The only reason they made an exception for Tyler is his parent’s insistence and their willingness to put him into danger to awaken his powers. Ron Doesn’t have those problems. I think this will be good for him and who knows, he might get his powers back later.
Tyler ended up in PS238 because the staff were afraid to tell his parents ‘no’, and stayed because the staff realized Tyler would be MUCH safer with them instead of at home.
Ron’s Dad is in another galaxy and his Mom wants him to have a normal childhood.
Problem is Ron misses the PS23 from before the teleporting bully incadent and not the PS238 where everyone treats him weird, half his classes don’t apply to him, and people go easy on you in gym and/or you get severly injured at gym. Ron might be able to still go to PS 238 for homeroom and maybe one other class if the school decided that because he used to have powers he was a special case but that might not help.
Yeah…. if he didn’t like ‘normal kid’ dodge ball, he is in for a BIG SURPRISE his first game of super kid dodge ball (no matter how easy they try to go on him)
In a universe like this one, I’m sure the assumption is that the powers will likely come back, thus he’s at least worth keeping an eye on for a while should that happen.
OK, it took me a minute to remember that Ron doesn’t recognize Tyler as Moonshadow, so the difference between the continuous litany of “you’re bad luck” and Ron’s current behavior isn’t as jarring.
…wait, I thought Ron knew Tyler was Moonshadow. I can’t recall the issue and didn’t find it on a quick search, but I recall Ron feeling betrayed because he’d confided in one of them and Tyler / Moonshadow revealed they knew his feelings. It was after defeating Charles, I think….?
It was during the “should superpower remain?” arc while Tyler was sitting on the Throne of Decision-Making. He called for Ron and outed himself because he knew Ron wouldn’t remember it. Unfortunately for Tyler, his conversation with Julie/84 means deja vu (and thus a “eureka moment”) is still possible.
Remember that Tyler is only there because his parents are powerful jerks who pushed for him to be admitted so that a freak accident might give him super powers. If his parents hadn’t pushed so hard he’d be up in Excelsior with the other unpowered students where he’d be safer. (Though at this point I assume they’d let him stay in PS238 out of sympathy for his family life. Ultima and Sovereign are the worst parents ever.)
properly a spy mission had been given to the son. The other school wants to strip superpowers and have limitations to superpowers. Fly boy here lost his powers so it would be easy to say that they want to keep an eye on him.
Personally I have found that using game controllers custom made out of stainless steel solves the problem. I’ve dented a few but never broken one.
Of course…maybe Ron was even stronger than I am.
— 31
Skin acid really does a number on stainless steel.
STILL saying: The Revenant is not going to have a method of irreversibly removing Atlas’ powers… at least not one that he basically laughs off Atlas breaking in and taking.
…especially if it also effects other FISS people (as it did 84 momentarily).
This might be good for Ron. He needs to learn how to be a friend, and Tyler is a good start. He spent so much time upset about his parents’ divorce and not wanting powers, and not enough making friends. Apparently he didn’t make any friends at the Praetorian Academy that he misses. I think he’s finally realizing how isolated and lonely his life was. I am very glad he’s reaching out instead of getting angry. (He needs the normal shildhood that ClarkK had) He’ll be just like how many other kids with divorced parents with a dad in a high pressure job, and he needs to learn others have problems too.
I’m not sure if he should ever get powers back (ie a learning situation, because he was on a bad path before he lost them and he needs empathy and to want to help others) or he should be able to settle into a normal life and become a professional clarinet player like he thought he always wanted.
Hmm… I have to wonder if Cecil is still around and cloaked. Of course, I’m not certain what effect that would have on the plot, if any, other than being another case of someone “normal” who’s a little in on the superpowers thing. ^_^ Plus Ron is an actual alien!
Having been the preferred target in Dodgeball I quite agree with Ron, it would have been much better with Invulnerability.
Can’t be fun to be in his place but at least he’s learning how the majority of people on the planet have to live, without any sort of powers or special abilities to shield them from the fears and anxieties that come from being normal. Many heroes seem to either have had their powers as long as they can remember or have forgotten what being a normal human being is like (like Tyler’s parents) and simply don’t relate to the majority of humanity as they need to.
Maybe when he grows up Ron can prove a driving force in getting the super-human side of the planet to reconnect with the human side and recognize that humans have a big part in making the world better rather than having no business in trying like Tyler’s parents think.
29 thoughts on “05/21/2014”
This… this could be good.
Or bad.
I’m hoping for good. ^^;
Manly Bowler
I’m curious: Could Ron still transfer to PS 238 even without his powers? After all he’s now on the same level as Tyler.
The only reason they made an exception for Tyler is his parent’s insistence and their willingness to put him into danger to awaken his powers. Ron Doesn’t have those problems. I think this will be good for him and who knows, he might get his powers back later.
Prairie Son
Tyler ended up in PS238 because the staff were afraid to tell his parents ‘no’, and stayed because the staff realized Tyler would be MUCH safer with them instead of at home.
Ron’s Dad is in another galaxy and his Mom wants him to have a normal childhood.
Problem is Ron misses the PS23 from before the teleporting bully incadent and not the PS238 where everyone treats him weird, half his classes don’t apply to him, and people go easy on you in gym and/or you get severly injured at gym. Ron might be able to still go to PS 238 for homeroom and maybe one other class if the school decided that because he used to have powers he was a special case but that might not help.
Yeah…. if he didn’t like ‘normal kid’ dodge ball, he is in for a BIG SURPRISE his first game of super kid dodge ball (no matter how easy they try to go on him)
In a universe like this one, I’m sure the assumption is that the powers will likely come back, thus he’s at least worth keeping an eye on for a while should that happen.
OK, it took me a minute to remember that Ron doesn’t recognize Tyler as Moonshadow, so the difference between the continuous litany of “you’re bad luck” and Ron’s current behavior isn’t as jarring.
…wait, I thought Ron knew Tyler was Moonshadow. I can’t recall the issue and didn’t find it on a quick search, but I recall Ron feeling betrayed because he’d confided in one of them and Tyler / Moonshadow revealed they knew his feelings. It was after defeating Charles, I think….?
Abatis Treefall
It was during the “should superpower remain?” arc while Tyler was sitting on the Throne of Decision-Making. He called for Ron and outed himself because he knew Ron wouldn’t remember it. Unfortunately for Tyler, his conversation with Julie/84 means deja vu (and thus a “eureka moment”) is still possible.
Tyler revealed it while interviewing him in the Castle Beyond Time and Space, so Ron didn’t remember any of it.
Although I guess Tyler’s going to be really cautious about revealing it for real, now that he knows how Ron will react.
In an alternate dimension Ron no longer has memory of.
Remember that Tyler is only there because his parents are powerful jerks who pushed for him to be admitted so that a freak accident might give him super powers. If his parents hadn’t pushed so hard he’d be up in Excelsior with the other unpowered students where he’d be safer. (Though at this point I assume they’d let him stay in PS238 out of sympathy for his family life. Ultima and Sovereign are the worst parents ever.)
So… he is clack kent now… no powers = glasses… what haens whit the brainwashed mom??
Z Reporter
properly a spy mission had been given to the son. The other school wants to strip superpowers and have limitations to superpowers. Fly boy here lost his powers so it would be easy to say that they want to keep an eye on him.
Agent G9
And the circle is now complete…… 🙂
There are perks to not having powers.
Imagine how relaxing it is to be able to use effort without breaking everything, where before that was impossible under ordinary circumstances.
Personally I have found that using game controllers custom made out of stainless steel solves the problem. I’ve dented a few but never broken one.
Of course…maybe Ron was even stronger than I am.
— 31
Skin acid really does a number on stainless steel.
STILL saying: The Revenant is not going to have a method of irreversibly removing Atlas’ powers… at least not one that he basically laughs off Atlas breaking in and taking.
…especially if it also effects other FISS people (as it did 84 momentarily).
It was developed by the Argosian scientists before it got THAT property, if I remember correctly.
OH Nooooes! Its the spider man setup. Peter Parker is always best friends with the super villian — who is later shocked to discover Peter’s alter ego.
Still– I am glad Ron can have a taste of normal life. I think he will quickly learn that having super powers does not suck as much as he thought.
Ah, the irony of one of Ron’s only friends being Moonshadow’s alter ego.
Could Ron join the Bureau now? Be important to know ic he still feels like a metahuman.
This might be good for Ron. He needs to learn how to be a friend, and Tyler is a good start. He spent so much time upset about his parents’ divorce and not wanting powers, and not enough making friends. Apparently he didn’t make any friends at the Praetorian Academy that he misses. I think he’s finally realizing how isolated and lonely his life was. I am very glad he’s reaching out instead of getting angry. (He needs the normal shildhood that ClarkK had) He’ll be just like how many other kids with divorced parents with a dad in a high pressure job, and he needs to learn others have problems too.
I’m not sure if he should ever get powers back (ie a learning situation, because he was on a bad path before he lost them and he needs empathy and to want to help others) or he should be able to settle into a normal life and become a professional clarinet player like he thought he always wanted.
Sean Duggan
Hmm… I have to wonder if Cecil is still around and cloaked. Of course, I’m not certain what effect that would have on the plot, if any, other than being another case of someone “normal” who’s a little in on the superpowers thing. ^_^ Plus Ron is an actual alien!
Having been the preferred target in Dodgeball I quite agree with Ron, it would have been much better with Invulnerability.
Can’t be fun to be in his place but at least he’s learning how the majority of people on the planet have to live, without any sort of powers or special abilities to shield them from the fears and anxieties that come from being normal. Many heroes seem to either have had their powers as long as they can remember or have forgotten what being a normal human being is like (like Tyler’s parents) and simply don’t relate to the majority of humanity as they need to.
Maybe when he grows up Ron can prove a driving force in getting the super-human side of the planet to reconnect with the human side and recognize that humans have a big part in making the world better rather than having no business in trying like Tyler’s parents think.
Guess Praetorian just kicks you to the curb once they no longer have a use for you, huh?
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