his wake.

    1. Cue, not cite

    2. No that they boy from the rainmaker program that makes people sleep

  2. Is there anything Moonshadow can’t do?!!!
    His legend grows!

    1. I wonder how common the knowledge of the walled doorway is? If kids don’t know she is missing, and ithe door closes (as it looks like it will), this may do more for Imperia’s rep with the kids than Moonshadow’s this time… “Whoa… she got a visit from Moonshadow himself!” :3

      1. Well, they can see the bricks now, and they’ll probably go running up to the wall in a minute. Yes, Moon Shadow can not walk through walls. Which may start the rumor Moon Shadow actually IS dead, but his ghost is still active.

        1. Look again, the door is between them and the bricks. If they don’t know they are there, it’s going to look like he just walked thru the door and closed it behind him. It’s only going to become REALLY interesting when they try to catch up.

    2. Yes. Moonshadown can’t shrink his legend.

      1. not even with Cecil’s gun.

  3. I’m more in line with the thought that the other kids who saw him will naturally follow. He has become their de facto leader.

  4. – And his legend grows.

  5. And he even told them the truth in his short story. But even in a world with superheros and beings of incredible power. Legends still rule.

    1. As I recall, at least one kid was upset at that story…

      1. “When the legend becomes fact… print the legend!” – “The Man Who Shot Liberty Valance!”

  6. Well Green Gauntlet already ‘knows’ that Moonshadow and Phazewalk (was that the term?) through walls, and now he’s got a few other witnesses to this ‘ability’.

  7. EDIT: That Moonshadow can* Phazewalk.

  8. Dang it, now they’re gonna follow you.

  9. Nah. The man’s got a plan.

  10. So if they follow him in and discover he’s trying to rescue their teacher of the mystic arts… what is their reaction going to be when it (if it) occurs to them to wonder how he knew in the first place?!

  11. I wonder if the 3rd kid is “Xavier Jordan, son of The Black Titan and Battle Axe” seen in issue #0, . He’s a bit younger there though.

    1. It’s Marvin Hazelwood, the kid from the Rainmaker class that puts people to sleep.

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