Hmmm… they must have “never-break” technology! Can you imagine trying to fix a device that not only continuously cloaks itself, but you and you tools…
“I know I set that self-sealing stimbolt do here… somewhere…!?”
I’m not sure what you’re thinking of, but zero-point energy is a thing, though the idea of harnessing it to produce actual work appears to be pseudoscience so far.
A cloaking device that runs on zero-point and is used when landing on a hostile planet is a reference to stargate sg1, a show Arron often references.
Watch it.
Stargate SG1.
It’s on Amazon Prime.
Watch in now.
If I may be pedantic, that’s more Stargate Atlantis than SG1
The puddle jumpers, then called “gateships” were first interduced cloaking divises and all in stargate. The became major plot devises in Atlantis much later.
The geek in me must rest now.
I saw the original “Stargate” movie when it came out in the theaters, and I’ve seen every single episode of every Stargate series, even the rather disappointing “Stargate Universe”. So I’ve already seen it, thanks. That said, “Stargate” was neither the first nor only source to use the idea of zero-point energy in fiction.
Arthur C. Clarke beat “Stargate” to the punch by eight years in his book The Songs of Distant Earth, and it’s been mentioned in many other sources, from The Incredibles to Half-Life 2. This isn’t borrowing from “Stargate”, it’s just one of many fictional stories borrowing from science.
You might want to consider the idea that maybe Aaron isn’t referencing Stargate as often as you think he is, it’s just that both Aaron and the Stargate writers have a common reference point in science.
Is it me, or do the two of them look a little older than before? Aging would be cool, even if slow. this scene just feels like an end of school year chat. (and an excuse for a gap and restarting the series (hint hint) 😀
True, but given he’s likely above ground (since he’s talking to Cecil) it’s more likely it’s one of the ‘not in on the secret’ teachers that always are getting onto Tyler for a range of petty things. So saying something like that will probably see him on another trip to the Principal’s office.
How is Cecil not a PS238 student yet?
Admittedly, they’re in front of lockers. It’s my impression the lockers are only above ground.
Cecil You have finally ARRIVED! You truly are a Secret agent now! We are seeing the birth of the NICK FURY! of this universe. He already has the trench coat and awesome gadgets. Let just hope he doesn’t lose an eye
37 thoughts on “05/19/2014”
I’m not sure if I’d call giving Cecil access to something this potentially hijinks-causing a good idea :P.
Prairie Son
I’m not sure if giving Cecil access to a breathable atmosphere is a good idea.
He has access to :
1. A wing coat
2. A shrinking ray
3. A sentient bioship
I don’t think a cloakig device can make it worse
Then you have no imagination.
Wait till he gets to Jr High
Tyler Marlocke. Best. Friend. Ever. 🙂
Yes. That. He’s my favorite comic hero for years now!
He’s a boy of his word. He not only remembered that he promised his best friend the next cloaking device they found, he delivered. 🙂
Xel Unknown
Only good things can come from this… *big grin*
… Should probably put a piece of tape or something around that so it doesn’t get lost… 😛
But then it would just cloak the tape.
Hmmm… they must have “never-break” technology! Can you imagine trying to fix a device that not only continuously cloaks itself, but you and you tools…
“I know I set that self-sealing stimbolt do here… somewhere…!?”
Ah but it’s Visible when it’s broken isn’t 8)
Read the “Unseen Developments” plotline of Vexxarr.
Ahh, cloaking devices.
anyone else think Cecil is crying Invisible tears of joy?
I wonder who is behind him… And what did “he” do to that person.
Prairie Son
Ron, likely. Who else talks to Tyler at the norm school?
Could be a teacher.
Hee Hee. Zero point. You sly dog.
I’m not sure what you’re thinking of, but zero-point energy is a thing, though the idea of harnessing it to produce actual work appears to be pseudoscience so far.
A cloaking device that runs on zero-point and is used when landing on a hostile planet is a reference to stargate sg1, a show Arron often references.
Watch it.
Stargate SG1.
It’s on Amazon Prime.
Watch in now.
If I may be pedantic, that’s more Stargate Atlantis than SG1
The puddle jumpers, then called “gateships” were first interduced cloaking divises and all in stargate. The became major plot devises in Atlantis much later.
The geek in me must rest now.
I saw the original “Stargate” movie when it came out in the theaters, and I’ve seen every single episode of every Stargate series, even the rather disappointing “Stargate Universe”. So I’ve already seen it, thanks. That said, “Stargate” was neither the first nor only source to use the idea of zero-point energy in fiction.
Arthur C. Clarke beat “Stargate” to the punch by eight years in his book The Songs of Distant Earth, and it’s been mentioned in many other sources, from The Incredibles to Half-Life 2. This isn’t borrowing from “Stargate”, it’s just one of many fictional stories borrowing from science.
You might want to consider the idea that maybe Aaron isn’t referencing Stargate as often as you think he is, it’s just that both Aaron and the Stargate writers have a common reference point in science.
lets use the potential energy in vacuum using virtual particles and ant-particles slamming together. What could go wrong?
Aaron, you’re just awesome. Tyler looks just the right amount older. I’d love to see Bernard at this age also!
Wonder what would happen if Lady Alexandria shifted that zero point a few degrees spinward while Cecil was cloaked?
Is it me, or do the two of them look a little older than before? Aging would be cool, even if slow. this scene just feels like an end of school year chat. (and an excuse for a gap and restarting the series (hint hint) 😀
Prairie Son
Actually, I’d prefer to see Parent-Teacher conferences, although Aaron would have to let Christi write them for him.
That’s such a perfect set-up for a ‘Just talking to my invisible friend’ line.
Prairie Son
At this school, that’s a rather literal possibility.
True, but given he’s likely above ground (since he’s talking to Cecil) it’s more likely it’s one of the ‘not in on the secret’ teachers that always are getting onto Tyler for a range of petty things. So saying something like that will probably see him on another trip to the Principal’s office.
How is Cecil not a PS238 student yet?
Admittedly, they’re in front of lockers. It’s my impression the lockers are only above ground.
Agent G9
Cecil You have finally ARRIVED! You truly are a Secret agent now! We are seeing the birth of the NICK FURY! of this universe. He already has the trench coat and awesome gadgets. Let just hope he doesn’t lose an eye
Agent G9
^ M.A.D . Metahuman assesements division. This worlds s.h.i.e.l.d.?
Cecil has ALL the coolest gagets.
Chris PV
Cecil is the geek in all of us. Admit, everyone — you’re waiting for him to get his hands on a lightsaber.
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