Too late. It’s not a restriction but a booby trap. Commands to go to Earth result in getting lost and not being able to reorient to anywhere with the systems the ship uses. The problem wouldn’t be detected until triggered at which point its too late to try a “just as good” work around like the moon.
“Go to Earth” was the tripwire on this particular trap. Said trap sent them to a random location [s]in the desert[/s] in space, then deleted the navigation files.
No files, no go. Apparently, if there were backups, Dax-Ra removed those as well.
Possible Solutions:
Go back to Argos, find Dax, make him get them back to Earth.
Hack the Ship! Not sure how, but there must be a way.
Get directions from the Revenant. Not sure how he’d do that, but he is the gosh-darned Revenant.
Assuming the communicator does not need to know where you are, then either it knows where Earth is, or it sends a signal so Revenant can back track it to them.
Funny thing: Guess which ship’s former Engineer ist currently on earth? Of course that looks like “outside the milkyway”, so the lag might be a bit of a problem.
Dax-Ra is to smart to have left in obvious loopholes like “earths moon”. But they could just jump to say Alpha Centaury to at least be more in reach/less delay.
Maybe the hyperdrive can be rigged to travel through time?
Could be that Tyler has to go on one of his Time Travel adventures (again) and where he and Ron are taken from makes no real difference.
About Argonaut/Ron: He is somewhat like Forgat – never wanted the power really and is too worried about failure. And yes, bad things *do* happen to him when he is near Moonshadow at a alarming rate.
Coincidence may not imply Causality, but Ron is a Child for gods sake. You weren’t the most rational being at that age yourself!
I don’t think they can jump anywhere with a blind starting point.
Doesn’t the communicator use a micro wormhole or something that might also be location dependant.
As for Tyler, I think there should be a proverb some where that says being a person of large fate is a curse to you and those you care for… Kind of like may you live in interesting times.
My favourite curse is may you live forever… Think that one out grand scale… Planet dies around you, drifting in space after a supernova and things get really “interesting” as you outlive the heat death of the universe when all molecules stop moving and everything runs out of energy… Even you… No stars no activity… Just your living but it wouldn’t even be that… Simply a consciousness that is very bored. Maybe imagination might solve that dilemma as then the imaginative realm would be all that is real… Thus perhaps making you a deity of sorts…
Spoilers for next issue redacted! which lets them More spoilers!. There’s also Spoilers for future issues! who has Sorry Sweetie, Spoilers!, and Do I have to say it? Spoilers. Unfortunately, Spoilers for next issue Omaha, which requires Omaha is not a Spoiler! It’s the title of the next volume!.
In the meantime Ron and Moonshadow are Spoilers! and they More Spoilers!, and have to team up and put their differences behind them to survive.
LOL. I appreciate all of your “spoilers, sweetie” updates!
Link to the next TBP on Amazon, for people who really can’t wait:
go to some other human known world, there must be other alien supers, or at least some space capable ones who go on wacky adventures to gladiator planet or tiny world or whatever.
Going to Mars: not possible; it’s the same solar system as Earth.
Going to Argos: they were on Argos to begin with.
Going to some other planet where there are people that can send them back to Earth: they know of only one, which is the Emerald Ones, who are still at war with the Argosians and would probably vaporize Dax-Ra’s ship instead of answering the com.
More importantly, given that the navigation computer has no idea where they are know, it is most likely unable to go anywhere. They first need to do some serious astronomical work (keeping in mind that their vantage point is massively different from Earth, so none of the stars will be where they’d expect them to be) to try to compute their position. This is supposing they even are still in or near the Milky Way. There are billions of [i]galactic superclusters[/i]; depending on how these hyperjumps work they could be so far away that the Milky Way is too dim to be seen with on-board instruments.
As someone has indicated the shipboard navigation system had been completely befuddled. It has a random number generator (dice) plugged into the computational interface. Even if they tried to go back to where they came from they would probably end up arguing gravity with a black hole or something.
A very cruel & vicious act worthy of a super villain.
If it’s truly random, then there is a chance they might accidentally go to Earth. Now, who has a Superpower of Good Luck? Would Guardian Angel be able to finagle her Protection to find them?
I agree. I had hoped that their adventures together would effect a reconciliation, but that seems to be out of the question. Ron’s whinyness is getting hard to accept.
To plot a course *anywhere* you need to know exactly where you are as well as where you want to go. With the ship saying “Location: unknown” they’ve got no way of knowing which direction any destination is in.
i’m starting to think Ron is right, Moonshadow really doesn’t seem to have some rather unfortunate luck. maybe not bad luck per say more like the curse ‘may you have an interesting life’
It just occurred to me to wonder whether the friendly handyman, who looks so much like a certain friendly handyman on earth, wasn’t telling the kids the whole truth about the gadget he had them plant on a certain spaceship.
23 thoughts on “07/29/2013”
So it won’t go to Earth. How specific was that command? How about the Moon? Or Mars?
Too late. It’s not a restriction but a booby trap. Commands to go to Earth result in getting lost and not being able to reorient to anywhere with the systems the ship uses. The problem wouldn’t be detected until triggered at which point its too late to try a “just as good” work around like the moon.
Prairie Son
“Go to Earth” was the tripwire on this particular trap. Said trap sent them to a random location [s]in the desert[/s] in space, then deleted the navigation files.
No files, no go. Apparently, if there were backups, Dax-Ra removed those as well.
Possible Solutions:
Go back to Argos, find Dax, make him get them back to Earth.
Hack the Ship! Not sure how, but there must be a way.
Get directions from the Revenant. Not sure how he’d do that, but he is the gosh-darned Revenant.
Assuming the communicator does not need to know where you are, then either it knows where Earth is, or it sends a signal so Revenant can back track it to them.
Funny thing: Guess which ship’s former Engineer ist currently on earth? Of course that looks like “outside the milkyway”, so the lag might be a bit of a problem.
Dax-Ra is to smart to have left in obvious loopholes like “earths moon”. But they could just jump to say Alpha Centaury to at least be more in reach/less delay.
Maybe the hyperdrive can be rigged to travel through time?
Could be that Tyler has to go on one of his Time Travel adventures (again) and where he and Ron are taken from makes no real difference.
About Argonaut/Ron: He is somewhat like Forgat – never wanted the power really and is too worried about failure. And yes, bad things *do* happen to him when he is near Moonshadow at a alarming rate.
Coincidence may not imply Causality, but Ron is a Child for gods sake. You weren’t the most rational being at that age yourself!
Frith Ra
Pardon me, but this is a pet peeve that is begging for attention here…
Alpha Centauri, with an -I- (see for details)
[okay, back into your box pet peeve. Good pet peeve. Have cookie.]
I don’t think they can jump anywhere with a blind starting point.
Doesn’t the communicator use a micro wormhole or something that might also be location dependant.
As for Tyler, I think there should be a proverb some where that says being a person of large fate is a curse to you and those you care for… Kind of like may you live in interesting times.
My favourite curse is may you live forever… Think that one out grand scale… Planet dies around you, drifting in space after a supernova and things get really “interesting” as you outlive the heat death of the universe when all molecules stop moving and everything runs out of energy… Even you… No stars no activity… Just your living but it wouldn’t even be that… Simply a consciousness that is very bored. Maybe imagination might solve that dilemma as then the imaginative realm would be all that is real… Thus perhaps making you a deity of sorts…
Spoilers for next issue redacted! which lets them More spoilers!. There’s also Spoilers for future issues! who has Sorry Sweetie, Spoilers!, and Do I have to say it? Spoilers. Unfortunately, Spoilers for next issue Omaha, which requires Omaha is not a Spoiler! It’s the title of the next volume!.
In the meantime Ron and Moonshadow are Spoilers! and they More Spoilers!, and have to team up and put their differences behind them to survive.
LOL. I appreciate all of your “spoilers, sweetie” updates!
Link to the next TBP on Amazon, for people who really can’t wait:
go to some other human known world, there must be other alien supers, or at least some space capable ones who go on wacky adventures to gladiator planet or tiny world or whatever.
ship, go to mars, ship go to argos, ship go to…
Going to Mars: not possible; it’s the same solar system as Earth.
Going to Argos: they were on Argos to begin with.
Going to some other planet where there are people that can send them back to Earth: they know of only one, which is the Emerald Ones, who are still at war with the Argosians and would probably vaporize Dax-Ra’s ship instead of answering the com.
More importantly, given that the navigation computer has no idea where they are know, it is most likely unable to go anywhere. They first need to do some serious astronomical work (keeping in mind that their vantage point is massively different from Earth, so none of the stars will be where they’d expect them to be) to try to compute their position. This is supposing they even are still in or near the Milky Way. There are billions of [i]galactic superclusters[/i]; depending on how these hyperjumps work they could be so far away that the Milky Way is too dim to be seen with on-board instruments.
Frith Ra
As someone has indicated the shipboard navigation system had been completely befuddled. It has a random number generator (dice) plugged into the computational interface. Even if they tried to go back to where they came from they would probably end up arguing gravity with a black hole or something.
A very cruel & vicious act worthy of a super villain.
If it’s truly random, then there is a chance they might accidentally go to Earth. Now, who has a Superpower of Good Luck? Would Guardian Angel be able to finagle her Protection to find them?
Aaaand right back to the blame game, yup. Ron is getting harder and harder for me to have even the slightest bit of sympathy for.
Hans Rancke
I agree. I had hoped that their adventures together would effect a reconciliation, but that seems to be out of the question. Ron’s whinyness is getting hard to accept.
To plot a course *anywhere* you need to know exactly where you are as well as where you want to go. With the ship saying “Location: unknown” they’ve got no way of knowing which direction any destination is in.
“…the dice I had programmed…”
Yeah, that’s Forak’s work. I wonder if he took his engineering job as seriously has he takes his super-hero job?
No it’s not. Forak has been on Earth all this time, training to be Atlas-Boy. Dax-Ra used the Castle’s robot brain to reprogram the Valiant Lance.
Fun fact: this is where one of the trade paperbacks ended. Proof that Aron hates us.
NO! Just proof that he knows a cliff-hanger when he writes one…
i’m starting to think Ron is right, Moonshadow really doesn’t seem to have some rather unfortunate luck. maybe not bad luck per say more like the curse ‘may you have an interesting life’
It just occurred to me to wonder whether the friendly handyman, who looks so much like a certain friendly handyman on earth, wasn’t telling the kids the whole truth about the gadget he had them plant on a certain spaceship.
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