
13 thoughts on “06/04/2012

  1. Toby not remembering about Moonshadow’s secret identity may well be the best thing to happen recently. ^^

  2. Well, I guess that answers that.

  3. hopefully Toby gets removed by Moonshadow, and by removed i mean sent to another universe or diving headfirst into a black hole…

    1. I… don’t think that’d be quite Moonshadow’s style. Too harsh.

      1. still, it would be a fitting way to end for Toby

        1. That’s not a fair thing at all. Toby shouldn’t have an end. He didn’t ask to exist or become Tyler’s twin. He was just a puppet, an extended VR hook-up that got free will and powers. (he could get some serious angst at the point where he was a puppet and if he figures out VonDome’s explosive) It’s be like Pinnochio hating the bow that modelled the carving.

          He’s a little bratty because he’s lost Cecil, who he thought was his best friend, even if he’s forgotten Cecil’s dislike of super heroes. I also think he lost another later friend. He seems firmly on the path of lonely hero. He might be ripe for recruitment from the PA, unless he remembers them badly. Toby is less than a year old in his own right, and both he and Tyler have been through things that would be rough for older people. I think some less fawning by parents and his own adventures that end better than his creative writing assignment. Maybe a “Mental Health Day 2?”

  4. Shouldn’t this be updated now?

  5. Heh… A thought occurred to me: Tyler’s parents have it all wrong (again). Their firstborn son is the result of their superior physiques combining into a genetically flawless human boy, i.e., one without strange powers.
    Only in a flawed clone do the abilities they’ve been driving for appear.

    1. Now when you say “Flawless” human is your meaning immortal, demigod, or perfectly symmetrical? Because either would count as a superpower in my opinion…

      1. I meant ‘without genetic damage’. Should have been more specific. Tyler’s a perfectly normal bo, physically speaking, even though he is exceptional in character.

      2. Actually I’m going to go with the other answer. I’ll theorize that Tylor is basically incapable of being anything but human and Toby lost that in translation, possibly out of nesecity considering the rapid aging and weird brain. I believe that Aaron disagrees with this theory but its fun.

    2. Unless the reading order gets fixed and the missing page inserted, we may never know…

  6. I just want give Tyler a hug and a mug of hot chocolate, then go whack his parents with a 2×4. Hard enough that those idiots hurt him and scared him and put him in this dangerous place because he dared not be their idea of genetic perfection, but now they’re shoving him aside and out of their lives.

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