I think it just means that she’s trusted to be sensible, and so I guess that this is a bit like showing a new student around the school.
Only with more flying!
OK – this guy looks a lot like Forak as we see him in Issue 42, though when we first see him a couple pages earlier he looks older. But what would he still be doing on Earth? I’d assumed he went back to Argos on the ship, but come to think of it, I never saw him after his quip about hoping “you Earthlings don’t wear a lot of those glowing crystals as jewelry or anything…”
If you go back to 2/15, you’ll see him being threatened with life in the mines upon returning to Argos. And you’re surprised he sneaked off the ship, OR that the nitwit he worked for has not noticed/doesn’t care?
No, all that’s understandable. It’s that Dax could make the ship work without Forak around to get home that has me mildly puzzled. It’s possible, but it seems more likely that Dax would expend more effort looking for his AWOL engineer than he would doing the engineer’s job.
Don’t forget all the robots. Given the complexity of the ship, I’m guessing that mostly Forak just gave them orders and they did the work. So if Dax gave a command the ship’s robots just carried it out and I bet that he would never even bother to look for Forak.
Given the chess transmission delay, Argos is in the Sol system? 30 light minutes is 539 626 424 Kms which depending on the orbits wouldn’t even get you to Jupiter usually. Mind you I recall voice comms with the Revenant that seemed to be in real time ( I may be wrong). So maybe there is sunspace radio tech or micro worm holes involved (which might be created far enough from earth to avoid detection hence the delay). Or the operating system of his communicator is based on Windows 9.
it’s a communicator used by the Gosh-Darned Revenant, and your surprised it has FTL capability?
and in a previous appearance, it worked while tyler was stuck in a trans-dimensional atemporal limbo.. though it did connect him to his future self that time. so it having FTL comm isn’t that much of a stretch.
Judging by all of the confused posts, everyone seems to have forgotten about Forak, the engineer of the Valiant Lance, Lord Dax-Ra’s battle cruiser. Forak was the only Argosian crewman on board (besides Dax), with most of the functions performed by robots.
I have been doing my best not to spoil the reveal that Forak has been appointed the new “Atlas” by the US government, so I will not describe just how that happened or why the Department of Metahuman Affairs wants 84 to train him on how to be a superhero.
(Also, let’s all say hello to Ms. Ryley from the Dept. of Metahuman Affairs!)
Well, Forak was pretty forgettable. I’m just wondering why they thought making a foreign national their super-hero poster boy was a good idea. And yes, I know you said you weren’t going to spoil the why.
Hey, it worked before with Atlas! Why ruin a good thing of having aliens embrace your American Way? (Hey immigrants! Work hard and you could be like this guy! He’s not even HUMAN and yet he’s our greatest hero! and so on)
Sorry, I’m still not buying this is Forak. Not only would we have to get him powers when he was a softling before, but he was clearly older than the probably-12 of this kid. Ron-got-older-somehow, maybe, but I don’t think so. Atlas-got-younger or clone-of-Atlas are possibilities.
I personally suspect we don’t have enough information yet to be making even educated guesses.
Wrong on one count to start with: Forak himself says he has powers, though he’s not as strong and tough as the nobility. (Archives, Second Contact, back one.)
And no, this guy’s much older than 84 is. Note the difference in height; he’s gone at least partway through puberty. Smart money’s on Forak, I’m afraid.
Forak is a Noble, albeit a low ranking one. He has powers, is in his mid-20’s, and has developed a taste for Earth’s greasier fast food.
He’s not really acknowledging that “softlings” exist (“softling erasure”, they’d call it on Tumblr. Check your privileges, Forak!) and is surprised that superpowers aren’t common on Earth.
Huh. Well, the next comic proves me wrong. I stand corrected. (I -had- misremembered his power-status.)
31 thoughts on “06/14/2013”
Why does the phrase “Shoot me now” come to mind?
The funny thing is, both Forak and Julie are thinking it!
Okay, from the Cover that was kinda expected.
Hmm, does this make 84 a Teacher of PS238?
Tutors are generally not on the staff.
I think it just means that she’s trusted to be sensible, and so I guess that this is a bit like showing a new student around the school.
Only with more flying!
David Nuttall
I still have to ask, who is this guy?
I think that’s Mo-Ron, aged about six years (and from the sound of it, still a whiny eight-year-old at heart)
Forak is not a whiny eight-year old boy! He’s an Otaku! There’s a difference, right?
Forak, the engineer from the Argosian ship. I’m still not entirely sure why (or how) they left him behind, but apparently they did.
Lord Dax-Ra does not suffer fools. Forak has failed him for the last time!
(On the plus side, Earth has more interesting video games and movies than Argos.)
ah, I thought this was some whiny clone the military had secretly made before ron was born
Is it going to take Ron a long, long time to make it home?
“Sorry Sweetie, spoilers!”
OK – this guy looks a lot like Forak as we see him in Issue 42, though when we first see him a couple pages earlier he looks older. But what would he still be doing on Earth? I’d assumed he went back to Argos on the ship, but come to think of it, I never saw him after his quip about hoping “you Earthlings don’t wear a lot of those glowing crystals as jewelry or anything…”
Let’s put it this way: did you see Forak at any point on Argos?
If you go back to 2/15, you’ll see him being threatened with life in the mines upon returning to Argos. And you’re surprised he sneaked off the ship, OR that the nitwit he worked for has not noticed/doesn’t care?
No, all that’s understandable. It’s that Dax could make the ship work without Forak around to get home that has me mildly puzzled. It’s possible, but it seems more likely that Dax would expend more effort looking for his AWOL engineer than he would doing the engineer’s job.
Don’t forget all the robots. Given the complexity of the ship, I’m guessing that mostly Forak just gave them orders and they did the work. So if Dax gave a command the ship’s robots just carried it out and I bet that he would never even bother to look for Forak.
Ah, that explains why he’s on Earth.
But doesn’t this make him an illegal alien?
…Sorry, couldn’t resist.
Given the chess transmission delay, Argos is in the Sol system? 30 light minutes is 539 626 424 Kms which depending on the orbits wouldn’t even get you to Jupiter usually. Mind you I recall voice comms with the Revenant that seemed to be in real time ( I may be wrong). So maybe there is sunspace radio tech or micro worm holes involved (which might be created far enough from earth to avoid detection hence the delay). Or the operating system of his communicator is based on Windows 9.
The communicators use super-science developed by Herschel; they are fast but still take time to cross interstellar distances.
Alternatively, just sing the “MST3K” mantra a few times till it doesn’t bug you. 🙂
it’s a communicator used by the Gosh-Darned Revenant, and your surprised it has FTL capability?
and in a previous appearance, it worked while tyler was stuck in a trans-dimensional atemporal limbo.. though it did connect him to his future self that time. so it having FTL comm isn’t that much of a stretch.
Deth Invictus
Try quantum entanglement if that will help you get over the hurdle. 🙂
Judging by all of the confused posts, everyone seems to have forgotten about Forak, the engineer of the Valiant Lance, Lord Dax-Ra’s battle cruiser. Forak was the only Argosian crewman on board (besides Dax), with most of the functions performed by robots.
I have been doing my best not to spoil the reveal that Forak has been appointed the new “Atlas” by the US government, so I will not describe just how that happened or why the Department of Metahuman Affairs wants 84 to train him on how to be a superhero.
(Also, let’s all say hello to Ms. Ryley from the Dept. of Metahuman Affairs!)
Well, Forak was pretty forgettable. I’m just wondering why they thought making a foreign national their super-hero poster boy was a good idea. And yes, I know you said you weren’t going to spoil the why.
Hey, it worked before with Atlas! Why ruin a good thing of having aliens embrace your American Way? (Hey immigrants! Work hard and you could be like this guy! He’s not even HUMAN and yet he’s our greatest hero! and so on)
Sorry, I’m still not buying this is Forak. Not only would we have to get him powers when he was a softling before, but he was clearly older than the probably-12 of this kid. Ron-got-older-somehow, maybe, but I don’t think so. Atlas-got-younger or clone-of-Atlas are possibilities.
I personally suspect we don’t have enough information yet to be making even educated guesses.
Wrong on one count to start with: Forak himself says he has powers, though he’s not as strong and tough as the nobility. (Archives, Second Contact, back one.)
And no, this guy’s much older than 84 is. Note the difference in height; he’s gone at least partway through puberty. Smart money’s on Forak, I’m afraid.
Forak is a Noble, albeit a low ranking one. He has powers, is in his mid-20’s, and has developed a taste for Earth’s greasier fast food.
Forak is no softling:
Do you have powers too? Can you fly and stuff? Most everyone from Argos does. I’m not as strong as the first circle royals, but… Uh, doesn’t your species have these abilities?
He’s not really acknowledging that “softlings” exist (“softling erasure”, they’d call it on Tumblr. Check your privileges, Forak!) and is surprised that superpowers aren’t common on Earth.
Huh. Well, the next comic proves me wrong. I stand corrected. (I -had- misremembered his power-status.)
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