
18 thoughts on “05/07/2014

  1. Aw, that’s so cute! She’s inspired someone!

  2. D’aww!

  3. I think it was HE who inspired him….

    1. Which he, Brian/71?

      PS 238 is already making it’s mark, isn’t it? 😀

  4. Poor Principal Cranston, it must be a terrible burden to KNOW you could have redeemed yourself to everyone but now it was denied you.

    It’s nice to see that she’s managed to inspire someone, helping to reduce the odd stigma of being a FISS and bring pride to those who’ve been left shamed by other supers for being ‘average’.

    Just imagine how the geniuses would feel if THEY were being numbered, ‘oh yes you’re the 31st person we’ve come across with super-intelligence’.

    1. what did you think iq even meant?

      1. “IQ” is putting you on a standard scale, but not listing you as the 21st or 32nd smart person that has shown up.

        1. Precisely right.

          It’s “impressive” to have 220 IQ. It’s not impressive to be the seventy-first person with 200 or more IQ.

          Similarly, it’s “impressive” to be able to benchpress five tonnes, but not to be the 84th person to be able to.

          Kudos on 84 for owning her image, so to speak.

  5. Probably some of them would feel relieved. “At last, someone who might get my jokes!”

    1. Or “They shall feel the wrath of my proton powered pack death ray!”

      and then we get mechs fighting in the streets.

      1. If the mechs can be built by normal methods once designed, I support this plan of action.

  6. Fan boy?
    Some one has reputation.
    PS238 may be the quickest rising super group.

  7. You know, I keep seeing all these little footnotes that say what issue is being referenced, which is thoughtful, but I don’t see how to quickly get back to a particular issue in the archives. The dropdown only goes to 14

    1. I *think* it means Issue #35: Quantum Powers (in volume 7 in the dropdown). However, although this does discuss the principal’s situation a bit, I can’t seem to find a page that points out how he foregoes redemption. Can anyone point to the right page, or is it in a different issue perhaps?

      1. Found it! Issue #36, a few pages after the kids go through the portal. Toby explains what the consequences of the deal with the principal were.

  8. temporaryobsessor

    Well its good to know Toby was honest about the whole cost thing. Now I want to know why he’s a fanboy. Because of the claim about her name made to El Rons people I’m afraid of this be a bad sign.

  9. I’m not sure Toby and Cranston’s deal really benefited either of them. I don’t know if it’s in the cards, but I’ve wondered, on and off for years now, if Toby can reverse it.

    1. Toby’s deal kept the curse on Principal Cranston from exploding his head. That is very definitely a benefit. Toby was legally declared a real boy instead of an illegal clone subject to whatever is done to illegal clones (given he’s a super-powered clone and the prior existence of the Rainmaker Project, vivisection is not out of the question). There’s a benefit in that as well.

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