I guess Forak better go catch him before Near Mint goes splat upon landing. That will definitely reduce his quality, maybe resulting in a name change of Fair to Poor or maybe even Junk.
No he’ll probably land at an ice cream factory vat of green tea gelato. A vat that is right next to the mint ice cream vat… Hence re-earning his name a couple times as “near Mint”…
Near Mint is wearing Armor, so he’s probably not going to be killed by that fall. On the other hand, his condition has probably been degraded from Near Mint to Fine. 😀
Normally Julie wouldn’t have tossed him like that, but she was kinda in a trap that limited her ability to pull her punches.
As for Forak… someone’s getting detention!
Seriously, why are you all picking on him though? He never wanted this job. He never even wanted to live on Earth. In the next story arc [SPOILER!] is going to find out the real way to motivate Forak to act like a hero, regardless of the danger!
I agree People should stop attacking Forak. I am pretty sure all he has to learn is that here he *can* push/punch people back and if it is the bag guys, most people will glady have him do the pushing/pushing.
He is kinda like Suzie/84 before the Vegas Storyline so making her his mentor wasn’t a bad idea.
Regarding the Kite:
What was it that the Revenant said about the Shrink gun? “Any 5th level intelect could reverse it in 10 minutes. Herschel is 9th level” I doubt the kite is that much more difficulty then a shrink gun.
Plus I it propably can’t withstand force from someone other then who it holds that well.
“Stop the world I want to get off!” I forget who originally said that but it’s the first thing that popped into my head when I saw Near Mint spinning off into the distance. =)
Just looked it up. It’s originally from the classic poem Invictus by William Ernest Henley, but it is best remembered from the movie Casablanca. There is also a movie (1966) and a screenplay that uses the line as a title.
Out of the night that covers me,
Black as the Pit from pole to pole,
I thank whatever gods may be
For my unconquerable soul.
In the fell clutch of circumstance
I have not winced nor cried aloud.
Under the bludgeonings of chance
My head is bloody, but unbowed.
Beyond this place of wrath and tears
Looms but the Horror of the shade,
And yet the menace of the years
Finds, and shall find, me unafraid.
It matters not how strait the gate,
How charged with punishments the scroll.
I am the master of my fate:
I am the captain of my soul.
William Ernest Henley
So, how to get 84 off? He could try breaking the kite, but his super-strength is fairly weak. I think that they’ll have to either find near mint, or 84 can become the super-hero that hits people with the kite she’s stuck to. Not very impressive.
She’s invulnerable! The kite OBVIOUSLY isn’t… time will take care of the problem (or a quick trip to any nearby rock quarry – except 84 isn’t violent enough to think of that one).
Yes, she’s invulnerable, but the attraction field means that she’ll have bits of kite stuck to her hair and the back of her costume until the field is shut down. Looks like they’re gonna have to hunt down Near Mint and hit him until he shuts the kite off. 😀
It’s not like the kite as far as we know is made of magical or elemental materials with those properties all the time.
Translation: its a device…
Prick us do we not bend needles… Is for FISSes so for devices…
Break us do we not turn off…?
Breaking it into bits won’t create Klingons … It will create inert rubble that maybe sparks a bit or pollutes the local environment with lithium or mercury at worst plutonium…. So its all good – an average day.
41 thoughts on “07/24/2013”
And thats the secret origin of “Kite Girl” and “Minion Boy”
Kite Girl is actually a supervillain; she’s Kite Man’s sidekick. 😀
We can call her “Kite-lass” and dress her up in a pirate-y motif with a cutlass!
And Minion Boy’s (un)secret weakness for their nemesis: Hockey-puck Man.
Clell Harmon
– Go Julie! Show him how effective his kung fu grip is…
– And Inept Lad continues to impress.
Kungfu grip got upstaged by spin attack 84.
I see that she’s remembered the old idiom, ‘When in doubt, spin.’
Frith Ra
I thought that it was:
When in trouble,
When in doubt,
Run in circles!
I forget the rest of it. 😉
the warlord
When in trouble
and beset by doubt
Run around in circles
wave your arms and shout!
“Scream and Shout”, which is what Near Mint is doing right now. 😀
Horatio Von Becker
“When in trouble,
When in doubt,
Run in circles!
Scream and shout!”
Which I recall being from Freefall.
Ed Rhodes
I heard it in a Heinlein novel from many years ago. It probably predates Freefall.
Scream and shout!
Hoist a flag and fire the gun,
And hope the Admiral says ‘Well Done’!
and now hes dead
Moe Lane
Imagine my sorrow of hearing of the Death By Gravity of a human trafficker. One willing to sell kids.
Oh woe, woe, lamentations and woe! ok i heard there was an awesome buffet set up lets dig in
David Nuttall
I shot a fool into the air. Where he landed, I know not where.
David Nuttall
I guess Forak better go catch him before Near Mint goes splat upon landing. That will definitely reduce his quality, maybe resulting in a name change of Fair to Poor or maybe even Junk.
No he’ll probably land at an ice cream factory vat of green tea gelato. A vat that is right next to the mint ice cream vat… Hence re-earning his name a couple times as “near Mint”…
Near Mint is wearing Armor, so he’s probably not going to be killed by that fall. On the other hand, his condition has probably been degraded from Near Mint to Fine. 😀
Normally Julie wouldn’t have tossed him like that, but she was kinda in a trap that limited her ability to pull her punches.
As for Forak… someone’s getting detention!
Seriously, why are you all picking on him though? He never wanted this job. He never even wanted to live on Earth. In the next story arc [SPOILER!] is going to find out the real way to motivate Forak to act like a hero, regardless of the danger!
I agree People should stop attacking Forak. I am pretty sure all he has to learn is that here he *can* push/punch people back and if it is the bag guys, most people will glady have him do the pushing/pushing.
He is kinda like Suzie/84 before the Vegas Storyline so making her his mentor wasn’t a bad idea.
Regarding the Kite:
What was it that the Revenant said about the Shrink gun? “Any 5th level intelect could reverse it in 10 minutes. Herschel is 9th level” I doubt the kite is that much more difficulty then a shrink gun.
Plus I it propably can’t withstand force from someone other then who it holds that well.
He never wanted the job… Some of you guys probably did want the job… So why didnt all of you try to help out?
“Stop the world I want to get off!” I forget who originally said that but it’s the first thing that popped into my head when I saw Near Mint spinning off into the distance. =)
Just looked it up. It’s originally from the classic poem Invictus by William Ernest Henley, but it is best remembered from the movie Casablanca. There is also a movie (1966) and a screenplay that uses the line as a title.
Frith Ra
Out of the night that covers me,
Black as the Pit from pole to pole,
I thank whatever gods may be
For my unconquerable soul.
In the fell clutch of circumstance
I have not winced nor cried aloud.
Under the bludgeonings of chance
My head is bloody, but unbowed.
Beyond this place of wrath and tears
Looms but the Horror of the shade,
And yet the menace of the years
Finds, and shall find, me unafraid.
It matters not how strait the gate,
How charged with punishments the scroll.
I am the master of my fate:
I am the captain of my soul.
William Ernest Henley
So, how to get 84 off? He could try breaking the kite, but his super-strength is fairly weak. I think that they’ll have to either find near mint, or 84 can become the super-hero that hits people with the kite she’s stuck to. Not very impressive.
Oooor they can get back to other people for help. Herschel would probably be able to figure it out, at least well enough to disable the dratted thing.
She’s invulnerable! The kite OBVIOUSLY isn’t… time will take care of the problem (or a quick trip to any nearby rock quarry – except 84 isn’t violent enough to think of that one).
Yes, she’s invulnerable, but the attraction field means that she’ll have bits of kite stuck to her hair and the back of her costume until the field is shut down. Looks like they’re gonna have to hunt down Near Mint and hit him until he shuts the kite off. 😀
Eh, just fly into the sun, or go swimming in lava, something like that. Won’t bother her much, and ought to get rid of the kite…
It’s not like the kite as far as we know is made of magical or elemental materials with those properties all the time.
Translation: its a device…
Prick us do we not bend needles… Is for FISSes so for devices…
Break us do we not turn off…?
Breaking it into bits won’t create Klingons … It will create inert rubble that maybe sparks a bit or pollutes the local environment with lithium or mercury at worst plutonium…. So its all good – an average day.
I like how 84 is getting more assertive and learning a few things about sarcasm.
Agreed. I really enjoy her character arc.
The best is yet to come! Stay tuned!
The look on her face in the third panel is *lethal*…
Maybe she has issues with being grounded…
I think it’s more the attitude towards children…
i wonder if her parents ground her from flying. didn’t do your homework, no flying this week
That last panel looks like a spring in her head just went boink for not fully thinking her actions through to her detriment.