
14 thoughts on “03/04/2013

  1. Leave earth to help keep a ton of super powered idiots away from earth and get the porblem sorted does not sound like a bad idea.

    1. Judging from Atlas’ look in the last panel, he’s also more than a little suspicious of the earth authorities. We know they studied his spacecraft – did they know about the messages it contained and just not tell him? He might be looking for information as well.

  2. Note the difference in Atlas’ demeanor between panels 1 and 4. Atlas is not happy to have learned that the military and the government have been lying to him for decades, despite all the good he’s done for America, Earth and humanity. Who do you think told him that Argos was destroyed?

    However, Atlas is a hero first and foremost. He’s not going to lash out at anyone. He’s going to peacefully investigate for himself the truth of Lord Dax’s claims and then make his own decisions.

    1. Returning to his homeworld…sounds like a great father-son bonding activity!

  3. Wouldn’t you ask him to fill in the alluded to blanks before deciding even if you choose not to believe the “hype”?
    Fashion statement. Of glowing jewellery anyone?

  4. Just had a thought before seeing this page. If that “Argonite” affects 84 and other F.I.S.S. as well as Atlas and Argon wasn’t destroyed, then it was most likely manufactured in order to neutralize F.I.S.S. types by messing up common body chemistry.
    Given today’s page, the discussion in today’s page and previous comments by Leor613, I’d say that this is the most likely scenario. Created, most likely by Revenant. He seems to be the type, despite his friendly demeanour, to have severe trust issues towards those born with power. Just a guess that last one without substantial evidence.

    1. They’ve had Argonite long before Revenant made the scene.

    2. The Revanant did not create Argonite. He keeps it for the same reason Batman used to keep Lex Luthor’s Kryptonite ring in a lead-lined safe in the Bat-Cave: in case Atlas goes rogue. Atlas knows that The Revenant has it, and it wouldn’t surprise me if Atlas gave it to The Revenant for both safekeeping and to use against Atlas in an emergency. (For example, if Atlas is mind controlled.)

      You’re on the right track Artificer-Urza, just a little off course…

      1. So how do you know this stuff? Forgive my ignorance, but I am somewhat new in reading this comic and only recently started reading comments, so if you’ve mentioned what your connection to the comic is, I’m afraid I missed it.

        1. I own all nine PS238 trade paperbacks. Some of them signed by the creator. 🙂

    3. Regarding trust issues, The Revenant is actually a little more willing to trust people than Batman is. As seen in the attempted coup against President Cranston, The Revenant decided to size the president up before acting. As a super-prepared type of hero with ungodly access to resources, he’d already made a substantial campaign contribution to Cranston as “Kent Allard” in order to gain access to the West Wing. But unlike Batman, The Revenant tries to ask questions first, then throw punches. I’m willing to bet that if he hadn’t gotten the answers Cranston gave he’d have punched Cranston in the face and left him hanging by his ankles from a streetlight in front of FBI headquarters.

      By the same token, Atlas trusts The Revenant, literally with his life. While there’s no evidence that Atlas gave the Argonite to The Revenant for safekeeping, it definitely mirrors the relationship Batman and Superman had until the late ’90’s.

  5. I’m confused, was Forak also affected by the argonite? I thought he didn’t have FISS powers.

    1. Forak is a F.I.S.S., but as he mentioned his bloodline is very weak. He’s definitely weaker than 84 or Argonaut, let alone Atlas or Dax. I can’t really explain it better without going too deeply into spoilers, but Forak does have superpowers.

      1. Okay, that’s good enough to go one with! Thank you, leor.

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