Future superheroes: FISSion, who can break down the powers of the various FISS-types for energy. FISSure, whose power is to rip them in two. And… FISSt? Who punches them?
There have been 84 F.I.S.S. metahumans in the world, from Mr. Extraordinary to Julie, right? The don’t change numbers as the older ones die or retire? Or is 84 the currently active F.I.S.S. count (down to what I take to be grammar school age)?
Either way, how many metahumans are there, if 84 is a large proportion of them?
How many powers and power combinations are there?
There have been at least 84 repeats of this specific power set which may be 0.001% of possible power combos including single power heroes. Even if they crop up 20 times more often than any other power set… It is a big number even with no real figures to work with.
There have been 84 since they started numbering them. And remember, no one knew Thad could fly except for his daughter until she spilled the beans to Tyler’s study group.
I’ve always taken it as each time the FISS power combo shows up, it increases by one. Mister Extraordinary being number 1, Julie is the 84th person to have that set, Ajax being 86th (I think), and so on. It does seem to be a common power set, I think DC is louse with it.
It just occurred to me that the FISS template definitely seems to predate Atlas’s arrival on Earth. Barring any time travel weirdness or previous Argosian intervention, that means the FISS type couldn’t have used him as its genetic template.
14 thoughts on “06/25/2014”
Future superheroes: FISSion, who can break down the powers of the various FISS-types for energy. FISSure, whose power is to rip them in two. And… FISSt? Who punches them?
I’ll think more about that one.
There have been 84 F.I.S.S. metahumans in the world, from Mr. Extraordinary to Julie, right? The don’t change numbers as the older ones die or retire? Or is 84 the currently active F.I.S.S. count (down to what I take to be grammar school age)?
Either way, how many metahumans are there, if 84 is a large proportion of them?
How many powers and power combinations are there?
There have been at least 84 repeats of this specific power set which may be 0.001% of possible power combos including single power heroes. Even if they crop up 20 times more often than any other power set… It is a big number even with no real figures to work with.
Prairie Son
There have been 84 since they started numbering them. And remember, no one knew Thad could fly except for his daughter until she spilled the beans to Tyler’s study group.
I thought that was sweet.
Agent Fish-face also caught on to the flying, just exactly too late for his purposes. I don’t imagine he told the newspapers, though.
And it looks like institutional/educational videos have already been adjusted. Aren’t those sorts of publications normally way out of date?
Julie would be unlikely to choose 84 as her hero name if it would change as heroes died / retired.
Orion Fury
I’ve always taken it as each time the FISS power combo shows up, it increases by one. Mister Extraordinary being number 1, Julie is the 84th person to have that set, Ajax being 86th (I think), and so on. It does seem to be a common power set, I think DC is louse with it.
Kimichi Tsuzuku
He would be 82, he said so, several pages back. Which makes sense as he’s a little older than Julie.
The Other Mike
Has the dark-skinned gal in the red outfit been seen before? I like her design. (Also, “Captain Crash.” Is that a great name or what?)
Prairie Son
Not to the best of my knowledge, but Aaron has a large gallery of background characters at this point.
So, does Capt. Crash date a beauty queen from Mars?
It just occurred to me that the FISS template definitely seems to predate Atlas’s arrival on Earth. Barring any time travel weirdness or previous Argosian intervention, that means the FISS type couldn’t have used him as its genetic template.
Prairie Son
Why would you think it had? We’ve had a long tradition of heroic ages with interspersed mundane eras.
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